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Placement of the magnets


im confused about the placetement of the magnents, i mean theyre place on the nipple right, but i mean where does the negative side and the positive said go,how are they exactly located.

"What they mean is to leave your magnets in the tube shaped stack they arrive in and tie a string round the middle. Dangle the magnets and they will align with the Earth's magnetic field - the side that points South is the magnet's Negative North pole (mark this side - either scratch 'N' on it or dot some nail varnish or something)."

Hi Nessa. It sounds like once you have figured out wich side of the magnet is which.

"I place positive against the skin, negative facing out"

"I use 4 (2 for each breast)"

The side of the magnet that faces south is the side that faces out or away from your body.

"It is really easy to apply, just put one magnet on the inside of the shirt, sportsbra or whatever you are wearing and the other one on the outside - their attraction to each other will hold them firmly in place with the fabric between"

You want to try and get the magnets to sit over the nipple. With one magnet inside the shirt, or bra,[/size] and one on the outside. They should stay in place.
At least that is how I read it.

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