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Setting A Goal [archive thread]


Setting A Goal
January 22 2007 at 6:29 PM lassysam (Login lassysam)


Ok, well this whole time I have been waivering. Knowing I need to lose some weight, but not really able to decide if I should pursue one over the other (growing boobs vs. losing weight)
I have developed a very reasonable goal that should be relatively easy and doable for me. (ok maybe not easy for *me*, but at least it should be doable)

I now weigh 147-148 lbs (first thing in the morning wearing shorts)
I have decided that I can at least make it down to 140 lbs by the end of May. I am going to keep taking my BE herbs so we'll see how it goes. I will probably be trying a combination of things to help, but in general it will consist of mild exercise and calorie moderation intake. I like the cans of slim fast shakes and occasionaly I have one for a meal, but I have not lost any weight.
I also like picking up the Woman's World magazine and other mags that have weight loss articles. I am not against trying things within reason.
Yesterday I ate 5 home made cookies so I will probably have to stop doing that! :p lol!
Anyway, I just wanted to post my goal, because I thought it would help motivate me to focus on this little goal.
Anyone else out there want to post their goal for getting in shape or weight loss?

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal January 25 2007, 3:48 AM

Hy Lassysam, I'll join you! I lost 32lbs last year, back up just a couple right now, but getting ready to start ROUND-2 and lose 30 more this year.

Basically, my plan is going to be the same as last year, walking 2-3 miles 5-7 days a week. My walk is a real strenuous one though, lots of big hills and I push myself to do it faster and faster. This year I will add strength training once I get going though, don't want to get flabby as I lose the rest. My diet won't change much because now that the holidays are over I eat pretty healthy to begin with. I never ate too much before, my weight was not gained by pigging out. I rarely eat over 1500 calories a day, and normally its 1000-1200. Actually I started eating more often, and that may have helped me also.

I'm kinda lazy right now with winter. I want to do the lemonade cleanse to get a jump start, but keep putting it off. I'll do it eventually, but I'm dreading it. Plus I've been working alot and I'm afraid to do it unless I have time off in case it has a bad effect on me if you know what I mean. Smile

I see you read Woman's World too? I love that one, read it every week. They have great diets and I am always so happy for the ladies that they feature who did so well. Did you read about the whole grain diet? That is something that I ate alot of last year, I ate whole grain engligh muffins, wraps, and cereal and I was always full, but lost like 1-2 lbs a week.

Well, anyway, I'm going to get motivated soon so I'll be checking in with you here to see how you are doing - good luck and talk to you soon! -- Sissy

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(Login itsPaytience)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal January 25 2007, 3:01 PM

ditto!! im up for this goal too...i recently just joined ballys and been goin to the gym like 4 times a week and i lost 2 lbs so far in a week n a also going to stay on my a little bit im going to tryin the dr natura supposedly helps you shed some inches...hopefully that works..good luck!!!

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Hooray! More goals! January 25 2007, 8:06 PM

I am so glad that you both responded! Whoo hoo! This is great! We can help motivate each other. Congrats to both, Sissy and Paytience on the weight you have lost already.

I really have to fight hard against my lazy tendencies and I am such a procrastinator. That is why I gave myself a low goal, because if I feel too overwhelmed I'd rather turn back and not do it. (kind of like the scared lion on the Wizard of Oz) It's like setting myself up for failure and if I am pretty sure I am going to fail at something I won't try. So, I tell myself, 8 lbs. I can lose 8 lbs. (sounds crazy and maybe I am, but... I have to talk myself into it) This should be something I can do. I lost 5 lbs in Sept. I can lose 2 lbs a month.

I'm not big on exercise (the lazy factor). I feel old, my body hurts when I do exercise because, you got it - I never exercise. laugh Smile
The diet part if easier for me (will power wise) if it's a simple idea that doesn't take a lot of effort. I have a big family that I have to take care of so I don't have time to make complicated meals with hard to find ingredients. I really like the slim fast shakes and cereal wouldn't bother me either. So maybe I could substitue breakfast and lunch for shredded wheat or a slim fast shake then eat dinner with my family in the evening.

Before we got all the snow, I was walking 2 miles 3-4 times a week (this was good for ME. I am probably in lots worse shape than you girls.)
For now, until it has warmed up, about 3 times a week I am doing pilates exercises to this DVD I got, with women on there who look like they take steroids (it is somewhat depressing - the first time I cried because I felt like a cow)
For now I shall:
~ watch my calories by substituting 2 meals a day.
~ exercise every other day or so to my 8 min. core pilates video

When it warms up I will start walking again. 1-2 miles
I MAY add in some weight loss herbs, but hope they don't stall my possible BE ( I say possible because I still don't know if I am getting results or not Smile

The cold weather really deters me from walking because my body temp runs low and I hate being cold.

Also, should add in that I now weigh 148.2 lbs after eating TWO pieces of chocolate cake last night for my son's birthday. It was yummy and life is short, so I am not going to feel guilty about birthday cake - so don't ask me to. Smile just joking.
I didn't exercise today because I volunteer at the elementary school for the day. ( I do this one day a week)
Good luck you guys!
Oh yeah, I don't subsribe to Women's World, I just pick it up occasionaly so I missed the whole grain one. It is a great magazine tho. And I will keep my eye out for interesting tips. Let me know Sissy if there's one I should read.
~My wish list~
skinny thighs and round boobies.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal January 28 2007, 1:25 PM

Hi ladies!

Lassysam, I know what you mean about the lazies, I got em now too. Yesterday I was getting my hair done and listening to a man tell his hairdresser about his wife losing 15 lbs in two weeks by just eating very lean, but good, and doing her taebo tape. I'm thinking...hmmmm I got a taebo tape I should do that when I get home. All I managed to do was tell you the story. Walking was the key to me last year, it's starting to stay light longer here so I'm thinking that I'm going to leave work at 5pm, bundle up, and head straight to the ol walking trail and just do it. I'll let you know if stick to my resolution at the end of the week.

