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This method of NBE in Europe


I have breast asymmetry.  It became noticeable when I was about 12.  One of my breasts was larger than the other.  One breast was a B/C cup and the other breast was just a bud.  My mother took me to the doctor when I was 12 and he said it will even out. It never did. My breasts have been the same since then. The larger breast is drooping now. 

Something else, my pubic hair was never as full as what I would have liked. I think puberty stopped when I was young for me.  

I looked on and it looks as if pubic hair stalled at tanner stage 3 for me.  

I think I could benefit from this form of NBE.  

I am in Europe. I did a search and apparently finding this form of supplements in Europe is very hard. 

Any help for me would be great.

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