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Hey, guys! So, I'm 21 and I've actually been obsessed with NBE off and on for years now. I bought a Noogleberry back in 2011-2012? I've been totally inconsistent with that along with some herbs I've been taking.

I'm trying to seriously get into a new NBE program - one that I'll be sticking to.
I've done a lot of research and read a lot of people's routines and how it's similar to the famous Chiyomilk's. Below, I'll post the main effective ingredients I've read that most people use for breast growth.

Some info about myself:

Age: 21, No kids
Below: 29.5
Bust: 33.5
Above: 31
---> Cup Size: 34B
Fitness: Active
Estrogen Dominant
Taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen Birth Contraceptives

I will post both before and after pics after first month of my NBE! (:

Chiyomilk's Program
Ladies Pueraria 99% (Follicular)
B-Up Drops (Luteal)
Whitex: Pig Placenta + Hyaluronic Acid (Everyday)
Collagen (Everyday)
Massage (Everyday)

My Alternative Program
Ainterol's Pueraria Mirifica (Capsule & Cream) Bought
Maruman's Pig Placenta Bought
Hyaluronic Acid (No idea which brand is good. Suggestions?)
Massage with Noogleberry + Source Natural's Progesterone Cream (Pump and Release) Bought
Neocell's Super Type 1&3 Collagen -- Either 7 oz. powder or 250 capsules (Some users say powder works better. Suggestions?)

** Note that with suggestions, I'd like your input on which product brand to buy, where you buy it from, how to use, etc.

During follicular phase (from the first of period and continue for 15 days), take PM.
During luteal phase, take a less powerful phytoestrogen herb to avoid messing up menstrual cycle and prolonging effect of female hormone.

Collagen isn't REALLY necessary, but its extra perks can't go wrong.

Follicular Phase: PM Capsules, Pig Placenta + Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Daily Vitamin C and Calcium

Luteal Phase: Pig Placenta + Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Daily Vitamin C and Calcium, and Noogling/Massaging with Progesterone Cream

** I also have PM Cream, but I don't know where I should incorporate that. Should I noogle with it in Follicular Phase along with my PM pills or use a small amount during luteal alongside my Progesterone cream?

I am SO totally open to suggestions. I'm jealous of you all, lol. I hypnotize myself with your pics, but I wanna have that same effect with my own boobs, too. ):

Good luck on your program! Trust me when I say that consistency is the absolute most important thing. I've gone up, down, up, down because I'd hit a few busy weeks and stopped doing things for NBE. Grrrr. I'm determined to stay consistent and tired of my gains going away. If you can just make yourself stick with it for a month, it'll be a lot easier for you since you'll be used to it all.

I can't really comment on your program much, but I am glad to see you added in cycled progesterone cream since you're estrogen dominant. Did a doctor tell you that or did you self diagnose? I'm not sure PM is okay to take if you're estrogen dominant, AND since you're on birth control pills. BUT I really don't know. Hopefully someone who knows much more about PM than I do will chime in & help.

Don't skip on the massages Smile Twice a day if you can. Stay motivated and positive. And with anyone else, if something or some things don't work for you, you can always drop them and try something else. But give it some time to start working before you do Smile

Good luck on your program girl! We are all here to motivate you and cheer you on! :-)

Hello! So, beginning Feb, my BC ran out, and I forgot to reapply for the Women's Health Program, so I'm not on BC for awhile. Since my period on 1/21, I started taking PM 2x a day, one in morning and one at night. I also took Collagen, Vit C, and Calcium as well. My pig placenta JUST came in from Tokyo, so today is my first day using it with PC massaging and Noogleberry. Massaging the PC on my boobs are weird, because the cream dries out after stroking for awhile and flakes... Is that normal? lol. I've just been massaging it onto my breasts once in the morning and one before bed. My boyfriend commented that they feel fuller, but I'm not going to get any hopes up just yet! Big Grin

Charlie_girl, I self-diagnosed about being estrogen-dominant, but I think it'd be best to get a professional input.... Maybe I'll get tested next time I get a check-up!

For massages, I am ONLY doing the deer one. I've read about tons and tons, but I want to choose only about 2-3. I can't keep up with it all. Makes me feel like I'm just grabbing my boobs and moving it around. lol. If there are any other good ones you would recommend, I am ALL ears!