Oh and don't worry about the chocolate cake, last year when I was losing, I ate a whole frozen chocolate mouse pie to my self in like 3 days. I lost 2 lbs that week, I think it is the concept of high calorie, low calorie days. Which is something I read last year several times, made good sense. If you stay at like 1500 calories a day, your body gets used to it. If you alternate, 1800, 1500, 1200, then your body burns more. Funny, that same concept is in the WOMANS WORLD magazine this week. If your body thinks you'll be eating 1800 calories, it will burn what it should for 1800, but you fool it by eating only 1200, then it does not have a chance to adjust for 1200 because you eat 1500, then back to 1800. The magazine says to just diet every other day, but the concept is the same. I don't really alternate, but I do know when I had cheat days, I lost weight that week better than staying on a strict diet.

Paytience, you are doing really great, 2 lbs a week is a good pace, keep it up. You will have keep posting your progress so you can motivate us lazy people! What's your goal and starting weight? I really want to try the Colonix cleanse. I found that last year when my mom was sick and doing alot of research. Emmie on the other board is finishing up 2 months on the cleanse, and she really recommends it. I believe that we do have alot of stuff inside of us that needs to be cleaned out. Let us know how that goes.

Good luck to you both and talk to you soon. Hopefully next time I post I will be able to report that I did in fact start walking!!!

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(no login) getting motivated January 29 2007, 12:29 AM

I have been trying to motivate myself and so far this is what I have done. I have bought 4 magazines from Wal*Mart with weight loss articles, one that is especially inspiring is Oxygen Collector's Issue on fat loss. It was loaded with lots of good information and I found the whole magazine to be very inspiring. The date on it says, Winter 2007. I thought you might enjoy this magazine Sissy.
In fact this inspired me so much that I read it yesterday and today went out and bought loads of fresh veggies, fruits, nuts, dried fruit, yogurt, frozen yogurt, rice cakes, and ginger snaps so that I would have healthy food to snack on and not feel I am putting on pounds by snacking. (this is a huge step for us. We have become such a junk food family) I also bought a jump rope. I have now read articles about jump roping in like 5 health type magazines. It burns twice the calories that running does and is excellant for cardiovascular health. I'm sure I will trip and fall at first, but I remember when I jumped rope in... elementary school 30 years ago and I really enjoyed it then! Smile laugh.
Today I did 8 min thigh exercises (squats, lunges etc) and 8 min arm exercises to my video. I wasn't quite as pathetic as last time so I am proud of myself.
I also got some powdered fiber to put in my protein shakes so all in all, I feel I am getting a good start. Hoping I can post some progress in a week, even if it's small.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal January 29 2007, 3:04 AM

Lassysam, on Friday I bought Goji berries, for the health benefits, and have been eating them alot this weekend. They have curbed my appetite alot! Not that I was eating alot, but they seem to make sweet cravings go away. They are loaded with fiber and protein also. I read a "testimony" at one of the online stores that some lady lost like 12 lbs in 2 weeks eating these, I'll keep you posted.

Good job on the exericise and eating healthy. Have a good week!

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Oh forgot.. January 29 2007, 3:06 AM

thanks for the magazine tip, I never heard of that and will look for it.

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(no login) eating January 30 2007, 2:00 AM

Thanks for sharing about the Goji berries. I have a feeling I am going to have a hard time finding any around here and am trying to watch what I spend right now since our business is in construction and seasonal, now not being the season, if you know what I mean. The ground is pretty well frozen and it has been very cold here. But I will look at our small local health food store this next weekend when we do our grocery shopping, everything is so expensive there and they don't seem to have much of a selection.
I think I read that article about dieting one day and eating anything you want the next.
It's easier for me to eat FOR health, then to restrict myself and say I can't have something. If I can't have it, then I want it even more. Since I have decided I want to lose weight, suddenly I want to eat all kinds of stuff and before I can't say I had an overwhelming appetite. I hate having to play these psychological tricks on myself. Like right now I am munching on, dried tropical trail mix, which sounds healthy, but hey I've already eaten two handfuls of the stuff and I am eating mostly the pineapple because it tastes so sweet, almost like candy. Sigh!
At least I did well up until now, did my exercises, had just a protein shake for breakfast and lunch... well lets look at the positive side, even if I don't lose any weight this week, at least I know I am being healthier by eating more healthy foods and exercising. I am drinking Yerbe Mate tea also, have you heard of this?
How much were your Goji berries, Sissy? Are they yummy?
Well, I hope you are having a good week, nice and peaceful.
I read an article that walking is really good for your mind, haven't gone down the road myself yet though, not in a while anyway. Smile I could use some peace, the laundry is taking over and the heater has quit working in my vehicle so I need to get it in the shop. There are always too many things that need done and something stressful going on. At least I do have a great family. If tomorrow is warm and the sun is shining I just might take a short walk myself- for my sanity. Smile

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal January 30 2007, 11:25 AM

Lassysam, you sound so down, but I think you are doing great...getting mentally prepared is the first step. I know what you mean about the dried pineapple, it is the best part!

Goji's were pretty pricey, like $19 for a bag. I'm going to order some online this week. Where I live, our health food stores suck too, no selection and very expensive. GNC and Vitamin world are ok, but there is no "one stop" shoping for me. I have to go all over, and still buy some some stuff online.

It has gotten really cold here, so I'm not sure about walking this week....but I'm going to really try to atleast do 1-2 days, that's my revised goal this week to start.

Where do you buy that tea? I heard someone else mention that also. I have been trying to drink atleast one green tea a day, in the summer I drink alot more. Well, off to work now, it's going to be a stressful day too. I wish I was one who lost weight during stress, but I'm just the opposite, I can gain 5lbs in week with out eating when I'm stressed, and the last month has been pretty bad at at work, I did gain 3 lbs, but I'm not really freaked about it, it will come off soon. It has to, I have all my clothes from last year boxed up to give away - and I'm not getting them back out for nothing!! Take care -- Sissy

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal January 30 2007, 4:36 PM

Yeah, I guess I just didn't quite expect this exercise video to be so hard...I think I'm in denial about how badly out of shape I have gotten and about my age also.
I took Zoloft for about 10 years, Prozac for 3 years before that and I feel the stuff messed up my brain. (drugs actually do fry your brain - even prescription ones) Well, the antidepressents effected my ability to see things clearly and now I feel like I am waking up from a bad dream. It's like all of a sudden I realize that my children are older, I am older, the last 10 years just slipped by without my permission. I am trying to be graceful about it, but there are still times I look in the mirror and think - Whoa! Where did that ole lady come from?
I've been 2 years without any presription meds (went through horrible withdrawals for like 6 months or more) and now I am a big believer in helping myself with herbs before I go to a doctor.
And these fluctuating hormones effect my mood, but mostly I am very happy with my life now. That doesn't mean I don't have any stress, there is tons of it, that just happens outside of my choosing, but I know that I can handle whatever comes along. I do think the stress effects my health and my weight. My metabolism has slowed way down.
Sorry about the life story thing. It helped me by telling it I guess, because it helps me see the whole picture of my attitude. And, like you I feel determined. I don't think I would go so far as to get rid of my clothes, but hey maybe that's a good thing. Maybe it will help motivate you. And it will get easier when the weather warms up. Everyone is more active in warm weather and I think just being outside helps your metabolism.

