Hi everyone! I’m new here and so glad I found this forum. Thank you everyone for sharing so much great info!
I’m new to NBE and started a program of a bunch of supplements on Sept 14 and started vac pumping with a noogleberry on Oct 3 and with an Evebra Oct 9. Here are my measurements when I started NBE:
Underboob: 39.5
Bustline: 43.15
These are average of three measurements and had not changed at all when i started pumping.
I used the noogleberry XL cups because I have a wide chest and they were almost too wide to hold suction. They did not have the silicone rings for that size cup so i got the foam ones with airlocks and a gauged hand pump. I averaged two hours a day and pumped to a pretty high pressure and stretched my boobs a lot. I was putting red marks down that lasted a long while and likely over pumping myself. The foam rings were fairly useless and uncomfortable btw.
I read the long writeup here by multiple users (thanks!) and read the clinical papers about the Evebra and decided to switch systems. If i was gonna do so much effort every day, i really wanted the best chance of success. I know noogleberry type systems work for some people, but I know myself and I would likely overpump and hurt myself with a noogle and the long down time between pumpings might lead to a poor long term result for me.
i started with cup 2 on the Evebra and I’m on cup 4 here on day 9. They fit me quite well, but I’m wide and i fear they would be too big for smaller width chests with the single size silicone skirts. I wish they had two sizes of widths for more people. I’ve already ordered the size 6 cups.
Here are my Evebra hours so far. You can see I’m getting used to the system still:
Day 1 - 5 hours 20mmHg with evebra pump
Day 2 - 5 hours 20mmHg with evebra pump
Day 3 - 7 hours 50mmHg 2 min 30mmHg 6 min cycle with DeRoyal Pro-II
Day 4 - 10 hours, 50/30 cycle pressures
Day 5 - 12 hours, 4 sleeping at 30mmHg, 8 at 50/30
Day 6 - 12 hours, 2 sleeping at 30, 10 at 50/30
Day 7 - 10 hours none sleeping, all 50/30
Day 8 - 12.5 hours, 7 sleeping at 30, rest 50/30
Day 9 - 12.5 hours, none sleeping, mostly 50/30 tried one hour 70/40
Day 10 - 7.5 hours sleeping at 25 mmHg and writing this in the AM!
Sleeping has been getting easier with the system on and i sleep mostly on my back now which took getting used to for me. I turn to my side briefly and i dont lose pressure much propped up on a pillow kinda and then turn back to my back.
I think I’m going to ease up on the higher pressure cycling though and try to remind myself this is a marathon and not a sprint.
I just set my pump to 35 for 2 min and 25 for 4 min for the day. We’ll see if it stays comfortable. I know this is challenging for my skin for as many hours as i want to wear it. I’m more worried about the skin surface damage that might prevent pumping for a bit if i overdo it. Also the clinical studies were all 20mmHg for 10 or 12 hours for 10 weeks so I’m telling myself to trust the science and trying to listen.
The system is comfortable enough for long stretches but you cant hide it to go out really. I’m pretty wide chested so I can kinda get away with a big hoody and drive somewhere, but i look absurd. i wouldnt go to the grocery store with the system on or do a zoom meeting or anything.
I’m working at home now, but i take zoom calls a lot and have to take off the system for those and my hours aren’t like long stretches. Mostly the numbers above are like 5 sessions a day adding up to the total. I have no idea if intermittent is worse than continuous with longer breaks. Anyone have any ideas there?
My directly after long session measurements are two inches more bust line, but it fades fast right now. I’m still super early though. I should take a 6 hours off or whatever measurement, but I’m too busy trying to get the hours in right now. I have pics from the start and I’m fuller looking a little, but pumping all the time on and off, so hard to judge.
My target is 12 weeks continuous use from start of Evebra and then reassess. I’m super hopeful. If i lose work from home status, I may have to reduce hours and increase pressure some.
Evebra just updated their website with a new video and some info that was in their instructions with the system, but not online. including the attached chart that i screenshot.
Note they estimate a doubling of long term breast size if you wear for 6 months. I find this hard to believe, but they have been direct about all the science so far and have lots of studies posted. so i don’t know.
if i double in volume from my 39D (which various charts say is about 800 cc per boob now), i’ll end up with 1600 cc per boob? i don’t know about that. I mean that would be a 39F or so?!? i wear 38D now because no one sells a 39 so i guess that would be 38FF?
38 plus 7 (FF) is long term maybe a 45 inch or 46 inch bust? this sounds far fetched.
also to do this in 6 months I would need 800 cc new in 180 days or over 4 ml per day of growth. elsewhere in the Evebra website they say 1 ml a day of growth. So maybe that is for women starting with much less than i have now? The 1 ml/day number doesn’t square with their other graph that says double volume in 6 months.
I have 800 cc now roughly so MAYBE if I induce edema and hold it i can get 4 new cc a day, but I’m not going to count on it for sure.
i made some changes on my routine since I posted last, namely I switched to 25mm/hg sustained from the cycling I was doing. I do some cycling to 35 mm/Hg but only a little. the higher pressure was hurting my skin around the skirts so i added some tagaderm to some skin sores which thankfully are healing fast. i also increased the amount of the petroleum jelly goo I’m using to protect my skin.
i found that long term at 25mm/hg gets me almost the same size as the heavier pressures and is easier on my skin.
