10-05-2011, 11:49
First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work?
July 18 2009 at 11:00 PM Stephie (Login AliceNwonderlnd)
Hi everyone, so I've been checking out this forum for several months now.
I've been taking fenugreek, saw palmetto, fennel seed, and massaging...all for about 7 months and using the dosages discussed on the forum.
So far, i have seen no real tangible results. After reading what Jane wrote, i started thinking to myself that maybe she was right?
I mean, to be honest, i have browsed through all the before and after pictures too, and must admit, they are kinda vague in their results. Jane came across as bullyish and short tempered, but it doesn't mean she didn't have a point.
Maybe this is all in our minds, and while Jane had the definition of placebo mixed up, she was right to question something that doesnt have really obvious results.
Not to be a negative nelly or anything, but even the best pictures like Tiger Lilly and Milani have results that could just as easily be due to lighting or weight gain, or even the time of the month...right?
I've heard from many on this forum that herbs and massaging can increase you a whole cup size or two, but has anyone actually had this happen, and do they have pictures?
Going from a A cup to a C cup would be pretty obvious and hard to argue against.
I know you could argue that no one on this forum has anything to gain by lying, but this conclusion ignores the possibility that lying isnt always intentional deceit. It could simply be people trying to cheer themselves up, rather than believe they have been wasting their time and money.
Author Reply
(Login millanii)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 1:04 AM
well my pictures are taken at the same time of the month and i think you can see by my pics that my weight doesnt change much. As for lighting i did what i could but its not easy. I guess it doesnt matter what people think i know the truth and doesnt matter to me if people believe whats in front of their eyes or not. I do think there are examples better than mine which prove 100% it works tho like surf you just need to have more faith.
(Login Sun.shine) Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 1:14 AM
I think you've done an excellent job with your photo-taking! You're always standing in the same position (some other people take theirs at slightly different angles or stances), so any new 'definition' is made easier to see. The mono-tone color was also an excellent idea. The fact that your boyfriend noticed your growth from wonderup is a pretty significant indicator of growth in my opinion!
If I ever get my hormone imbalance under control, I'd love to try Wonderup too. Hope you keep growing!
(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 2:21 AM
As I said before, I think the pictures do show evident enoguh increases. But I don't really consider pictures as the most convincting evidence, but all the info on this forum, all the testimonials. If you've been here for a while and know about NBE in depth you know it's real. Hard, sometimes frustrating, doesn't always work, sometimes takes a long time, but often it does work.
(Login millanii)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 4:37 PM
Thank you Sunshine
nice to know some people do notice i try and make them as similar as possible. Maybe wonderup would help to balance your hormones?
(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 7:46 PM
Hi Stephie,
If your routine is not working then you have not found the right routine yet. Many people start off doing something but when it does not work they switch routines. After 7 months of no results I would say it is time for you to try something else.
Moon is a great example of someone who has tried many different routines. If anyone has a reason to be skeptical of NBE it would be Moon. However because she has persisted she is indeed seeing results.
No one is withholding information. There is not a secret pile of pictures out there that people are holding on to just waiting for your or Jane's request. I don't think anyone who posted their pictures were trying to convince anyone that NBE worked. They were just sharing their results so we could see.
When I first joined this forum there were very few photos and sure, some of them showed very little results, but a few showed marked increases. Why focus on what you perceive as lack of success. Focus on those that show success as you define it. Surf has great photo results, so does Eve, Tiger lily and several more I can't recall at the moment.
However, if you are discouraged and just looking for a reason to feel down about it - you will find that instead. Where your mind leads your body will follow.
Don't give up. Find something, even if it is just one photo result and use that as your visual focus. Look through others routines and see what you can do to change yours into one that works.
Best wishes,
(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 10:46 PM
Hey Waxingmoon, actually I haven't done NBE in the last month and a half and I dunno if I can be arsed with it at all anymore cause I somewhere along the way I became pretty much unbothered and fine with my boobs. Well I think I will try it again sometime just for the giggles when I'm not lazy and a plan occures to me.
(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 20 2009, 1:26 AM
Hey Moon,
Congratulations. After all this quest is for us to transform our breasts to what we want them to be, right? You did increase your size after a lot of struggle with various methods. That you are now happy with what you have achieved means you were successful. Size does not matter - our acceptance of our size is what matters. Maybe after a few months off you will want to do more. Maybe you have done all you needed to do.
I hope we will still be hearing from you. I always enjoy your insights and advice.
Best wishes,
(Login janeyjayjay) Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 20 2009, 1:55 AM
Can someone tell me where to find surf's pictures, i hear they are the best, but cant find them.
(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 20 2009, 2:42 AM
Hi Jane,
Here are Surf's pics:
At the bottom of that page you can find a link to her program page. She started off in October of 2006 measuring 29 under bust and 32 at mid bust. Her last reported size was 29 under bust and 37 at mid bust.
Most of the picture pages have the program link at the bottom. It can be very helpful to see what the starting size was reported compared to the size they achieved. Pictures may speak a thousand words, but the words help you understand what you are seeing.