The Yerbe Mate tea I get from Greenbush ( )
But I have seen it at our health food store for a smaller box that comes out to be more expensive. Also, since I like the tea and had results with it before, I ordered the liquid extract, to see if it might possibly give me an added boost.
Best wishes to you Sissy, and thanks for being kind and encouraging me! You're a peach!

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal January 31 2007, 2:50 AM

lassysam, good for you getting off the meds. I know it must have been hard for you, although I have not taken them myself, a very close family member that I love is still struggling with something similar, and her life will never be the same I think. I have heard your comments before about the medical field. I am so with you. I'm so sick of docs getting out the precription pad. Don't get me going....

Although my story is similar to yours, meaning that it's like I woke up and realized I was 40 and lost 10 years from a really stressful job, busy with kids sports, family illness, etc. I'd share more with you but if I go into detail here, it would definately give my identity away. Anyway, I'm determined to make up for lost time, get fit, get boobs, and live happily ever after someday. I'm just thankful that I woke up when I did. I'm still pretty youthful and hopefully there is still time for me to have a life. Don't get me wrong, life has been full and I'm a happy person, very thankful for my blessings, but there has been no time for me, until NOW!

I'm definately going to try that tea, I looked today in the health food section of the grocery, of course it wasn't there. I will try to order some when i order more Gogi's, I am addicted to these things. I'm hoping they are my fountain of youth.

Well, that's all for now, talk to you soon!

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal January 31 2007, 3:39 AM

Thank you for sharing Sissy. You made me feel better by saying we have this waking up to our lives type thing in common. I feel so much more normal now. =]

Yeah, sometimes I think I need to be careful what I share on here because it wouldn't be hard for someone I know to figure out it's me, but then again what would be so bad finding out I am trying to grow my boobs? How different is that from the women who have had boob jobs and everyone knows about it. I guess if I were to post my picture up and I have considered doing that, then it would be more of a bad thing. I've already shared quite a bit and it wouldn't take much for someone to figure out it's me.

Besides the identity issue, I think we should be proud that we are making the most of life. Enjoy the precious hours, make the most of everything, savor every smile, every relationship for what it is and has to offer and remember when life draws close to sunset, it won't matter how clean your house was kept, but in the memories you have and the ones you have left behind and all that you believe in, waiting for you on the journey set before you.

~ I plan on being half naked all summer long (shorts and tank tops)and I want to feel spunky about it! So, here's to Goji berries, toning up our bods and adding some cleavage!
Here's a tip for the fountain of youth - listen to music. I love downloading songs from (I think that's the site) it's very reasonable for unlimited downloads and it REALLY helps me to feel younger - even when I'm listening to the oldies! =]

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 1 2007, 2:25 AM

Yep, me too, I haven't worn a sleevless shirt or shorts in public in 5 years. This summer I'm breaking into my old stash of favorite clothes that I haven't been able to wear in so long, and it will be fun to buy new ones too! I see so many really heavy people in tank tops and shorts and even with my extra weight I don't look so horrible, but I would never until I lose weight Sometimes I am too self concsience. (and sometimes wish some of those were also, just because they have guts, does not mean it's ok to show that much flesh, if you know what I mean...)

I love music too! You mention oldies, you know how they are remaking all of the old songs? My son keeps asking how I know all the words to the new songs before he does! lol.

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 1 2007, 6:18 PM

Yeah, I've noticed the new artist are singing the old songs with their new twists on them of course. My husband installed a CD player for me in my vehicle so I've been downloading songs to make CD's to listen to in the car =]
I've been adding lots of fiber to my shakes and I am gaining weight! I think it's just the fiber bulking up in my body, but it's discouraging anyway.
I really like your idea of adding 1/2 scoop protein to the slim fast shake for breakfast. It taste lots yummier.
After doing a bunch of reading and hearing advice from someone else I've decided to try the PM for my BE. I already have it and won't have to wait on the BO pills to come in. We'll see how my body tolerates it.

I have always wore shorts in the summer no matter what my weight was, but now I definately am more aware of how my body looks. These pilates are killing me - I sure hope they work. I just noticed today that my arms look like my moms with the little extra on the back that hangs down and swings. flab they call it - yuck. How do I get rid of that? Do you think that weight lifting would help that?

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 3 2007, 1:15 AM

There are so many exercises you can do with small weights to get rid of this. Do a search on "flabby arms", you will come up with alot of exercises. I need to do this too, I don't want loose skin when I lose the rest of this weight.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 5 2007, 11:50 PM

I have lost three pound since last Thursday. Not sure what I did, no exercise except house cleaning. I have been eating Goji's alot, or it might be the DIM I added that may be helping my sluggish metabolism. I only posted this here so that I will continue....that way if I gain it back I will have to tell because I am an honest person Smile and I don't want to have to come back and fess up.

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(Login 3monkeysmom)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Setting A Goal February 6 2007, 10:34 PM

Hi, Ladies!

I hope that you don't mind me jumping in. :-)

Lassysam, I read in a previous post of yours that you're adding fiber and gaining weight. The Dr. Natura Colonix emphasizes drinking 2 - 8 oz. glasses of water immediately after taking their fiber. The fiber starts thickening up and then it can actually plug a person up if there isn't enough water. This would probably apply to other fibers, also. My husband and I are doing the Colonix thing for the second time and while it doesn't seem to "melt" the weight off, just to get old yucky stuff out of the colon seems to make a difference on the tummy pooch and the waistband fitting better (rather than rolling over - eek!)

If you don't mind adding another person to the accountability list :-), I would like to ask for help, motivation, and/or encouragement, too. Please?!?