Pics will come after one whole cycle. So excited!

Thank you for your words of encouragement, bustybride and Charlie_girl!

You need to change up the areas that you put the PC on, or it will just accumulate in fatty tissue and won't do you much good. And don't use it as a massage cream. Put it on the insides of your wrists, behind your knees, insides of your elbows, on the front part of your hips, ect. Anywhere there is thin skin with not much fat. And alternate the places every time or every other time. Rub it in until it's absorbed.

Best thing I've used for massages is flaxseed oil. It's not only a great massage oil, but it's high in fatty acids which will help plump a bit, and it's a phytoestrogen Smile Lots of people have had good results with it and like using that for massage. Plus it stays slick. I started with the cheap $6 bottle from Walmart. Now I use the organic flaxseed oil from Sprouts. It was $8, and had about 2 and a half to 3 times the amount of oil in it that the Walmart one (which means you save $$), plus it's organic which makes me happy Smile

Try buying "Cold pressed flaxseed oil", As this is the very best method of extracting the oil from the seed. Other methods used for oil extraction from the seeds is, Solvents and heat these reduce the goodness of all oils not just flaxseed.

I tried that massage, the one where you basically lightly grab your boobs and move the boobs around in a circular fashion. I wasn't a big fan because it seemed like t wasn't doing much. My favorite go-to massage is similar, but instead of just moving your boobs around, you just slide your fingers around your boobs. I go in a spiral, so basically I start at the top, going inward towards the cleavage, down, then back up the insides towards the armpits, in a circle. I go all the way around the outsides, then start moving in, in a spiral. Closer and closer to the nipple, then I start working back outward, but always circling in the same direction!! Just starting with big circles around the boob to smaller circles, then back outward. Kind of hard to explain in writing. Firm-ish pressure, but not too hard. Here's a link:

I do about 100 circles or so, then I put my fingers on my left armpit with my right hand and kind of "fat transfer massage" into my top & side breast a few times. Then switch sides. I just feel like it's helping drain the lymph nodes in my armpits and also massaging the breast tissue up near the armpits.

Then I do about 150-200 more circles. At the end, I bend over and kind of tickle/light touch my breats stroking from the outside inward towards the nipple. After the night massage and pumping, I put a heating pad on my chest for a while.

It sounds far more complicated than it is, it's actually simple, but describing the massages takes longer than actually doing it. I really don't count, I do it by time. I massage for about 10-15 minutes twice a day. Basically I'm just doing the circles while throwing in a few variations along the way, not only to hopefully help with growth, but also so I don't get bored with the massage. Lol. I'm pretty ADD.

It's not an exact science. You can just do one. Or do one for a while and throw in another type of massage whenever you feel like it. If you don't feel like one is working for you, just try another Smile Just breathe, don't overwhelm yourself. Although I'm sure most of us overwhelmed ourselves with all this new info when starting NBE, including myself. Just don't let it stress you. Relax, it's just a massage Smile

(05-02-2015, 20:25)Man2breasts Wrote:  Try buying "Cold pressed flaxseed oil", As this is the very best method of extracting the oil from the seed. Other methods used for oil extraction from the seeds is, Solvents and heat these reduce the goodness of all oils not just flaxseed.

YES!!! Thank you, Man2breasts!! Cold pressed all the way!!

Hey! Thanks for the replies! Back when I just had Noogleberry, I used Flax Oil as a massage cream before using NB! I'll try sticking to it along with the new regime! Thank you! Also, I've read many articles and posts about specific movements for massages to work. For example, the deer massage says I have to massage from under breast toward cleavage going upwards, then up and around towards armpits. If I do the opposite way, it'll help decrease the breasts. Has this been proven?

Also, I started PM the first day of my period 1/21, and my period stopped at 1/24. I waited until 2 weeks, on 2/04, to start my PC for Luteal phase. It's only been about a week. Yesterday, I started my period! So, I stopped using PC and went back on PM today. Weird. I read around and was told it was common to happen and that it'll readjust itself. So, starting tomorrow, I'm using a BTT to record my temperature and figure out my true cycle.

Here's to hoping!

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