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Back Again This is why-


Hello to everyone in the BN world. I was active here into last year and had some good results from herbs. Because of personal growth and a desire for safety I decided to go the medical route.
When I had some bloodwork done, there was some inconsistencies. So off to some specialists. To cut it short I was diagnosed in September with prostate cancer. This is rare in my age group as I am the lessor side of 50

In January this year I had a radical prostatectomy. I am still coming to terms with the side effects of the surgery, but these should improve with time. I recently had my first post surgery PSA test which came back negative-no detectable prostate specific antigens. (very good news). Because it was stage 3 I have been given a 1 in 4 chance of recurrence over 5 years; so still cautious.

So anyhow as you may have guessed this put everything transitional on hold and gave me other pressing things to drain my attention elsewhere. I couldn't really face the forums and life accelerated to brake-neck speed. I moved right before the op and have been 4 months with no internet. My relationship with my partner is close to over due to her not accepting my trans status (according to her). But going through the op brought her to a breakdown.

So since the surgery I have got the paperwork from my psychologist and in 2 weeks have an appointment with the Endocrinologist.

Not sure how much of a contributor I will be as my head is in purple haze mode, this makes posting problematic. But I enjoy the forum and even though not here a long time I read heaps and learnt so much; It felt like I got to know many people here. So I didn't like to disappear without explanation. This is a great forum and I never judgement here like on the trans forums.

What really struck me when I came back is- Why did i pick such a silly user name?

So yeah, me in a nutshell Huh


Welcome back Jamie.
That was sure a yin/yan post. Bad news with bad news and topped with good news, sliced with cautious news.
So glad your on the mend and life looks like it might be heading in the direction you want to go.
You are right for sure that this is a much friendlier site than the tranny ones. Wonder why that is??

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