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368girllll program


Hello All,
I already posted a couple posts on the forum, but I think I need to properly do it now that I have a few things worked out!
First I’ll share a little background about myself. I’m a natural born female. I’m twenty years old. Moderately active and not extremely healthy nor unhealthy. I am honestly true to size a 28.5 A in my opinion, but I do fit into 30 B from Victoria Secret. I am very skinny ( 100 lbs.)
My genetic history is slightly weird. Either everyone has huge boobies or little boobies. I also have a very disease prone family, which has not skipped me at all. I do have a autoimmune disorder which I do not doubt has damaged my growth and did hit its worse point in my puberty years.
I did check out NBE when I was 18 and did try Bountiful Breast Pills. However, I did not take them like suggested.. in fact hardly at all, and honestly was to immature and undedicated to NBE to even begin to form any opinion. I think that in part stemmed from the fact I was still growing so it wasn’t exactly a safe option for me yet! So, this July I did more research and now that I am a junior nursing major and actually have a little bit of knowledge on my body and the health science industry decided to give it a try. I will admit I am very skeptical on how NBE will work for ME. I am not a perfect candidate for sure (low BMI , medication, stress filled life, hectic schedule, etc.) So far though I am very please I started out at what I believe (Im not sure if my measuring was accurate at first because I didn’t have a great tape) was a 28.5/30.2… after three weeks (and new tape) I am at a 28.5/31.0. =)
I am very good about not missing any pills. I also just started massage. However, I only do it once a day and then let it set when I sleep. I also am not very good about intense massage because it bores me in all honesty. Lol Below is what I use and how much per day. This is the program I have decided to use for myself for now based off others programs.
MSM- 2000 mg
Calcium with VD- 1200 mg
Milk Thistle- 2000 mg
Grape Seed Complex with Resveratrol- mg is kinda weird because it’s a mix up grape seed and some antioxidents
Vitamin C- 1000 mg
Fenugreek- 1830mg
Saw Palmetto- 1800mg
Black Cohosh- 540 mg (Just a side note from a nursing stand point.. black cohosh shouldn’t be taken more than one dietary pil a day. I asked my pharm professor. She sighted reasons mainly of they are learning black cohosh causes problems for people with allergy issues. Oh, and I guess nearly all the liver stories you hear about are in part caused by medicine taken in addition and are in menopausal women. There is tons of research from labs that did studies and other reports on the web.)
Red Clover- 2400mg
Gelatin- 3900mg
Fish, Flax, and Borage Oil- 1200mg of each
Dong Quai- 1650mg
Lotion: 1 tablespoon of Coco Butter to ¼ teaspoon each of olive oil and fenugreek powder.
My pills are just from GNC and Wal-mart. This might be bad but they are doing something to me atleast or I think? Haha However, next time I replenish my stock I believe I am going to buy greenbush herbs kit and the teas and see how that works out too. Also, when I get my new apartment I may be adventurous and try noogleberry, and my diet is ALWAYS better at school than home!
Well, this is about all I have to say I think. I love discussing or any suggestions. I always enjoy reading everyones posts and seeing progress made. I find that to be so empowering and great for everyone!

Well, its been almost a month now with my program! Not much more new news to report i havent really seen anymore growth. I have experienced a few more twitches, but not much more. Im not discouraged though. Like i said, i think i am going to be one of those people that NBE is going to need time to work!

I am thinking about changing my routine though. taking out the gelatin, dong quai and milk thistle. adding soy isovlanes, epo and maybe some more borage oil. im hoping to also add barley, bere, and hops. still researching though and will decide. im concerned in the fact of changing my program after a month but ive really continued researching and read good things about these things and havent read much about the gelatin, dong quai, and milk thistle.

I do know my program is doing something because I didnt get my period this month, and that never happens.. and im not sexually active so.. yeahhh. Smile ive read other people programs saying they also havent gotten theirs so im guessing it is from the herbs. i am on birth control though which ive read saw palmetto doesnt get along with too well, but i have to take the bcp for my blood disorder. so we will see!

when i move into my apartment im looking forward to getting a noogleberry and using a heating pad really regularly with my massage, which could def. stand to get some improvement. i really hate the massage part. i put the lotion on once and will massage maybe five minutes? and let the lotion set over night. i just really cant stand to massage longer than that. i really dont know what to do.. so im hoping the noogle would maybe help me out with that??

until next time..

don't be discouraged. that is quite the program you have there! good luck and happy growing. something is happening yes, like you said :]

Char- Thank you! Its nice to hear some encouraging words from someone about my program. You made me smile. Smile Im so concerned over if my dosages are right or if i've picked right herbs and vitamins that can work together and be alright.So thanks!

