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Kindly help me know which dress suits me better.


Sorry for posting a similar topic here again. But am just so worried about my post bridal look. So kindly help. I am about to get married this year and would wanna know which of these dresses suits me better because i need to select dresses that i am to wear as a new bride. So kindly help with this. So does the saree suit me more or the anarkali dress?? Thank you

Do you have photos to share? They arent showing up for me, if you did.

Hmmm. I did earlier but after keeping them forvtwo days i took them off. Thanks for sparing time to reply sweety

Yeah not al look every day here.


much congratulations noni.

As I don't know how you look like I will just give some thoughts;
I have a preference for the saree and I will tell you straight : this is
probably because I watch too much Bollywood movies lol.

but my opinion doesn't matter because your tastes always go first, check
upon several dresses you personnally like and choose the one you feel the most comfortable in.
I understand how stressed out you might feel but leave your tensions behind
you sweetie. Enjoy getting ready for one of the most beautiful day of your
life.. have fun as much as you can and preparation will feel less stressful.

May the love and peace of God be with you,
I wish you a lot of strengh and happiness

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