My current weight, in the morning, ranges from 153-155 1/2 lbs. and I am 5'6" tall. Mostly muscular, but some, how should we say, "leftovers" from having 3 children. Exercise consists of chasing the kids and housework. Have some great videos, just need to somehow do them. It's a little hard when we homeschool our oldest two and my husband is self-employed i.e. he's home, in the house or around.

Woman's Day is an excellent magazine. I have picked them up and enjoyed the articles and found encouragement.

Lastly, I asked my husband if he would prefer me, ahem, more "motherly" and with a chest OR skinny and w/o. Surprisingly, he would prefer skinnier and w/o. Guess I didn't know him as well as I thought.

Thank you, Ladies!!!

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi 3monkeysmom February 7 2007, 2:33 AM

Join in any time! I have wanted to do the colonix for over a year now, I think I will try it next month. I hpoe you don't mind me asking this.....I asked Emmie the same question, don't worry about TMI please, do bad things come out, like things you didn't know you had? I have heard those pictures are fake, but really believe that we have parasites and other old stuff in there. I want to do it for the health benefits, not really weight loss. I'm a very regular person and I eat a lot of fiber also, but I'm thinking at 40 I probably have some stuff in there that needs to go.

Funny you mention those videos, I think we all have them. I have quite a few, and bought a few new ones this winter that I haven't even looked at yet. I really need to get motivated. You are 6" taller than me, and I weight 3-5 lbs more than you - so you can't look too motherly. What's your goal and do you have a plan?

My goal this year is to get skinny AND get my boobs back. So that will mean keeping fat in my diet and in the chest while burning fat off the rest of me. I think it's going to be alot harder this year now that the NBE is there. I have to keep reminding myself of the calories in the protien shakes, I forget that I am adding like 225 calories a day that I didn't have last year. Take care and good luck to you -- Sissy

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(Login 3monkeysmom)
EVE MEMBERS Sissy February 7 2007, 8:49 PM

Hi, Sissy!

My husband is more "exploratory" than I am, but YES, weird things do come out. The stuff is buried in with the old matter, but if its analyzed, yep, there are gross and unnatural looking critters lurking around. Those pictures on their website are not fake. We do feel better during and after the cleanse. I think it's a combination of getting the parasites out, getting out the old matter, and drinking more water. Seems like common sense, doesn't it? Our diet stinks, even though we try to incorporate more whole grains and fruit/veggies and water into it, it is nowhere near what is recommended by the "experts."

My "goal" is to get down to 135-140 lbs. Anymore than that and I would look anorexic. Just to fit comfortably into my size 8 jeans w/o the waistband rolling over and not have to buy a complete new wardrobe. Oh, and to have a perky little chest would just be the icing on the cake (pun intended!)

At this time, on my personal program, I have tweaked it by cutting down on the kelp and during this month, I will run out of the BB pills. Not buying anymore at this point in time. I have purchased some St. Herb and will seriously cut down the routine to just include them. Gotta go!


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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 8 2007, 1:53 AM

Yes, you are most enthusiastically welcomed to our little party! =D
You'll have to forgive me in advanced for getting sidetracked on other things like music and TV. I guess I am starved for the social interaction! Like you, 3monkeysmom I work out of our home, do the books for our business (my hubby's been home for a couple months now do to the cold weather so I know what you mean as far as THAT goes, sometimes it's just hard to do your own thing) Oh! And thanks so much for the fiber tip, I think I may have had some of that going on. I do drink lots of water, but probably not right after. It has been hard enough getting the fiber shake down.

Sissy, Whooooo Hooooo!
Way to go on the 3 lbs! I really am hoping that DIM is the reason (I am so selfishly bad!) I am besides myself with anticipation for it to arrive in the mail! I still have not gotten any Goji berries. I should have looked for them while on but I just totally forgot about them.

The growing your bosom/ or lose weight thing has been a huge dilemma for me. I think all of us gals that are not thin are agonizing over this. We want to do both at the same time and yet we are told that it's really not possible. I am trying to exercise anyway, my body doesn't even remember exercise. The cold hard truth is my health and weight went downhill ever since we bought a computer. I use to garden and spend a lot of time outside. When it warms up, I am hoping to do that again.
So I know deep inside the real truth, the ugly truth is going to have be a lifestyle change for me. Tongue I can do pilates and take walks, but I really am going to have to eat more fruit and vegetables and just BE more active throughout the day. We have truthfully been a junk food family. I mean, I make home cooked meals for dinner, but we always have chips, cookies, ice cream, those addictive lil' debbie cakes and we eat fast food every weekend and I really enjoy the fast food, but I am teaching my kids bad habits. I am surprised they are so thin and healthy looking.
I am 5.5 and weigh 148-150 depending on how much fiber I have in me Tongue
Well I really didn't mean to post such a lengthy one this time.
Good luck to all and thanks for sharing.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 9 2007, 12:03 AM

I believe that it will be possible to do both, you just have to substitute good fats and protein for fast food and sugar. It's hard I know, but after a while you don't want it. Just keep thinking of the hormones in the meat, the grease, the preservatives you can't pronounce, and it does become easier. When my son was home, being a working mother and we were always on the go at sporting events, I ate my share of fast food. But now I am totally against it. If I do eat a burger or chicken sandwich, I don't eat the bread. Also, if walking or any form of cardio is your exercise, it gets your heart pumping and circulation going, so how can that be bad? I plan on adding a little strengh training this spring, but on the light side just to be safe.

I think that if you went on a full out fitness plan and ate nothing but fruits and veggies it would hinder breast growth, but I'm hoping to lose and keep what I have (worked so far) and then gain inches once my weight stabilizes. Remember that I lost 5 lbs in the fall when I was sick, lost my boobs, and then started taking BB. I got my boobs back. Then lost around 7-10 lbs more, and although my growth is not a great amount, I am having pains and am much fuller. I have gained and lost a few since then, but I blame that on the holidays and lack of exercise, not my NBE program. So I say it is possible, but may take us longer to reach both goals.