I have measured right after 12 hours of pumping and I’m up like 1.5 inch bust to 44.5 (my baseline is 43 inch). At six hours off pump i am 44 (up an inch), so i feel good that swelling from longer sessions seems to hold until I get back on pump. I’m going to try maxxing my hours at low pressure for as many weeks as i can here early. I did 16.75 a personal best on day 10 a personal best and 14 hours on day 11. how long i do this process i have not decided yet.
(This post was last modified: 21-10-2024, 04:32 by MadameBusty.)
Hi love, there is no such thing as a 39 inch band bra, bras go by 2 inches difference when you measure an odd number for your underbust you either round up 1 inch or round down 1 inch, I see your underbust measures at 39.5 inches so in your case you definitely wouldn't round down but round up that extra 0.5 inch to a 40 band so a 40D cup, also theres a thing called sister sizing, meaning if you wear a 40D you could sister size up a band and down a cup and wear a 42C which has the exact same cup volume just looser band(which you don't really want as the band should be extremely firm as the band gives 80-90% of the support, not the straps like some big corps claim just to sell you their product) this is why for strapless I wear a 30GG when my usual size is a 32G, because with strapless bras you should always go down a band size and up a cup size so that the band is extra tight but the cup volume is the same as your usual size, that way you have no issues of the strapless slipping down as a lot of women do. Hope this all helps! Evebra looks great I'm actually so happy for you girls who can afford it because it's by the same maker of Brava so you just know it works!
thanks so much! i couldnt figure out why i could never find a 39! i wear some 38D and some 40C depending on the brand. i don’t actually own any strapless bras but i’ll for sure look into some as I hopefully grow in the Evebra process. I’m wearing the Evebra now and got a lot of hours in over the weekend. I’m super fortunate to be able to afford it for sure and I’m super hopeful it’ll work.
Update time for my own tracking and to share in case anyone is interested. I have been getting mad hours in!
Day tracker and total hours:
Day 10 - 16.75
Day 11 - 14
Day 12 - 21
Day 13 - 20
Day 14 - 17
Day 15 - 17
Day 16 - 16
Day 17 - 10.75 as of writing this at noonish
I saw a new video on the evebra website where the doctor who leads the development said as much time early as possible is great for growth. I have time to do it now ahead of some future travel and work so i decided to just load as much time in as possible early.
I figured out the sleeping on my back. sometimes the cups call off suction, but often not. I have taped the hose joints so they don’t come unattached while i sleep. I then take the system off for morning chores and then back on for work from home until evening.
I am only taking it off a few hours at night to let my skin rest and spend time with my partner without it on. He is supportive of the project, but i like to take some time off or my skin gets irritated. This also gives me time to shower and wash and dry the skirt and cups before bedtime.
I’m using the petroleum jelly stuff that came with the system and will switch to storebought soon. This seems to help my skin, but it is messy.
My boobs are for sure swollen right after removal and my bust briefly is 45 inch but drops to 44 after like ten minutes and stays there through several hours. I’m back on pump before too long so I don’t know how much growth over my starting point of 43.15 I have yet. My average of three measurements with 2 hours off pump today is 44.25!
My boobs feel and look more full and I’m filling out a 38D or even 38DD.
Interestingly my underboob seems to have reduced from 39.5 to 38.75 (average three measurements each time). I don’t know why this is. My 38 band bras do seem to fit a little better.
I’m excited about the growth and know I’m in a cinderella period according to the manual from Evebra. if I quit now I have no idea what size i would retain if any.
I have reduced the pressure used to 25 continuous for sleep and a 30 and 20 cycling for day to day. I sometimes go to 35 because i want the swelling and as much growth as i can while i have time, but i keep saying to myself time long term is best. low and steady is the key!
(This post was last modified: 30-10-2024, 17:56 by ShelaVenna.)
Almost two inches of swelling is great at 17 days, even if the swelling is short lived. At 8 weeks, I only have 0.75” peak swelling. I like to put the early growth/swelling into perspective by imagining how much of an increase you’d have if the growth/swelling continued at that rate for year. Of course, it will never continue at the same rate, because the growth is never linear. It slows down a lot, and even temporarily plateaus sometimes. I still think this little mental exercise is helpful though, and would normally be very encouraging for people who are seeing minimal changes. In your case though, if your growth/swelling continued at this rate you’d have well beyond Z cups after a year. I can’t even imagine how comically huge the domes would have to be. You’re doing great lol
Thanks! I finally got a day that I had to take 7 hours off pump at day 22 and I was maybe a little less than 1/2 inch bigger bust line vs starting point. Hard to tell. Boobs do look more full around the side though in pics at identical angle, so i think I’m for sure making slow progress.
