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Stopping Pills??


Hi everyone! I have heard that it is beneficial to stop using herbs for a week or two in a cycle and then start back up. Has anyone heard of this or tried it and what is the purpose? If it has worked, what week/s within your cycle do you stop?

I have been taking supplements for a little over 6 months for note.

The purpose of taking a break from supplements is the same reason during puberty the body would go through "growth spurts." these growth spurts are because if the body would just keep releasing hormones non-stop then it would become climatized (bored).

Similarly to if you were to have the same meal for dinner for an entire month, you would probably want to change it up after a few days. There is some good news though your body in terms of hormone receptors can usually go for a few months before becoming climatized (does that mean that the body can withstand monotony better then the person?)

though there are some considerations that I have found with respect to herbal breast growth mainly on the things to avoid that can also reduce the effectiveness of the hormones and that list is:
alcohol, chocolate, and caffeine
If you think of what this list means then: no chocolate, no trips to the bar (without being the designated driver), and most-likely a far more limited selection of fluids then most people in this day and age are used to.

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