06-03-2016, 13:26
Different herbs for different parts of cycle?
January 8 2007 at 10:54 PM Corrie (Login Corrie73)
Since we've had so much discussion about hormones and imbalances, I am starting to wonder if it might be beneficial to take estrogen promoting herbs during the follicular part of the cycle (day 1 to ovulation) and progesterone promoting herbs during the luteal cycle (ovulation to menstruation). Does anyone think that's a good idea? I wonder if this would work, or if it would be detrimental to certain herbs like vitex that are supposed to be taken long term for best results?
(Login Surf.)
Re: Different herbs for different parts of cycle?
January 9 2007, 12:09 AM
I've been thinking about the same thing for a while now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Customizing the herbs you take according to where you are in your cycle. I'm not sure if it would be beneficial or detrimental. Would it help with NBE to have a consistent level of estrogen or should it naturally increase and decline with our cycles? And progestrone, and ... ?????
(Login Corrie73)
January 9 2007, 2:01 AM
The reason I have started wondering about this is because about a week ago I decided to take a short break from all of the phytoestrogenic herbs. I continued taking some of the other herbs though, like vitex (for PMS), damiana (for libido) and wild yam and saw palmetto (just because). I figured that with vitex and wild yam, they are not actually estrogenic or progesteronic(?), but that they encourage your body to make the hormones it needs. Therefore, continuing them would be good for PMS, hormone balancing, etc. And maybe NBE too! With saw palmetto, I understand that it is not a phytoestrogen either, and that it works best with long-term use, so I didn't want to take a break from it yet. I simply stopped the high doses of fenugreek and fennell that I was taking. AND, I feel like I am growing just as well, if not better now than I was before! Especially since I was stalling. I plan to add fenugreek back into my program in low doses, and ramp up I guess, on day 1 of my cycle, which should be in about 1 more week or so. But this really has me wondering if we should be taking high doses of phytoestrogens during the first part of the cycle when the body is high in estrogen anyways, and high doses of the progesterone-type herbs during the last half of the cycle when progesterone dominates in the body. Maybe one of us should try it as a guinea pig!
(Login sunnyMark)
Re: Different herbs for different parts of cycle?
January 9 2007, 10:57 AM
this sounds interesting, i've been taking wonderup which contains fennel and fenugreek among other things and my boobs grow mainly during the last two weeks of my cycle. now i'm so confused that i don't know if this supports your theory or goes against it?
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Different herbs for different parts of cycle?
January 9 2007, 1:55 PM
I've seen routines that change throughout the cycle, if I remeber corectly they were devised so that the doses increased towards the end, I dunno why. But I'm curious why did you put estrogenic herbs in the first part of the cycle and progesteronic in the second (as progesterone is high in the second and estrogen in first and second)? I thought wild yam was progesteronic, but I'm not sure.
January 8 2007 at 10:54 PM Corrie (Login Corrie73)
Since we've had so much discussion about hormones and imbalances, I am starting to wonder if it might be beneficial to take estrogen promoting herbs during the follicular part of the cycle (day 1 to ovulation) and progesterone promoting herbs during the luteal cycle (ovulation to menstruation). Does anyone think that's a good idea? I wonder if this would work, or if it would be detrimental to certain herbs like vitex that are supposed to be taken long term for best results?
(Login Surf.)
Re: Different herbs for different parts of cycle?
January 9 2007, 12:09 AM
I've been thinking about the same thing for a while now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Customizing the herbs you take according to where you are in your cycle. I'm not sure if it would be beneficial or detrimental. Would it help with NBE to have a consistent level of estrogen or should it naturally increase and decline with our cycles? And progestrone, and ... ?????
(Login Corrie73)
January 9 2007, 2:01 AM
The reason I have started wondering about this is because about a week ago I decided to take a short break from all of the phytoestrogenic herbs. I continued taking some of the other herbs though, like vitex (for PMS), damiana (for libido) and wild yam and saw palmetto (just because). I figured that with vitex and wild yam, they are not actually estrogenic or progesteronic(?), but that they encourage your body to make the hormones it needs. Therefore, continuing them would be good for PMS, hormone balancing, etc. And maybe NBE too! With saw palmetto, I understand that it is not a phytoestrogen either, and that it works best with long-term use, so I didn't want to take a break from it yet. I simply stopped the high doses of fenugreek and fennell that I was taking. AND, I feel like I am growing just as well, if not better now than I was before! Especially since I was stalling. I plan to add fenugreek back into my program in low doses, and ramp up I guess, on day 1 of my cycle, which should be in about 1 more week or so. But this really has me wondering if we should be taking high doses of phytoestrogens during the first part of the cycle when the body is high in estrogen anyways, and high doses of the progesterone-type herbs during the last half of the cycle when progesterone dominates in the body. Maybe one of us should try it as a guinea pig!
(Login sunnyMark)
Re: Different herbs for different parts of cycle?
January 9 2007, 10:57 AM
this sounds interesting, i've been taking wonderup which contains fennel and fenugreek among other things and my boobs grow mainly during the last two weeks of my cycle. now i'm so confused that i don't know if this supports your theory or goes against it?
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Different herbs for different parts of cycle?
January 9 2007, 1:55 PM
I've seen routines that change throughout the cycle, if I remeber corectly they were devised so that the doses increased towards the end, I dunno why. But I'm curious why did you put estrogenic herbs in the first part of the cycle and progesteronic in the second (as progesterone is high in the second and estrogen in first and second)? I thought wild yam was progesteronic, but I'm not sure.