06-04-2016, 19:33
Could everyone give me links to their favorite pump? If the parts are sold separately could you provide both links please? I just really don't want to spend money and get the wrong thing. When I find what I think is the kangzhu it doednt say the name brand.
I found the noogleberry on the noogle berry website, but is there another site? I'm in the US. This one looks like it might cost a little more than the kangzhu, which i can just find on Amazon right?, but might be less of a hassle? http://www.noogleberry.com/women-s-healt...stems-info
I found the noogleberry on the noogle berry website, but is there another site? I'm in the US. This one looks like it might cost a little more than the kangzhu, which i can just find on Amazon right?, but might be less of a hassle? http://www.noogleberry.com/women-s-healt...stems-info