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white spots on nipples n around them


i dont know where to put my question so im putting it here =/
well i wonder how many girls have this.
its hard to explain as my english is poor Tongue
my problem is like.. white...thingy, from both my nipples. i remember always having it. its not liquid. its like tiny zips lol i can squeeze a bit n they come out. then nipples are clear for like 2 days n they come again.
i went to doctor cuz i read its bad when something is comming from nipples. But he actually didnt see anything n he said its probably chormones n i should get pregnant to make them balanced lol (and im not pregnant).
so yea, i wonder if something is wrong with me.

Are you talking about Montgomery glands? You shouldn't squeeze those. Are the bumps skin colored or are the bumps themselves white?

Montgomery glands? whats that =/ i googled but got bunch of bad photos like animals ill =/
hm theyre white, in the nipple, n few around it

Like this, I think?

hm not quite.. i mean white tiny d[/align]ots inside the nipples =/

Oh, I don't know about that, then. Sad Sorry.

dont know if u can see =/ inside nipple, i can squeeze them out n comes white =/

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I see the bumps on the nipple if that is what you are referring to. I have no idea though. They go away after squeezing? What happens if you just let them alone?

its like white acne on face? they annoy me cuz if i dont do it for like 3 days i see more white n when i squeeze even more comes out.

(16-01-2015, 20:42)anima88 Wrote:  its like white acne on face? they annoy me cuz if i dont do it for like 3 days i see more white n when i squeeze even more comes out.

Looks exactly like acne to me , treat it same as acne

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