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 10 2007, 1:22 AM

Sissy you really are an inspiration! And I appreciate your words of encouragement. Got my DIM today, so I may try it out tomorrow if I get a chance. We have a busy weekend ahead, but I appreciate your words. They do help. Hope you have a good weekend! ;}

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 13 2007, 5:55 PM

I weighed myself this morning and was 146.2 lbs. I have not been exercising or eating less because I have had bad PMS. I think the Pueriria Mirifica has messed with me a little too much. I have had two migraine type headaches in the last 3-4 days, have been crying, feeling very sad :[ and not having any motivation to do anything at all. I have been eating lots and taking DIM for 4 days now. I should be having PMS weight gain/ bloat so I am inclined to beleive the DIM is the reason for weighing 146.2. I haven't weighed that since Sept. I think I am going to put the Pueriria Mirifica away for now. After I get my period and or am feeling better maybe I will try BO. I need to get my energy back first.

How are you doing Sissy? How long have you been taking DIM? Also wanted to ask you what is prompting you to try the progesterone cream? Everything I have heard about progesterone cream is very confusing.

3MONKEYSMOM, how are you doing?

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(Login 3monkeysmom)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Setting A Goal February 13 2007, 7:12 PM

Hi, Lassysam!

Weelll, I weighed in this morning and the scale said 153.5 lbs. So, while the weight loss isn't large, at least the scale is moving in the right direction. It also depends on how much water I drank the previous day and how things moved out, if you catch my drift.

I truly hope that your headaches quit. Life is pretty miserable with a migraine. It's a little more difficult to gain up top while trying to watch our weight, like Sissy said earlier, but I agree, it is possible. Just try to be careful and monitor what you take and when you have the headaches (or are feeling icky in general.) It sounds like you're doing that already with setting the pm aside for awhile. The bo does seem to work, but while I don't have awesome results (as in 2-3 inch gain), I have noticed an increased fullness around the bottom and the sides. Now if the tops would fill in more and out...(sigh). From the other ladies on the board, I would buy the generic bo rather than spending the money on BB again. They seem to be having results and, boy, would it be cheaper!

Thanks for asking how I was doing. Please keep us updated on your results and health.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Hey Ladies! February 14 2007, 3:25 AM

That's great that you are seeing progress on weight loss, and feeling fuller at the same time. I don't know what part of the world you are in, but winter tends to pack it on for me, and if your scale is budging in the right direction, every little lb is progress! Good luck with the St. Herb. I want BO to work for me, but there are so many other things to try, but I want to give BO like 6-9 months before switching, although after this batch I think it will be generic.

And I think I will wait until spring to start the colonix, but I would be "exploratory" like your husband, I have no shame I guess, I'll get a plastic fork and sift through it, I want to see every little bugger. I have wanted to do that for a long time, and now that I know two people who have done it, that is enough for me.

Same to you, great job on getting the scale to budge. I hope your headaches go away, I used to get them all the time, and when I did it was bad. Maybe you have the winter blahs, they can make you feel down, I get them. I have a totally different personality in the spring/summer/fall. Winter don't mess with me. I have been wanting to get one of those natural lights, because I don't see much daylight this time of year with my job, and I do think there is something to all that.

Too bad we don't all live close, we could get together and work out, and Cathy could be our personal trainer, she's really on a roll now, 8 lbs in three weeks!

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Sorry Lassysam... February 14 2007, 3:55 AM

I forgot to answer your question about progesterone. I read this article from a link posted on the main board, it sounded interesting, but I am so confused on the whole hormone balancing issue, that I didn't know if I could take it with BO or not. Here's the link


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(Login 3monkeysmom)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Setting A Goal February 14 2007, 4:12 PM

Hello, ladies!

Sissy, I live in the U.S., so it's winter here. Snow, some ice underneath (great driving!!!), and cold temps. Doesn't excite me about getting out into the "fresh" air, either. It is beautiful, though I feel sorry for the little birds at our feeder and the animals.
Had to laugh when you mentioned being "exploratory." I have seen some weird things, but like stated earlier, my husband dives in with a vengeance and an almost sick glee, then crows about it. Strange how I still love him... :-)

I will finish up with the BB this month, really in about 12 days. After being on it since April, with only a 1 month break, it's time to try something else. Since the St. Herb is already ordered, I'll try that for a few months and see what happens. Not turning my back on bo, because it has helped, I just probably won't buy the BB again and will try, I think it's DNE bo - have to look that up and make sure that's the one! Gotta Go!


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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 14 2007, 7:35 PM

Thank you both for your sympathies. You guys are sweethearts. I am feeling a bit better now. :]
The DNE BO is what I have. I think it's the cheapest BE product I have bought, which is great. I started out with single herbs and that was expensive too. AT least I won't have to feel so guilty about trying BO. I ordered some St Herb also, but I will just keep it for a while. At this point I have a "BE collection" Smile

I know what you mean about having a different personality in the warmer weather. Winter very much effects my mood.

I think this DIM helps metabolize other things besides estrogen. For years I have had a cup of coffe in the morning (as long as I can remember) and it had pretty much lost it's effect on me, but now since I have been taking the DIM, that one cup of coffee seems to really rev me up! Have you noticed anything from the DIM Sissy?

By the way I looked up that Slimage stuff and it seem to just have caffeine, hoodia... the usual run of the mill diet ingrediants. I was kind of disappointed. Next I am going to look up Slimquick, another weight loss, diet aid that promises to help with WOMENS METABOLISM. I thought the Slimage was expensive though, seems like it was 25-30 dollars at Wal-Mart.
Probably it would just make me feel sick anyway.

Any little bit of weight loss is encouraging. Something else that helps me is wearing some exercise clothes that are flattering, because I feel self conscious enough as it is doing pilates to a DVD of steroid women. The only thing that makes me feel somewhat happy is that they are all flat chested Tongue
Snow is melting here, things look promising! Happy Valentines everybody!

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(Login AngelaHulagirl)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Setting A Goal February 15 2007, 12:55 AM

Sorry to butt in on your thread but I'm glad I read it. I think I'm the heaviest here, I weigh 160 and am 5'6. I used to be rail thin even after I had both of my kids. I started homeshooling them 3 years ago and the weight just seems to have piled on. I live in Florida so it is hot about 8 months of the year and only really cold for about 1-2 if that,I used to be outside alot either swimming, yardwork or just anything to be outside in the nice weather. Now it seems like I am inside all day for most of the year. The kids seem to drag their feet with school so it keeps me inside alot. I also do the books for my husband (he's in construstion also) so that keeps me busy inside.