Im really not a fan of Dong Quai, it smells weird, but i think I should stick it out. , I decided to keep Gelatin because I started thinking back, and I have read a lot of programs that had success and collagen formation is a major precursor for stromal tissue (the connective tissue found in the breast). , I am keeping milk thistle too because of the liver effects it has, which I forgot about. However, I AM getting rid of Grape Seed Complex. Only because I think it makes me eat less healthy because it has sooo much antioxidents and I need to become more disciplined in my diet. Unfortunately, I think this is the way.

I will keep everyone posted if I add any more. Can you tell pill poppin' doesnt bother me? haha

Read about your genetic history and that is what actually is correct that the reasons you spotted are all right..But, never mind! As you said, you started the program already, it will help you to boost the things in a proper shape but with little time, don't loose hope!!

Hello All!

Just wanted to report back to you all that after about a month and a half a have grown total of a ltitle over an inch! This may not sound like much to some of you, but im very happy i have grown at all. I am so pleasently surprised!
Heres my break down:
Beginning (July 07)- 28.5/30.2
July 28- 28.5/31.0
Today (August 23)- 28.5/31.3

Heres what I take now:
MSM- 2000 mg
Calcium with VD- 1200 mg
Vitamin C- 1000 mg
Fenugreek- 1830mg
Saw Palmetto- 1800mg
Black Cohosh- 1080 mg
Red Clover- 2400mg
Gelatin- 3900mg
Fish, Flax, and Borage Oil- 1200mg of each
Dong Quai- 1650mg
Dandelion Root- 1000mg
Soy Iso.- 80mg
EP0- 1500mg
Lotion: 1 tablespoon of Coco Butter to ¼ teaspoon each of olive oil and fenugreek powder. Once day

I have felt minor aches. Nothing big though, but like I said I'm seeing something so I'm so happy. Smile

I havent bought noogleberry yet. My diet is ten times better though that I'm back at school.

Much love <3

there you go!

Hi everyone!
Just another update!
Beginning (July 07)- 28.5/30.2
July 28- 28.5/31.0
August 23- 28.5/31.3
Today (August 31)- 28.5/ 31.6

Smile Smile

I have seen and felt soooo much more in my second month of the program than i have the first. It makes me feel so positive! Even though i have only grown 1.4 inches im really happy. I am due to get my period tomorrow but once again i dont think im going to. I have had no signs or symptoms.

I am going to change up my vitamins and roll out some when i finish the bottles mainly because ive done more research and i think a few arent worth the cash i spend on them, and i think ill still get the same effects without them. so this will be my new list:

Multivitamin- 2x a day.
Fenugreek- 1830mg
Saw Palmetto- 1800mg
Black Cohosh- 1080 mg
Red Clover- 2400mg
Gelatin- 3900mg
Fish, Flax, and Borage Oil- 1200mg of each
Soy Iso.- 120mg
EP0- 1500mg
Lotion: 1 tablespoon of Coco Butter to ¼ teaspoon each of olive oil and fenugreek powder and fennel powder. Once day

i think i am going to wait til january to get a noogleberry so i can assess my progress and see if its something i am serious about doing or really, really find to need.

Best wishes to all!

hi there,

its great to measure at different times of your cycle, but be aware that when you compare measurements you need to do that against the same cycle day each month. So, for alot of people their breasts will be deflated around their period finishes (start of cycle), and then they get larger towards the end of their cycle. I've experienced fluctuations of over an inch in one cycle, but then when I compare my measurements next cycle, I find they are the same, or only slightly more.

so don't get discouraged if you find that after your period you aren't measuring as much as you thought.

If you do retain 1" growth per month, that is a huge difference, and I haven't read too many women on here achieving that. So keep us posted. I may need to switch to your program!

Good luck :-)

Hi girlfriday!
Thanks for the tip, i never even thought to compare my the date of the month. I measured again today and am at 31.4 inches.

Hi everyone!
Just another update!
Beginning (July 07)- 28.5/30.2
July 28- 28.5/31.0
August 23- 28.5/31.3
August 31- 28.5/ 31.6
Today (September 6)- 28.5/ 31.4

So as you can tell i did see a little deflation. I havent got my period once since a i started NBE, so maybe thats why im retaining my growth a little better? i am not sure, but in two months i have grown 1.2 inches (comparing from july 7th til now). so im happy with that!

i did switch to greenbush herb kit today so i have added wild yam to my mixture. Smile im hoping having higher quality herbs will aid my process, even though im not disappointed now! i also have addded a heating pad to my massage. Smile

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