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My Cat is Hurt...A Forum Member


Hello all. I am another member here but have created a new account to post this because my location and name are included and I would like to keep it separate.

I don't know if this is appropriate or not (I'm sorry if it isn't), but I wanted to share with you about my cat because I am feeling at a loss, and everyone on here has been so very kind and supportive. He was hurt badly and required surgery, and I just received news yesterday that he will need a second surgery. I know that it is crazy to invest so much into a pet but he means a lot to me and my family.

If you have it in your heart to share his story or to pray for him, I would appreciate it so much. This is the page I created for him, including more background information:

Thank you again. I really appreciate those of you who take the time to read this.

My heart goes out to you and kitty. My cat suffered an accident from hiding in the car frame too. She pulled through after intensive treatment and hospitalization, but I was so scared the entire time. In my case it costs thousands, no just hundreds, but I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I let her pass away due to something against her will. I have deep sympathies for you both, but it looks like Vader has a lot of will to live and a lot of love, and that's what matters. Good luck to both of you!

Thank you a lot for sharing. It's comforting to know that someone else also chose to help their cat in this situation and that she was able to fully recover. Smile The cost for my cat is also in the thousands, but I set the fundraiser goal low because any help possible is amazing at this point; even help that isn't monetary.

My cat went to the ER and My cockatiel too. It is so hard to loose a pet to the rainbow bridge. I have a shrine for Sunshine in my yard. My x wife got Diva my black cat in the divorce. That was hard too.

Bump as a cat lover

(30-03-2016, 02:38)iam72hrstv Wrote:  My cat went to the ER and My cockatiel too. It is so hard to loose a pet to the rainbow bridge. I have a shrine for Sunshine in my yard. My x wife got Diva my black cat in the divorce. That was hard too.

That would be so hard to have to give up a pet. Sad I'm sorry. At least, in the case of them being hurt, it provides some comfort to know that you did all you could for them. No matter what happens with my cat I won't regret it, but it's definitely difficult.

People care for ets so well they live longer today. That means more medical care.

i’m so so sorry about your kitty. i think most of us human beings have a special love for animals, birds, etc.

since this is a kitty-centric thread, i wanted to share a little something that i hope will benefit a multitude of
kitties i’ll never know. one of my kitty katz had recurring uti issues …that’s urinary tract infection for the
uninitiated. roughly two uti's/yr. my vet would always give me a round of baytril ..a broad spectrum antibiotic
…2wks worth. i always hated she had to take it. all her good flora gutness would get killed off. i’d give her
lots of probiotics to get her back in action.

one day i was searching across the net, making phone calls, asking questions …what could i do to fix this without
resorting to baytril. i talked to a girl in the health dept at sun harvest ..she said, ‘i know exactly what
you’re dealing with, i had to deal with it, too.’
she said, ‘this is all you have to do and it’ll put an end to the uti’s. put a
little bit of apple cider vinegar, like braggs acv into her drinking water …not to much to turn your kitty off but,
a little bit and it'll change the pH of her urine’, i did and she never had another uti.

i told my vet about it at a checkup, i was so excited to tell him. he just mumbled, mumbled a little more, made a sound
sorta like a dying veterinarian all alone on the side of a steep rocky mountain with a dead cell phone. he totally blew me off.
he probably already knew but he didn’t want me to know that he knew. i guess he didn’t want to lose the baytril sales.

ps. i forgot to mention vet also had her on an expensive prescription diet for her recurring uti problem. he lost the sales from that, too.

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