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Unread post 05 Mar 2006, 04:49 #1
Hi, I am 29 years old, 34A, 5'4" and 105 lbs. I have a very small frame and have always been thin (except with pregnancy of course). I am hoping to gain anything at this point. A B cup would be fabulous of course!!

I began using WonderUp and the WonderUp cream Feb 20th 2006
I massage for as long as I can morning and night
I use a heat pad for about 15 minutes each night
I take a Multivitamin every night w/ my last WU pills
I drink a couple of Ensures every day as I am trying to gain some weight also and eat a lot of cottage cheese for protein too.

I have been feeling a tingliness at times and feel fuller underneath, although I don't think I look different at all in the mirror. My husband says I am getting bigger because he knows how much boob fits in his hand lol. I also get aches a few times a day, sure hope it is working!!
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Unread post 09 Apr 2006, 09:23 #2
I have noticed for a while that I am much firmer and that they felt different, but tonight I measured growth!! When I measured a couple of weeks ago I was 31 1/8 inches around my bust and tonight I am 31 1/2 inches! Woohoo!! The reason why I measured was because they FELT bigger tonight then usual when I massaged, and also way more firm than usual. On a lot of days I get discouraged like it isn't really working and now I know that it is!
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Unread post 09 Apr 2006, 09:25 #3
Quote:Hi, I am 29 years old, 34A, 5'4" and 105 lbs. I have a very small frame and have always been thin (except with pregnancy of course). I am hoping to gain anything at this point. A B cup would be fabulous of course!!

I began using WonderUp and the WonderUp cream Feb 20th 2006
I massage for as long as I can morning and night
I use a heat pad for about 15 minutes each night
I take a Multivitamin every night w/ my last WU pills
I drink a couple of Ensures every day as I am trying to gain some weight also and eat a lot of cottage cheese for protein too.

I have been feeling a tingliness at times and feel fuller underneath, although I don't think I look different at all in the mirror. My husband says I am getting bigger because he knows how much boob fits in his hand lol. I also get aches a few times a day, sure hope it is working!!
I also want to say that I added Flaxseed oil 2 weeks ago, and also began using cocoa butter w/ vitamin E bust firming massage cream after I massage with my WonderUp cream about the same time.
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Unread post 27 Apr 2006, 19:40 #4
Quote:Hi, I am 29 years old, 34A, 5'4" and 105 lbs. I have a very small frame and have always been thin (except with pregnancy of course). I am hoping to gain anything at this point. A B cup would be fabulous of course!!

I began using WonderUp and the WonderUp cream Feb 20th 2006
I massage for as long as I can morning and night
I use a heat pad for about 15 minutes each night
I take a Multivitamin every night w/ my last WU pills
I drink a couple of Ensures every day as I am trying to gain some weight also and eat a lot of cottage cheese for protein too.

I have been feeling a tingliness at times and feel fuller underneath, although I don't think I look different at all in the mirror. My husband says I am getting bigger because he knows how much boob fits in his hand lol. I also get aches a few times a day, sure hope it is working!!
Well at the end of my second cycle, as alot of you probably know already, I swelled up huge then deflated again. I am a little bigger than before though, so it's ok, it is still working I guess. I guess above all we need patience. I am now beginning my 3rd cycle of WonderUp and feeling pains/tingles again. These seem to be the strongest for me beginning the week after my period. Hoping for plenty of growth this month! Wink Will keep you all posted.
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Unread post 27 Apr 2006, 19:42 #5
Quote:Hi, I am 29 years old, 34A, 5'4" and 105 lbs. I have a very small frame and have always been thin (except with pregnancy of course). I am hoping to gain anything at this point. A B cup would be fabulous of course!!

I began using WonderUp and the WonderUp cream Feb 20th 2006
I massage for as long as I can morning and night
I use a heat pad for about 15 minutes each night
I take a Multivitamin every night w/ my last WU pills
I drink a couple of Ensures every day as I am trying to gain some weight also and eat a lot of cottage cheese for protein too.

I have been feeling a tingliness at times and feel fuller underneath, although I don't think I look different at all in the mirror. My husband says I am getting bigger because he knows how much boob fits in his hand lol. I also get aches a few times a day, sure hope it is working!!
Also want to add that I have been increasing my massages morning and night, still taking Flaxseed oil 2 times daily, and also using my heatpad morning and night. Amber did it and I figure what the heck, it can't hurt, right?
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Unread post 04 May 2006, 00:13 #6
Quote:Hi, I am 29 years old, 34A, 5'4" and 105 lbs. I have a very small frame and have always been thin (except with pregnancy of course). I am hoping to gain anything at this point. A B cup would be fabulous of course!!

I began using WonderUp and the WonderUp cream Feb 20th 2006
I massage for as long as I can morning and night
I use a heat pad for about 15 minutes each night
I take a Multivitamin every night w/ my last WU pills
I drink a couple of Ensures every day as I am trying to gain some weight also and eat a lot of cottage cheese for protein too.

I have been feeling a tingliness at times and feel fuller underneath, although I don't think I look different at all in the mirror. My husband says I am getting bigger because he knows how much boob fits in his hand lol. I also get aches a few times a day, sure hope it is working!!
I have stopped using my tub of Palmer's Cocoa Butter due to the mineral oil, was giving me bumps on my chest (you can see these in the pics I posted) and apparently is bad for you. For the past few nights I have been mixing together a bit of WonderUp, a bit of Palmers cocoa butter bust firming massage cream, and one capful of flaxseed oil. It absorbs really well, way better than trying to massage nothing but flaxseed oil in which I tried the day before I started this. Will see how this helps. I only use WU cream in the morning, (not much time to concoct, lol) and this at night. Hoping for growth again this month!!
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Unread post 13 May 2006, 23:15 #7
Wow! I have been having really intense sharp shooting pains only in my left breast for 2 days now.I am also really, really sore in both. Don't think I have EVER been this sore before. It is very uncomfortable to massage. I am also "balloning up" pretty good. Not sure if this is the beginning of my luteal swelling but it may be, I don't start my period till about the 23rd. This morning when I put my bra on, it was completely filled out, even a little spilling over the middle. Hope I have a good pic to post when it is that time again. Will update on if this lasts or not. Fingers crossed!!

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