We started doing the 6 week body makeover at the end of December and it went so good for about 3 weeks and then it just got to be too hard. It does work and I was so excited about it but there is alot of preperation and guess who got to do that part of it?, yep, me. So with having to do it for 4 people it got to be too much. Plus you can't have dairy,sugar or salt. We felt much better but too much work for me. Yes I know...anything worth having is worth working for but I dont have the time to prepare all of the food. So I am going to try to walk and cut back some and see how it goes. I so dont' want to lose the boobs I gained, just the butt.

My best friend and my mom hve been taking the Colonix and it is working wonders on them. My best friend for 4 years now has been so sick, everytime she went to the doctor they gave her anti depressants because she would cry becasue she felt so bad and noone would help her. She had a lump about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide right below her right rib. We thought it was a tumor but her chiropractor did an xray and told her it was poop and she needed a colonics done. She ordered colonix because she didnt like the idea of the super enema thing. Her stomach has gone down some and the lump is gone!!! She feels better already and she only did one month so far.

My mom has had to take herbal laxatives for at least 20 years every day and now she doesn't. So this stuff really works. I'm going to try it out in a month or so. work is slow right now so no moola for anything except bills and food.

Oh my goodness I didnt' realize this was so long, you guys are gonna kick me out. lol Have a great night and thank you to whoever wrote about the protien scoop in your slimfast, I'm going to try that tomorrow(my protien shake makes me want to puke) It's definitely not an Entenmans donut. lol


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(Login 3monkeysmom)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Setting A Goal February 15 2007, 1:13 AM

Welcome, Angela!

Nope, not going to kick you out. We're just going to encourage and support you!!! I personally understand the homeschooling thing and working with the husband. We've homeschooled for 4 years and this year we just started working with our second child (kindergarten). It's not easy trying to run a business, educate the kiddos, and somewhere laundry, meals, and cleaning needs to be done. Personal time for any of us women with a family and jobs!?! What's that!?!

There are some terrific ladies on this board (and this thread) that are very encouraging and supportive. Hang in there and don't give up. We can do this. We have to and in the process we'll become better and healthier for ourselves and our families.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi Angela! February 15 2007, 2:26 AM

Glad you joined in! I read about that 6 week program a while back, it did seem like a good program that would work. Of course cutting some dairy and sugar is good for you anyway, just adopt your own simplified program that you can stick to using some of the guidlines maybe?

I'm so jealous that you can get out and walk in Florida, you must do that. Tell the kiddies it's phys ed time and the goal is two miles. I'm buried with snow right now, it was up over my car this morning, and I burned a few calories shoveling, but I want to walk soooo bad.

Thanks for another testimony on the colonix, I was going to wait until spring, but I think I'll order it in a couple of weeks so I can have it over with by the end of April. I'm excited about it after hearing so many good things here. That is so great about this forum, and others too, that you aren't reading what might be a phony review, you can actually trust what you read about products.

You mentioned wanting to lose while keeping your growth, what NBE program did you use and how's that going if you don't mind me asking, I looked for your progam and didn't see it. Well, Good luck, keep us posted. Get out and take a walk for me! -- Sissy

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Lassysam February 15 2007, 2:51 AM

I do think the DIM is helping me, I haven't lost more, but I feel more energetic I think. I'm glad that you think you are getting benefit from it.

Sweetie, I get dizzy trying to figure out what NBE program you are doing Smile. I think it's back to BO now? Good luck, hope it works for you.

I'm thinking of trying hoodia temporarily, I really haven't been over doing it much, but there are days when I eat more than I should while not exercising. If you are eating alot of carbs, that Phase 2 that was discussed on the other thread looks good too. I looked it up and it looks like it might work. I don't think anyone should take things long term, but sometimes you need a little help to get started. Last year I took GNC brand Burn-60 I think they were called. I only took them for a month, but I think they helped get me going at first. They kept being sold out, and I had to call and reserve them they were so popular, and while I in line, the lady in front of me was buying them and said she lost like 60 lbs in 5 months taking them. They don't make you feel bad either, atleast me they didn't.

Well, I'm off to bed, my exercise this evening was shoveling snow, and my back is too old for that!

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 15 2007, 7:40 PM

Angela, thank you so much for posting and sharing everything. I really enjoyed reading your post and can very much sympathize as I have 5 children of my own and though I don't home school them, we have hours of homework when they get off the bus at 4:30 - not a lot of time for homework, dinner and baths before my 9:00 pm curfew I give them. By the way, Angela 160 isn't that much. a couple of years ago I weighed 175 lbs. I can't take credit for the weight loss though, it came off through prescription drug withdrawals, I was very sick and it was not a fun way to lose weight.

~ Actually Sissy, Smile I plan on trying the BO, but so far I am not taking anything because I am waiting on aunt flow to come and visit. I am actually afraid to post that I am taking it (BO) because my body seems to be really sensitive to things so I am worried that the BO won't work out as well. :[
That is why my routine is making you dizzy, it's making me dizzy too. lol.
As soon as I am taking it and I don't turn purple or have a migraine everyday, I'll add myself to your tally sheet in the BO section.

I ate lunch with my 6 yr old at school today and I realized something. I have been programmed from child hood that I have to clean my plate and finish all my food. Because of this, I always eat after I am full, because I still have food left. Can't waste it. This is my parents fault. Smile
I've never really been conscious of it before, I just automatically tried to finish my food.
Now you guys have me thinking about that colonix, but ditto on the no moola thing so we'll have to wait a while.

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(Login AngelaHulagirl)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Setting A Goal February 15 2007, 9:13 PM

I started in June of 05 and took: Fenugreek--1800 mgs, Wild Yam--750 mgs and SP--1,440 mgs. I grew really good, from a AA/AAA to a medium-ish B. What I didnt' realize is that the SP was in extract form so the 160mgs pills were ALOT stronger than I thought and I was so tired I could hardly do anything. I dropped it down and tried a few other things in the way of herbs but no real growth just a little bit fuller in the last year.

I'm supposed to try the EE here in the next month but the Fenugreek plumped me up so bad, well that along with the SP. I have a problem with fluid in my legs and when I take Fenugreek I can feel the fluid moving in them. It is very annoying. I might try Fennel with Nettle Root along with Wild Yam and see how it goes for a bit. With trying to lose some weight I dont' think anything that plumps up my butt is so good.

My routine in full is on the Beboard under Hulagirl.

