16-10-2014, 16:49
Girls I know that recently we have learned that Fenugreek is better used as a regulator and metaboliser of hormones as apposed to a phytoestrogen. I've read tons of posts by active users about it. I'm beginning to compile research for a video series I'm doing on NBE for my blog followers but I can only find through google and our search function older articles about what a strong phytoestrogen it is by users who are no longer active and websites that haven't been updated in years.
Can some of you girls point me to articles that support this research as opposed to the "strong phytoestrogen" research. As we all know now, it's not that strong and it's better used in conjunction with other herbs as opposed to on it's own. Help a sister out here?
Can some of you girls point me to articles that support this research as opposed to the "strong phytoestrogen" research. As we all know now, it's not that strong and it's better used in conjunction with other herbs as opposed to on it's own. Help a sister out here?