What I havent heard talked about is how complex the system is to use for long hours. Getting it all in the bra and strapped in is complex and takes me about 10 minutes each time and I’m 3 weeks in. Also I use a lot of the petroleum jelly goo to keep the long hours from damaging skin and that is messy as heck. I have to have dedicated shirts for the system due to stains that are hard to get out and I always have baby wipes on hand to clean up and minimize goo everywhere.
The thin edges of the silicone skirts are also impossible not to tear a little. I’m super careful and I already have a few small and one thumb sized missing spot. It all holds air still just great though.
Sleeping works, but is really difficult to get used to. The hoses pop out if you catch em sleeping and the boobs deflate. the bra is also pretty scratchy at the hooks and needs padding to not be ouchy there.
I see why the system works, the 14 plus hour days I’m getting are showing results. I also see why compliance with the protocol is difficult. I’ll do it, I paid two grand for it and I’m determined, but I’ll be damn glad to put it away once I reach a spot I’m happy with growth wise.
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2024, 15:04 by blueseltzer.)
Day 31
I’m still averaging 14 ish hours a day and sleeping pretty well in the evebra. I reduced my evebra pressure from 30 mm/hg to the recommended 20mm/hg to hopefully not press down on the cup skirts as much and spread the vac effect wider on my boobs with the skirt flares.
my boobs are right at the edge of the Evebra
cups after being on pump for a long time and with a 38 underboob I’m pretty wide. I stretched my size 6 evebra cups wider by heating them super briefly in my oven to about 250F and stretching them wearing oven mitts. It worked pretty well.
I tried safflower oil coated on my boobs before pumping for a couple of days earlier this week and at the same time i got a raised red rash around the top of my breasts where the skirts rested. I don’t know if this was safflower oil (i doubt it) or just time on pump and lots of petroleum jelly (my theory). I took some antihistimenes one night and applied steroid cream for a day plus tagaderm one night over the remains of the rash and thankfully it has cleared up.
concerns about the cups being a little too small for my boobs width and height wise has me adding my noogleberry with the XXL round cups back into the mix yesterday. It is uncomfortable with no skirts but goes higher on my chest which i like. I’m using it maybe twice or three times a day between evebra long sessions.
On the noogleberry gauged pump I’m only at 2 inches Hg which is 50mm/Hg so higher than my evebra vac level of 20mm by a fair bit. I read lots of other posts here that others run 5 inches Hg or 127 mm/Hg or higher as a low level and I’m not daring go that high. i feel like that without silicone skirts on the XXL noogs, it will hurt and likely tear skin. I also don’t want to cause tissue damage while I’m working on a long and steady plan for with the Evebra.
Hard to measure baseline bust because I’m not off pump very long ever, but lowest i see is about 43.5 inch which is barely over my start of 43.15, but pics and feel and boyfriend review all say they are bigger and fuller. I want change faster! Erg, i know that isnt the plan though.
Evebra manual says i should double in total volume in 4-6 months. I remain skeptical, but I’m wearing a 38DDD labeled bra now right off pump to avoid compressing the swelling. I don’t quite fill out those bra cups down low right off pump, but I’m very close.
Trying to remind myself this is a low and steady process!
Absolutely love how thorough you are in noting down everything! Yes it's a slow and steady journey NBE and a very individual journey as no one body is the same, you should be proud of your dedication with pumping! I have no doubt that with all those hours accumulating you will reap big rewards growth wise! keep going!
(This post was last modified: 15-11-2024, 16:36 by blueseltzer.)
thanks for the encouragement! i really need it! I’m kinda in Evebra fatigue here on day 38. I’m never off more than a few hours so i don’t have a baseline measurement of my bust to see if i have any real growth and it is discouraging. which sounds silly i know because i am about 44 and 1/4th inch bust when off pump for an hour. my start of NBE was 43.15.
so i see growth when swelled, but no idea if it stays. if i have growth over baseline it is very very slow and hard to see and my swelled size hasnt really changed much at all in a couple of weeks. so i feel fatigued and in a plateau. I’m just in a, wow, am i really gonna do this for 4-6 months fatigue right now. i need a peptalk! sorry!
I’m on my stretched wider Evebra 6 cups most of the time. i switch to non stretched Evebra 4 for zoom calls with a poofy overshirt. my nipples barely touch there sometimes, but my bust is out of frame and the poofy shirt hides the skirts up top mostly.
i added bee pollen supplements this last week and volufiline topical to my boobs for maybe localized fat gain. anyone have thoughts on these?
current vac pressure:
25 mm/Hg sleeping (going well mostly)
25 alternating with 35 in four min increments when awake (the 35 sometimes causes the skirts not to flare and kinda fold under so i have to monitor it, but i feel swelling is higher this way and safe if i monitor, not sure)
some 50 mm/Hg half hour sessions with noog XL cups when i can find the time
i take pics and all pics look better than my start pic to me. one boob was smaller to start and not rounded up top on the outside and it looks even now. all pics look bigger and more rounded just a little now, longest off pump pic was like 7 hours off on like day 21. my skin has been consistently good now that i don’t do the 50 mm/ Hg vac pressure much.
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