Best wishes,
July 18 2009 at 11:00 PM Stephie (Login AliceNwonderlnd)
Hi everyone, so I've been checking out this forum for several months now.
I've been taking fenugreek, saw palmetto, fennel seed, and massaging...all for about 7 months and using the dosages discussed on the forum.
So far, i have seen no real tangible results. After reading what Jane wrote, i started thinking to myself that maybe she was right?
I mean, to be honest, i have browsed through all the before and after pictures too, and must admit, they are kinda vague in their results. Jane came across as bullyish and short tempered, but it doesn't mean she didn't have a point.
Maybe this is all in our minds, and while Jane had the definition of placebo mixed up, she was right to question something that doesnt have really obvious results.
Not to be a negative nelly or anything, but even the best pictures like Tiger Lilly and Milani have results that could just as easily be due to lighting or weight gain, or even the time of the month...right?
I've heard from many on this forum that herbs and massaging can increase you a whole cup size or two, but has anyone actually had this happen, and do they have pictures?
Going from a A cup to a C cup would be pretty obvious and hard to argue against.
I know you could argue that no one on this forum has anything to gain by lying, but this conclusion ignores the possibility that lying isnt always intentional deceit. It could simply be people trying to cheer themselves up, rather than believe they have been wasting their time and money.
Author Reply
(Login millanii)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 1:04 AM
well my pictures are taken at the same time of the month and i think you can see by my pics that my weight doesnt change much. As for lighting i did what i could but its not easy. I guess it doesnt matter what people think i know the truth and doesnt matter to me if people believe whats in front of their eyes or not. I do think there are examples better than mine which prove 100% it works tho like surf you just need to have more faith.
(Login Sun.shine) Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 1:14 AM
I think you've done an excellent job with your photo-taking! You're always standing in the same position (some other people take theirs at slightly different angles or stances), so any new 'definition' is made easier to see. The mono-tone color was also an excellent idea. The fact that your boyfriend noticed your growth from wonderup is a pretty significant indicator of growth in my opinion!
If I ever get my hormone imbalance under control, I'd love to try Wonderup too. Hope you keep growing!
(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 2:21 AM
As I said before, I think the pictures do show evident enoguh increases. But I don't really consider pictures as the most convincting evidence, but all the info on this forum, all the testimonials. If you've been here for a while and know about NBE in depth you know it's real. Hard, sometimes frustrating, doesn't always work, sometimes takes a long time, but often it does work.
(Login millanii)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 4:37 PM
Thank you Sunshine

(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 7:46 PM
Hi Stephie,
If your routine is not working then you have not found the right routine yet. Many people start off doing something but when it does not work they switch routines. After 7 months of no results I would say it is time for you to try something else.
Moon is a great example of someone who has tried many different routines. If anyone has a reason to be skeptical of NBE it would be Moon. However because she has persisted she is indeed seeing results.
No one is withholding information. There is not a secret pile of pictures out there that people are holding on to just waiting for your or Jane's request. I don't think anyone who posted their pictures were trying to convince anyone that NBE worked. They were just sharing their results so we could see.
When I first joined this forum there were very few photos and sure, some of them showed very little results, but a few showed marked increases. Why focus on what you perceive as lack of success. Focus on those that show success as you define it. Surf has great photo results, so does Eve, Tiger lily and several more I can't recall at the moment.
However, if you are discouraged and just looking for a reason to feel down about it - you will find that instead. Where your mind leads your body will follow.
Don't give up. Find something, even if it is just one photo result and use that as your visual focus. Look through others routines and see what you can do to change yours into one that works.
Best wishes,
(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 19 2009, 10:46 PM
Hey Waxingmoon, actually I haven't done NBE in the last month and a half and I dunno if I can be arsed with it at all anymore cause I somewhere along the way I became pretty much unbothered and fine with my boobs. Well I think I will try it again sometime just for the giggles when I'm not lazy and a plan occures to me.
(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 20 2009, 1:26 AM
Hey Moon,
Congratulations. After all this quest is for us to transform our breasts to what we want them to be, right? You did increase your size after a lot of struggle with various methods. That you are now happy with what you have achieved means you were successful. Size does not matter - our acceptance of our size is what matters. Maybe after a few months off you will want to do more. Maybe you have done all you needed to do.
I hope we will still be hearing from you. I always enjoy your insights and advice.
Best wishes,
(Login janeyjayjay) Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 20 2009, 1:55 AM
Can someone tell me where to find surf's pictures, i hear they are the best, but cant find them.
(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: First time blogger, long time reader,does this really work? July 20 2009, 2:42 AM
Hi Jane,
Here are Surf's pics:
At the bottom of that page you can find a link to her program page. She started off in October of 2006 measuring 29 under bust and 32 at mid bust. Her last reported size was 29 under bust and 37 at mid bust.
Most of the picture pages have the program link at the bottom. It can be very helpful to see what the starting size was reported compared to the size they achieved. Pictures may speak a thousand words, but the words help you understand what you are seeing.
Best wishes,