It is really nice to have nice weather but that also means shorts and tank top season is in another month and a half...ugh. I'm not ready yet. Rigth now it's still so cold, the high for tomorrow is 53! YIKES!! I dont' think I will be leaving my house. It would be great if my boobs got bigger and my butt got smaller before then. (((sigh)))
Oh my! 5 with homework to do?! My kids are 13 and 15, when they were in school I used to get so mad at the teachers because when I would volunteer some of them would say, "Oh well if we don't get to it it's okay, their parents will have to jsut do it tonight with them" That would irk me so bad. Sometimes their homework would take 3 hours...for gradeschool. You must be supermom because that's only 4 1/2 hours to get all of that done. Give yourself a big pat on the back.

Gotta run now

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 15 2007, 11:26 PM

Angela, your growth is really good, I think if you lose slowly and keep the fats and protien in your diet somehow you should be ok. It's below zero here, at 53 degrees we are out in tee shirts! Smile I know your blood gets thin and 53 feels alot colder to you.

I would definately watch the FG if you can feel the water, that is not a good thing to be happening. Is the EE the stuff in packets that you mix?

Lassysam, I think with BO you don't have to start at any particular time, but you might want to ask that question to someone else on the BO forum. I hope it works for you, I know you have had a hard time finding something that fits. I don't think that BO is known for causing problems, havent heard of any atleast. I can say that I lost weight after starting so you dont have to worry about that either.

I know what you mean about cleaning the plate. Today at lunch I was eating with 5 men, we all got the same thing. I just kept eating, then realized I was eating the same amount as them. I bet they all said, "did you see her eat, she ate what I did, I bet she gains it all back" lol. I told my self never again, and I think I tipped the scale, and I'm not looking. I'm going to be good Fri-Sun and weigh in on Monday. I can't face it right now, I just need to fix it.

3monkeysmom, what is that great video you are doing?

Take care ladies - Sissy

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(Login 3monkeysmom)
EVE MEMBERS Sissy & Lassysam February 16 2007, 7:32 PM

The video is by Beachbody ( and it is part of the group called "Slim in Six." There are 5 videos, 3 that are done in a series and 2 "extras." The first one is called "Start It Up" and it's 24 min. long. The guide recommends it to be done first for three days. The second and third ones are longer and have to be done in order. There is also a 10 min. ab routine and a 14 min. stretching routine. I am going to start on the second one in the series today and follow it with the stretching to lessen the soreness. It really is a good series, just one I haven't followed to the "t", but when I have done it for a couple of weeks, I have noticed ab defination and more strength and endurance. Gosh, think I just wrote an ad for them!!!

I have been on the BB since April 2006 and I don't recall any particular starting time for it, i.e. follicular phase, etc. That's stuff just messes with my head (not that it would take alot!)

See you later!

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 16 2007, 7:54 PM

Actually I have 3 teenagers so not all 5 need homework help, but all 5 do exhaust me so I like to make sure I get credit for all of them! Smile
Aunt Flow came today and she's being a witch! I actually have strong suspisions it is due to the DIM. I sure feel crappy. Not going to take the DIM for a while & see how I feel, but I did open up my lovely Bovine Ovaries bottle (Pee U! It stinks!)And cauticiously swallowed one with a protein shake. And tried not to visualize Cow's privates and udders. lol. Read over some other peoples programs who have taken it. I am encouraged that I can try to lose some weight while on it and at least it probably shouldn't make my stomach feel like the most protruding part of my body! Hope you guys have something fun or pleasant planned for the weekend. Have a great weekend everybody and thanks for all the encouragement.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 17 2007, 6:01 PM

Hey Lassysam, sorry that you are feeling bad. I had a visitor today also, and other than some cramps, all is well, and this would be my first while taking DIM. I never take anything EVER, not even BCP, headaches are the only thing I take advil for, so the last few months I've taken more pills than in my entire adult life, and that is no BS. My multi vitamin are chewables same as my Vit-C. Anyway, my point is that I rarely, but sometimes have a bad period, and since I never take anything, I usually attributed it to stress or just bad luck. I never gave hormones a though before. I will say that they have been pretty uneventful, regular flow, and on time as usual since I started in November, and I did hear that as a pleasant side effect of BO. Have you checked out their site?

I never noticed the smell before you said that, so I just opened my bottle and stuck my nose in it, and yes they do smell. I don't think you will notice it if you keep your nose out of the bottle. You are so funny, they don't have vagina's and udders in them, only ovaries.... (I think) Smile By the way BB said to keep theirs in the fridge, so I keep my DNE there also.

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 17 2007, 11:46 PM

I know, I know, but since I am taking cow ovaries, I can't help but think that I am taking them to grow cow udders. We live in a farming area, so these thoughts come easily to mind. Smile

No I haven't checked out any BO site at all. Which do you recommend? And... I am wondering how I could safely keep my cow overies in the fridge with my kids around. Firstly I don't want them to eat them accidently and secondly I don't want my very morale teen daughter to see the bottle and figure out what it's for. She would be very disappointed in me I think. I will have to think about this one.

Had my hubby take a picture of me today in case my growing really takes off. I am wearing my swimsuit so maybe I will go ahead and post it, haven't decided yet.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 18 2007, 12:50 AM

I promise you wont grow udders, but there is the danger of multiple long nipples developing, so watch for that. Read all the testimonials and the FAQs. I think I've read everything then I go back and see something I missed. Since you are taking the generic form of their product, it all applies to BO in general I would think. The tesimonials are what keep me going, some ladies didn't start growing until the 3-4 month point, then took off. Since we know that Michelle is real, and she knows some of the lady's who have tesimonies, then we can pretty much figure that they are all real.

Keep them in a baggie in the fridge, and tell them they are your female pills. You wouldn't be lying. Oh, but nothing could compare to my son home from college finding my bountiful breast pills in the butter keeper, the bottle has a pretty chick with big ones in a bikini and the big words bountiful breast. The conversation we had after that was priceless to say the least. The short of it is that after he laughed, he said that herbal stuff didn't work, then I tried to tell them they weren't herbal. Not the conversation you want to have with your son at any age! The bad thing about it is that after I lost weight this year, a couple of his friends told him that his mom was hot. Then over the holidays a couple of his college friends from out of state came to stay with him that I had never met, same thing. I have to admit being a little flattered, and I'm not Mrs. Robinson so don't think that!

