I’m 25 CisF. I’m pre diabetic with mild insulin resistant pcos. I’ve been working out and eating nutritious, healthy for three months. The insulin resistance and severe pms symptoms were the worst part for me. I’m very fortunate to have any severe symptoms for either issues. It also appeared to cause my insomnia.
At target I came across, olly vitamins miss mellow containing chaste berry, dong quai, and isoflavons. It was night and day within the first week of taking them. My insomnia was better and upcoming pms was much tamer. Few cramps and muscle aches.
I noticed with in the first month of taking miss mellow that my boobs got fuller and rounder. I did eventually gain an inch. Looking into herbal adaptogens I’ve been taking maca and flaxseed oil (for diabetes and nbe) for a month and grew and inch and a half. Starting today 1/12/21, I’m adding 450 mg of saw palmetto to intentionally grow my boobs.
I’ve lurked on nbe forums for years but this has made me bite the bullet and find more herbs that help with bust growth. I do massage using chiyo milks method.
Starting weight: 140 lbs
Current weight: 130lbs
Goal: 120-125 lbs
Starting: full bust 36.5in (wore 34DD)
Current: 38.5 (wearing 36D cuz covid makes bra shopping hard)
Goal: 42-43 (why not?)
I have a larger size as a goal since I’m more stocky/muscularly built. I have a really big trapezius (neck to shoulder muscle) and wide shoulders so it will make less of an impact compared to a super thin 100lb person. Also I always planned on a boob job to go bigger so, why not?
Accidental nbe turn nbe project