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I think I am a misandrist male, is it a bad thing?


Hi Calmly,
This is a really interesting thread.
I don't know what to say, but I gotta tell you that I wish I could just give you a big, ten-second hug. Maybe, twenty seconds.
I may be stepping in something crazy here, but I just gotta say, about your sisters, from my experience, anybody can have an alternate sexuality. Some of the stories are astounding! In fact, having been in some really unsatisfying/confoundingly confusing relationships myself (and watching them happen all around me (in real life, in books, on television) in my life (thus far, please, let it end! Let everyone be awesome suddenly, pretty please!), and then discovering happy women (later in my life in same-sex relationships), I too got to thinking that maybe I had some things to consider. If I had tried the gray area or the other side, it would have been a progression. It was like, "Well, I already think women are beautiful and I like them a lot..." In fact, I happen to know at least one "pansexual." I didn't even know what that was until my guy friend "came out" to me. I actually thought he was just gay, bi, or just a very feminine hetero like other guys I know. For some people, it is really is not about, "Hey, you, whatcha got below the belt?" It is about relationship: good relationship-happiness, stability, personality no matter what the birth certificate says. Sometimes, people just click, there is just chemistry or clarity. I think it happens more often than we think, that two people may find something magical between themselves and then they have to check themselves because they are a girl and another girl cannot be "prince charming" or whatever. I wonder what the world would be like if we were connected to a partner by some standard process, based on "personality." I think some people would be pretty astounded to find themselves with someone that not only looks like them on paper, but also looks like them naked. Hahaha. Anyway, I believe "sexual preference," like "autism" can be described as a "spectrum (no pun intended)."
So, I wish everyone could get along, be compassionate, caring, considerate, sympathetic, and empathetic and just absolute sweethearts to everyone else! I wish for world peace and everyone to fart rainbows. Anyway, it seems to me, that your wife might be a very lucky lady. Hugz, dearheart! Big Grin

Thankyou char, there are not enough hugs in this world. Smile

I really like your sentiments and I wish likewise although farting rainbows is something I might with-hold judgement on.

I can just imagine walking out of the rest room, a many hued light spilling from the doorway behind me as I exit. Everyone would look with various expressions from ewwww to "we know what you did". Big Grin

People of both genders play games. Some women can be really nasty. Nasty men are just more overt about it.

Still, I feel the world has more nasty men than women and the nasty men do more damage.

It is also not the ones that are overtly nasty either. It is the ones whose beliefs defy common sense (when closely examined), are totally confident in them, and who have the charisma to convince others that they are right.

You see them in especially in business, politics, and religion, and they are mostly male.

Some of them don't even truly believe. They just have a platform on which to build a power base. Just look at some of the ethnic purges of the last century in countries in Africa and eastern Europe.

Ooops, ranting again. Sorry ...

What you should concern yourself with is exactly WHY men have been responsible for the vast majority of murders, beatings, rapes, genocides, and incidences of pedophilia in the world, throughout recorded history.

Bottom line, men are responsible for most of the egregious violence in the world because every culture in the world expects their men to be aggressive and capable of extreme violence, just as it expects them to make themselves subject to aggression and extreme violence.

Those expectations come from women every bit as much as they come from men. Even more so in many ways. Men are hard wired to reproduce, and women are hard wired to ignore men who can’t protect and provide for them. That’s the nuts and bolts, but there is more to the equation. And course no two people are the same.

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