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How are the Noogling girls going?


Any growth updates?

This isn’t instilling much Faith.. I’ve been on the noogle forum and not seen any Updates! Is it his a wasted effort?

not wasted. even for me with just 2-3 noogle sessions on a weekend is good. i'm very careful not to over-pump and i do 45minute sessions with 2 to 4 30second releases during those 45minutes ...along with some regular brief daily massage this alone has done wonders for the overall shape of my breasts ..this i really love and was so worth the effort. 

my breasts had always looked like adolescent breasts but now they have a noticeable lower pole, a rounded, increased width. the thing is, though, the response time is long's like the response time for hair. anyway, at the very least, it's healthy for breasts ..good nutrition, of course, dietary iodine  ...all those good dietary things that don't need repeating. honestly, i think girls can get discouraged because they don't see things happening right away just have to have faith that something good is happening ..just don't overpump  ...but then, ella, i know you know that. when i started i wish i understood that i needed to cultivate patience, i've gained maybe, 1.5cup size over the last 5yrs. also, i've finally gotten used to my fluctuating breast volume  ..and, my body weight and fat to muscle ratio over this entire period has remained stable  ..that is, i haven't compromised the rest of my body weight to gain breast size. cheers aussie girl Smile

(21-02-2019, 15:59)solome Wrote:  not wasted. even for me with just 2-3 noogle sessions on a weekend is good. i'm very careful not to over-pump and i do 45minute sessions with 2 to 4 30second releases during those 45minutes ...along with some regular brief daily massage this alone has done wonders for the overall shape of my breasts ..this i really love and was so worth the effort. 

my breasts had always looked like adolescent breasts but now they have a noticeable lower pole, a rounded, increased width. the thing is, though, the response time is long's like the response time for hair. anyway, at the very least, it's healthy for breasts ..good nutrition, of course, dietary iodine  ...all those good dietary things that don't need repeating. honestly, i think girls can get discouraged because they don't see things happening right away just have to have faith that something good is happening ..just don't overpump  ...but then, ella, i know you know that. when i started i wish i understood that i needed to cultivate patience, i've gained maybe, 1.5cup size over the last 5yrs. also, i've finally gotten used to my fluctuating breast volume  ..and, my body weight and fat to muscle ratio over this entire period has remained stable  ..that is, i haven't compromised the rest of my body weight to gain breast size. cheers aussie girl Smile

I have similar experience as you do. However the question is how much volume it can eventually add.  For me it gives me a better base fore sure, but not much volume. I cannot use it often, because of my enlarged nipple problems. They got wider, longer and more hurtful. Maybe I should stick with more basic methods like massage, nutrition and exercises, as I gained more from those than pumping.  I think if I can manage to gain 1 inch more with basic methods, then pumping will start to make a bigger difference. We have a word in Chinese, meaning to pull up the Seedlings to help them grow. But it will only kill the plants lol.

(21-02-2019, 15:59)solome Wrote:  not wasted. even for me with just 2-3 noogle sessions on a weekend is good. i'm very careful not to over-pump and i do 45minute sessions with 2 to 4 30second releases during those 45minutes ...along with some regular brief daily massage this alone has done wonders for the overall shape of my breasts ..this i really love and was so worth the effort. 

my breasts had always looked like adolescent breasts but now they have a noticeable lower pole, a rounded, increased width. the thing is, though, the response time is long's like the response time for hair. anyway, at the very least, it's healthy for breasts ..good nutrition, of course, dietary iodine  ...all those good dietary things that don't need repeating. honestly, i think girls can get discouraged because they don't see things happening right away just have to have faith that something good is happening ..just don't overpump  ...but then, ella, i know you know that. when i started i wish i understood that i needed to cultivate patience, i've gained maybe, 1.5cup size over the last 5yrs. also, i've finally gotten used to my fluctuating breast volume  ..and, my body weight and fat to muscle ratio over this entire period has remained stable  ..that is, i haven't compromised the rest of my body weight to gain breast size. cheers aussie girl Smile

That's great to hear thank you. I was thinking could a couple random sessions a week would work and always good advice  Smile

i find this nipple thing so intriguing ..why some girls grow large nipples but have small breasts  ...some girls grow large breasts but have small nipples  ...and the nipple is just the terminal feature of a lot of milk ducts. 

i've never had large nipples but strangely, in the last 12-18 months i've noticed that they're larger and often, ever so slightly sore to finger pressure. i've wondered if it was the progesterone cream that i used from time to time since progesterone apparently proliferates mammary tissue. anyway, i wouldn't mind if i gained another full cup size and it reminds me of that period when i went insane with glandulars and swelled so, so much really hard for about 24hrs or so and started leaking ..i was playing around with pituitary, hypothalamus, sheep placenta ..and something else, adrenaline ..and a tiny dabbling with pregnenolone ..what else i can't remember atm ..i just remember it was intense. and insane. some of it is genetics but i'm always wondering about the chemistry and the signaling proteins. fck!! just when you think you know something  ..but it does make me wonder if a modest bit of two or 3 glandulars could give some of the exotic breast elixir of signaling molecules that instructs your breasts to grow know, just a half teaspoon of insanity