He dealt with this when he was younger and didn't like it. Now, after I lose 30 more this year and my boobs are bigger, that's all he needs is to hear from his friends that your mom is stacked lol!! Believe me, we are very close but he still thinks of me as MOM, and hearing things like that are gross (sp?) to hear from your friends! Well, I hear how handsome he is all the time, and I love it, he should just be proud of me right? I would think it is better to hear that than your mom is a dog.

Ok, I'm outta here tonight, hope you are having a good weekend despite auntie flow's visit!

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 18 2007, 1:02 AM

Thanks for sharing that, it was hilarious, totally made my evening!
I can see how awkward that must have been! lol.
I think I will take your advice on the reading and the storage of the bovine treasure. Thanks a bunch Sissy!
And, I also know what you mean about the compliments, enjoy them! You deserve them! :]

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(Login hulagirl_) Re: Setting A Goal February 18 2007, 1:03 AM

Well I started back on a routine today. I haven't completely decided what it is yet. I'm starting with Fennel for a day or two and then maybe add Nettle Root. I also am going to be serious about my diet and exercise routine starting Monday. There is no way I can start on the weekend.

If your daughter does find out maybe she would understand. Both of my daughters are bigger than I was before BE. It's been so long now that they dont' think anything of it. They're also happy that I found this because after they have kids they will know what to do to get full breasts again. You never know, she might jsut suprise you. Take care and have a good night.


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(Login hulagirl_) Re: Setting A Goal February 18 2007, 1:07 AM

WOW!! Hearing your hot is so flattering. Your son should be so proud of his mama. I'm sure he is but he probably doesn't like his friends thinking of his mom in that way. I'm sure that will keep your spirits up for awhile. Wink Have a great night!


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(Login 3monkeysmom)
EVE MEMBERS DIM-Plus Experience February 18 2007, 2:22 AM

Hello, ladies!

Just wanted to say that in the four bottles of DIM-plus I have taken, I don't recall any nasty side effects. What brand are you using, Lassysam? Most of my herbal stuff came from I truly hope that you start feeling better soon!

Ahhh, Sissy! Long, multiple parts!?! LOL what a sight that would be! Wonder if Victoria's Secret has a bra for that??? Glad that you're now considered a "hottie!"

Angela and others, just a word of encouragement on the weight loss & exercise. This is day five of the exercise videos and day six of "moving" and I'm still excited about doing it! Normally, the body would have been too sore to continue, but spring/summer are coming and I want to wear cute tops w/o the jiggles! Selfish reason,isn't it? Just hang in there and imagine a new wardrobe as a reward. The waist is starting to shrink (it better be for the torture I'm going through) and that is keeping the motivation up. We can do it!!!

Have a terrific day!

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 19 2007, 2:01 AM

3monkeysmom, have you had any growth on the BO? And good for you on your exercises so far! And the kind of DIM I have is Source Naturals that I got form iherb. I am feeling better now that I am not taking it so... I may try it again some other time. I am a lot more sensitive than most people when it comes to taking stuff.
Also, thank you Angela for your kind encouraging words concerning my daughter, still I think I will keep it to myself for now. She is always so disgusted when she sees some women who has gotten implants or when she thinks women worry so much about how they look.
Do you guys know the amount of BO in the BB pills? And do they have any other ingrediants in them?

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(Login 3monkeysmom)
EVE MEMBERS Lassysam February 19 2007, 4:11 AM

Hi, Lassysam!

The ingredients in BB say: bovine ovaries, pituitary gland substance, and kelp. 525 mg. That's it, no nice, neat, little breakdown of how many mg of each.

As to my growth, well, while not spectacular I am at least a full 36B/small 36C after nursing my third child. After nursing my first two, I was a (gulp) 36A and that could have been borderline. So at least there is something up front now and I was kept from totally deflating like before. My tops haven't filled in as much as I would have liked, but with a push-up bra everything is squished and makes the tops appear fuller. Does this help or confuse more? (Need to update my program page as some items have changed).

Thanks...and bountiful blessings to everyone!

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 19 2007, 10:27 PM

It does help. I find it hard to measure, because the tape can be loose or not even and then there is the issue of fat and water retention so it's tough determining if there have been any changes. My under bust is measuring smaller and I feel much less bloated now. I am not super hungry like I was a couple weeks ago so that is good. At least I don't feel panicked now like I am packing on pounds uncontrollably. And I am feeling some slight sensations from the BO, so things are looking up! :] Just need to be patient now and continue making healthy decisions.

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(no login) Ok, part two of my story....... February 19 2007, 11:37 PM

Lassysam, glad that you are doing ok and feeling something with the BO. Remember to be patient...everybody is different and although I fill up right away and had constant pains and feelings, I didnt' start growing until the third month, and even then it's slow. I hope you finally found what works for you.

3monkeysmom, you are doing great with your fitness routine, you are correct that spring/summer is right around the corner and you will look great in the cute summer tops you want to wear! Also, congratulations on your boobie growth, I didn't realize you had done so well, that's great!

Angela, good luck with your new routine and your resolution to start with the diet and exercise today!

To all of you, yes, it's flattering what the boys said, but I'm hoping to attract them a little older, just a little.....I am not picky but I do prefer men who are not claimed on their parents income tax! Although one of them is getting drafted by the white sox this year I hear...hmmmmm.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 20 2007, 12:49 AM

As for the last post title, I was going to tell you the second half of our conversation on the BB pills and decided not to..... Smile

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Setting A Goal February 28 2007, 2:03 AM

Hmmm.... wondering how everyone is doing?? I'll fess up first, I'm not gaining, but not doing much to lose either except watching what I eat.

C'mon ladies, tell me how well you are doing on your exercise programs so I can feel guilty and get myself going? Seriously.

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Hey there! March 2 2007, 1:14 AM

Sorry Sissy life has been kinda crazy.
Just a couple days ago I decided to start counting calories and use some online weight loss calculators and then...Bam! I got sick! It's been the pits. My nose is red, my eyes are red and watery, sneezing, always blowing my nose. I've made a serious investment in the Kleenex company. Can't wait until I feel better. I should have expected it, after all, all the kids were sick and it is that time of year.
So, I've got nothin to use to make you feel guilty. You could check out though, take the self challenge, which is just basically posting your food/calories and exercise or try out some of those calcula

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