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Coffee does the trick for me


Hi everyone, old time user here!! I was an user of Eve's Breast Forum back in 2006 when I was 23. I remember following Fengshui's journey when she was in her 40s and all the others! Now I'm 40 and my breasts did grow in size but it's not anything I did on purpose. 

I started drinking coffee this year and my my body likes it so much and I noticed my boobs grew. The caffeine was problematic for me so I went with water decaf (very important). It has to be really good quality coffee that gives you a lot of endorphin/dopamine/other feel good hormones. I joke with my partner that it's the reason why coffee producing areas have well endowed women (south-america etc).

I was an A cup in 2006 and grew to a small B back then doing Fengshui's massage and a few supplements now I'm a C cup maybe a small D and still growing. I just bought a Bradelis night bra size 65-70F/L to scoop and shape them (actually wanted to have a Miour night bra designed by Sakuma Mio but they don't ship to where I live). I gained minimal body weight but I'm also on keto diet and the Root Cause Protocol to become healthier and my boob size is only going up. Thought I would share this with you  Smile

It's so lovely to hear from an old time user and thank you for sharing your story. Smile

(16-07-2024, 13:08)Eve M Wrote:  It's so lovely to hear from an old time user and thank you for sharing your story. Smile
Thanks Eve (are you THE Eve?). I remember now my user name was tarepanda back then

Yes I'm THE Eve. Blush

(17-07-2024, 13:44)Eve M Wrote:  Yes I'm THE Eve. Blush

Ah so great to meet you after all this time! My interest in nbe has been rewoken Big Grin

Thanks for posting your story. I've been trying to work out exactly how coffee may have benefited you, but can't really figure it out. Obviously it's not caffeine which is responsible, since you're drinking decaf, although that would have been my first thought. Still in recent years there has been a lot of talk about coffee having health benefits and being much better for you than traditionally believed, so at least one of these benefits must also aid breast growth. Maybe as you suggested it's basically part of a feel good factor that you're getting.

Yes I think it has to do with serotonin and other happy hormones. Sakuma Mio who went from B to F and then F to H (Japanese size) said in one of her videos being in love helps so I think that's a similar idea. My growth has stalled somewhat but I feel any growth is less noticeable because they're bigger so percentage wise the growth would be less if that makes sense. 

I eat low/complex carb, do intermittent fasting and supplement with rice bran, cod liver oil, magnesium or dead sea salt soaks (feet or whole body) NAC, diatomaceous earth, Lugol's solution via the skin for iodine, castor oil on liver and ovaries and more but those are prob not nbe related.

Last thing I want to say is I noticed magnesium baths and hot spring baths make my skin super soft and I feel healthier overall. When I was in Japan many of the ladies in the hot spring had a decent boob size so I wonder if there's any link since you absorb the minerals via the skin. I am remineralising myself with the Root Cause Protocol (they have an active Facebook group) to heal from endo.

I'm trying my new Bradelis scoop and shape night bra tonight, I'm excited!

I always thought coffee was to be avoided when on NBE.

That's what people have always said, but it's because of the caffeine. Since the coffee here is decaf it's not an issue.

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