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boobs growing on their own in twenties


Hi everyone,
I am so excited to be part of this forum after stalking for so long lol.
I stumbled on this site accidentally when looking on the internet for nbe, back when I was AA cup about 6 months ago.

A little more about me (or my boobs lol) When I started puberty when I'm 10, I noticed I develop differently to my friends. I never really had breast buds, my nipples got raised but I was confused as to why people say they are hard knots. Because mine were soft and raised. Also while the rest of my friends developed boobs first, I grew out my underarm and hair down there but my boobs never really came. I never had enough for a jiggle, or to have any underboob crease. sad fact, my man has bigger moobs than me.SadHuhAngry I was stuck at Tanner 2 and even getting to tanner 2 only in a year?

Now I'm 23 years old. 6 months ago, I noticed they started growing on their own...I don't know that they were, just feeling alot of tightness right before my armpits, and sometimes feeling like all achy in my armpits as though I did alot of weights the day before. Also tingles. I initially dismissed it as my normal pains before my period, but then I noticed my boobs growing.

I will post a pic of my boobs but I do not have a before pic. Also I am thinking they are not growing recently. I had alot of tingles, but no growth. Since 6 months ago, when they grow on their own, I have stopped feeling fullness or any diffused,tender breasts before my period. I only feel tightness,and tingles throughout my cycle and they feel JELLY-ish. I am completely confused.Huh

Also, I have been reading alot, so I have come to the conclusion for my slow growth during this 6 months. I think I am progesterone deficient.

I have heavy clotting(sign of estrogen dominance, short period of only 3 days(not sure if this is a factor), no luteal swelling, right before my period I only feel jelly like boobs. In fact throughout my period.

I am wondering since my boobs are growing on their own(totally weird, they started growing when I was ready to seriously attempt nbe) , whether it's a good idea to tamper with it using vitex or progesterone during my luteal.

To be honest, I am wondering if I should treat this as I'm going through ''puberty'' and not tamper with anything.

Currently, I am only massaging once in a while, taking collagen, msm, vitamin c. All these after they started growing on their own. I really think I should add pc cream. I think thats why I have only grew like half a inch. Also in last month only tingles and no growth to report. I am highly stressed and I think it's only depleting my progesterone store.

Also I have bad circulation with cold hands so I am looking into adding cayenne pills or taking coconut oil internally.

HOneslty id go with it! Id be very reluctant to tamper if youre having a hormonal shift right now! If you had the money id enquire about getting a proper hormone test if you think theres imbalances.. But yeh dont ever just add something based on symptons because symptons mimick each other. Id be reading up on natural ways to promote growth while your in this spurt.. Massage more, encourage circulation more - ginger!!! Massage, look at the breast enlarging foods you could incorporate! Geez if i were in your shoes and actually knew i was starting to grow i would have done soo many things to help the process along, but i wouldnt pop any herbs. Ive had heavy clotting periods my whole life! Im not convinced thats enough to say your estrogen dominant and need to treat it. You can get Progesterone dominant too esp with the creams and that will create a host of problems all on its own. I learnt the hard way, you dont mess with hormones without guidance!

Hi Ella,

So happy you replied! I have read your posts a lot and you are inspiring!
Yea I am certainly thinking of a test, I have read about it.sorry I didn't mention but I was looking into a saliva test.

I have been high strung and anxious so I am leaving the test till I get my stress down and eat healthier and see if my growth comes back.

Yes I agree with you that's why,

I incorporate all this after I felt growth:

Cayenne pills- not yet,gonna buy for better circulation
Protein shake. -before bed only
Msm and vit c- once in a while,
Collagen. Once in a while, on empty stomach
Kelp. I'm not sure it helped, still have cols fingers so I suspect its circulation that's why looking into cayenne pills

Massage. Chiyomilk or outwards. I have always been massaging outwards till I saw people are doing inwards.

Sleep placenta, I took it for skin 200 mg, but I found out it makes my boobs stabbing pain like they are growing harder with it. Out of fright I stopped lol. Then I read they can contain estrogen, which is not what I want anyway. The only side effect I want is increasing progesterone from it.

Only just very curious to try increasing progesterone for only 1 cycle, even try doing it a week early like Tibetan...because of my jelly boobs throughout cycle, which I am confuses why they are not getting hard and tender before my period anymore...but yea, I will first look into stress management to help my progesterone levels and also tests.

Also, lastly I have been spotting at the end of my period. Like it ends, with no more blood. Then one day after, I will get a few stains of cranberry red blood. I don't know if it's a imbalance in hormones. Been reading a lot with no answers. Anyone has the same and think they lack progesterone too?

If it helps anyone, I have to admit 6 months ago, I started eating food from the farmers market and organic for my veg. I lowered my stress though it came back now.

Most major thing I did, I cut out all sugar and start low carb.

And most importantly, I started exercising.

I'm sure it helped my growth hormones. Intervals.

Sounds like your doing everything right Smile
And yeh I trialed PC cream too like you are thinking. Had a negative reaction each time after about 3 days, dunno why. Too sensitive I guess.
Hope you do well though xx

Thanks for your input! I am a lucky girl I guess. I always hear of people having a late growth spurt. I never thought I will.

Yeah, some of us can be sensitive and its easier to try reducing stress first because I read that it affects your progesterone negatively. Also a tip I learned is to try measuring your temp, soif its not constantly higher than follicular, there can be deficiency of p. Of course you are a better expert than me, I'm just a novice so dare not advise now...

I might trial it, I am not sure. Also puzzling is the strong effect sheelp placenta has on me. The stabbing I got from it makes me cringe. I have stopped it.

What an interesting turn of events. I think it is great that you added healthy lifestyles changes and got the bonus of bigger boobs! Smile

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