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Lighter areola and nipples?


Hi everyone, this is abit of a stupid question, but my nipples have started to get alot lighter in colour, it started about 4 weeks ago. I have grown over that time and my areola has enlarged even more but its faded alot and im not sure whats happening. When i first started developing my nipples became alot darker but now my areola is almost the same s colour as my skin, does anyone know if this is normal or whats causing it, i would appreciate any help or advice. Thanks everyone and happy growing.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

In women the areola changes with hormones. They especially change color with pregnancy hormones not just from them but also from increased blood flow brought on by them. Anyway,
I'm thinking it may be related back to when you were lactating. When that happened, obviously your hormones were at a certain level to create that situation. combine that with the noogling which increases blood flow and your body was mimicking that of a woman that had just given birth in some ways.

Now you have the lactating under control and you have put a temp hold on your BE which will allow blood flow to go to it's normal state and there you have it--fading nipples. Welcome to one more "weird and why is this neccesary" aspect of being a woman! LOL

Geez, If I could go back in time and tell the teenage me anything, it would be a full course on how the female body works and not to listen to what my mother told me about it. It would have saved a lot of those WTF moments in the bathroom mirror over the years. HAHA!

Hi Mel, thanks hun i know what you mean, some of the stuff thats happened to me over the past 8 weeks, is just strange lol i thought whaen my boobs first developed and i took the photos which i had on my picture page, i honestly thought that was about it and my boobs might grow abit, but they have changed so much in the past couple of months, and not just my boobs, i have gone through some weird changes. Even my face has gone round lol which everyone i know now notices, i am putting alot of weight on though and i think i have been comfort eating a little lol, i think the extra weight i have gained has made my boobs get larger and i was unsure if that was the reason my nipples where getting lighter, but what you say makes sense thanks hun.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Hey Cheryl,
I know you have been using noogleberry and that might also be the cause. I did two cycles of Brava and my nipples and areolas got VERY light in colour. It was horrible!! They have gotten darker again, but I still think they are permenantly a little bit lighter than before but I can hardly see the difference.

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