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Hi grils!!!
I'm sitting all day long reading this amazing forum!!! I wanted to thank all the girls who are updating there success!!!thank you soo much for helping!!!
I found this video on YouTube...I want to ask you what do you think about it just to sell her product?Or is it really dangerus to take the BO???
Thank you so much!
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If I am not mistaken she uses this forum under the name celebritychic.
This is her thread from the
old forum and this is another thread on the
new forum
It is very obvious she is trying to sell her product on some analysis she believes is true. If BO is dangerous what about placenta? People are still taking it with much higher cost. Is still contain hormone and it is still a different part of an animal. Think about it...
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Celebritychic has been proven time and time again to not know more about herbs and NBE than the average person on the forums. Actually, she knows much less than the full timers. I don't do herbs and even I know that it's not as easy as using all known estrogenic herbs together. I am not discrediting her claims that BO made her lymph nodes grow, it might have. But she makes it sound like she's putting people off of BO just to sell her product. I have nothing against her, I just don't like how she presented herself in the old forum and on her youtube account. There is nothing wrong with creating a good formula to sell to us, we are looking to grow breasts, no matter who we buy it off of.
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I seen this video as well on youtube when I was doing my usual search for different massage techniques on youtube, I do that now and then to see what others are doing and to try new techniques from time to time... I didn't know this girl was on these forums until seeing this post but I had messaged her on youtube over a week ago asking why she thought BO was not safe, I wouldn't personally go by what 1 doctor says, or heck even a few of them, because about 6 or 7 told me I would never have kids and I have a perfectly healthy 5 year old son! So I messaged her to basically elaborate on her claims in her video. I thought she was pronouncing the herbs wrong, but I'm from GA and lol I often talk with a southern twang and mispronounce things according to other people, but eh, to me if I know what I'm talking about and others know what word I'm saying, it's all good. But yea, I was very polite (as always) and was genuinely curious about her situation with the BO in my message, but it's been a week and still no response. It does sound to me like she is selling BO short just to promote the products she sells on her site more. Which I find sad. I've been taking BO for 5+ months now and have had no issues with it, and I take Ultra Breast. I seen on the old forum they said she was selling Breast Actives as well, oh boy, I took that product when it was called Breast Gain Plus, I've mentioned this many times... I was screwed over by that company and I didn't get any growth from taking their product for 6 months. Breast Actives is just another one of those over advertised pieces of crap product. But yea anyway, I messaged this girl to find out her experience with BO and why she is warning people not to try it, but never got a reply... I just find that weird.
But I agree that BO is not bad for you, any product has the possibility to create bad side effects, nothing is guaranteed not to. Heck I got some nasty side effects from taking herbs before, it's just a risk we all take in trying something. But really that's life, you could die from breathing the air nowadays. But yea, if you go the herbal route I would read up on the herbal BE sections of the forum first, as there are cheaper options than GLC and these other products she's selling, they just seem so expensive in my opinion. But I have wasted a ton of money on products that didn't work in the past.
I would just say do your research, on here, the old forum, and any other NBE forum, get yourself informed, then make an educated decision on what you want to do.
Posts: 279
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Joined: Apr 2010
Thank you girls for your reply!!! thanks!
This forum is wonderful...because all the people who are willing to help like you!!!
I will continue to read in this forum...I was so close to order the BB but I think I sould see more threads and read allot...
Yesterday I saw the Hypnotic breast maybe I will start from there...I have nothing to lose,.

I hope that one day I can be like you and help other girls with the information that I will study from the forum and from life experience.
Thanks again,
About the video...good to know that I wasnt wrong and to know that she is just trying to sell her product.