(24-02-2019, 00:11)solome Wrote:  i find this nipple thing so intriguing ..why some girls grow large nipples but have small breasts  ...some girls grow large breasts but have small nipples  ...and the nipple is just the terminal feature of a lot of milk ducts. 

i've never had large nipples but strangely, in the last 12-18 months i've noticed that they're larger and often, ever so slightly sore to finger pressure. i've wondered if it was the progesterone cream that i used from time to time since progesterone apparently proliferates mammary tissue. anyway, i wouldn't mind if i gained another full cup size and it reminds me of that period when i went insane with glandulars and swelled so, so much really hard for about 24hrs or so and started leaking ..i was playing around with pituitary, hypothalamus, sheep placenta ..and something else, adrenaline ..and a tiny dabbling with pregnenolone ..what else i can't remember atm ..i just remember it was intense. and insane. some of it is genetics but i'm always wondering about the chemistry and the signaling proteins. fck!! just when you think you know something  ..but it does make me wonder if a modest bit of two or 3 glandulars could give some of the exotic breast elixir of signaling molecules that instructs your breasts to grow know, just a half teaspoon of insanity
Hey so can you tell me more about how you use progesterone cream  ?
I would like to be able to have a bit here and there but does that work?Esp leading up to my periods cause even though they are shorter now man alive can I have some heavy ones!

Never played around with glandulars! But too complicated for me  Smile

i'm not consistent ..some cycles i use just a little mostly in luteal but sometimes during follicular half. some articles say you can use it all month, some say only in last half when progesterone should be naturally high. i don't use much because i think too much will suppress my own production. i use a tiny bit behind knees, wrists, inner arms, breasts and neck. i've read everywhere that like a lot of hormones it has multiple functions, one of which is to accelerate growth of mammary glands which, in turn, will require more breast fat. i'm not using it because i think i'm estrogen dominant ..i just hope to push a bit more breast size. i, also, try to be more aware of stress and cortisol because those are like progesterone's arch enemy. i kinda suspect it may be increasing my nipples a tiny bit ..but then, it could be stimulation from all my little 2minute massages. as far as glandulars, yeah, i did go insane for a period ..i haven't taken them much in the last few years but, i'm thinking about adding a little of this or that ..not sure what ..need to have a serious conversation with my boobage ..maybe, sleep on it  ...ask my higher self for a boob dream ..haven't tried that before.

(25-02-2019, 03:33)"solome Wrote:  i'm not consistent ..some cycles i use just a little mostly in luteal but sometimes during follicular half. some articles say you can use it all month, some say only in last half when progesterone should be naturally high. i don't use much because i think too much will suppress my own production. i use a tiny bit behind knees, wrists, inner arms, breasts and neck. i've read everywhere that like a lot of hormones it has multiple functions, one of which is to accelerate growth of mammary glands which, in turn, will require more breast fat. i'm not using it because i think i'm estrogen dominant ..i just hope to push a bit more breast size. i, also, try to be more aware of stress and cortisol because those are like progesterone's arch enemy. i kinda suspect it may be increasing my nipples a tiny bit ..but then, it could be stimulation from all my little 2minute massages. as far as glandulars, yeah, i did go insane for a period ..i haven't taken them much in the last few years but, i'm thinking about adding a little of this or that ..not sure what ..need to have a serious conversation with my boobage ..maybe, sleep on it  ...ask my higher self for a boob dream ..haven't tried that before.
So not to be a copycat my dear but when you’ve done such experiments (and I’m thinking luteals a good time to try..) do you do it every day in Luteal and/or follicular each day or sporadic through out which ever phase you choose to do it in, ie every second or third? I’m totally on board with that and after two to three consecutive days with the good s***t pc cream I’d end up with heart pulps so I KNOW it’s not for me daily either..

hey ella ..i don't use any during follicular ..only as many as maybe 5-6 days of luteal not necessarily consecutive  ...some cycles i don't use any's more or less just when i feel like i want to ..i'd like to think it was intuitive but i have absolutely no intuition. tbh, i think my boobs are bumping up against some size potential ceiling. when i'm full i think i'm nearly a very modest c and when i'm not, i'm a very gloomy b–  ..i use pro-gest ..i don't use very much at a time, well maybe, on a single day when my intuition is on a sugar high. i think i'd make a crazy scientist

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