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February 3 2009 at 8:53 PM
Dreamer (Login LuCLu)


Hey ladies.

Where can you buy HOPS from? And whats the best kind: extract or pills?

Author Reply
(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: HOPS February 3 2009, 11:46 PM

We have a health food store where I live that sells hops tea. The brand name is Alvita.

Also I have read that beer is a good source for hops! I'm sure not everyone agrees but I think I read that in one of the flat-2-fab emails that I got. I think one or two "hoppy" beers is good for ya. Hehe. Terrapin Beer Co. has one called Big Hoppy Monster... one of my faves!


(Login LuckyCocoChanel) Re: HOPS February 4 2009, 5:08 AM

You can find hops easily, it's a common herb. I take hop extract since I think it absorb faster but u have to get use to the taste.

(Login itchy_panda)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: HOPS February 4 2009, 12:59 PM

Would drinking beer help or does it not have enough hops in it?

(Login LuCLu)
SENIOR MEMBER hops February 4 2009, 5:13 PM

Hm, unfortunately i don't drink beer. My husband and i ocassionally drink red wine but that's pretty much where it stops. So...i guess i'll have to find it through one of the e-stores online. I've heard that it is quite potent and great for NBE. As of now, i'm just re starting again after being off of NBE for almost 3 months (not too long.) i was on it for 2 months, and started to see results, but then i had a bad papsmear and wanted to stop so that i wouldn't raise my estrogen levels and have something potentially harmful occur, but then it turns out that i'm fine, so i'm re-starting again and going a bit of a different route... I've been back on for about 2 weeks or so, and i'm wondering if my body is already responding to it quicker this time because my breasts already feel a bit more round and "substantial." I wasn't filling out my 34b, but now i fit it just perfectly, so im a happy camper.

(Login LuckyCocoChanel) Re: HOPS February 4 2009, 6:47 PM

Hops is not expensive either. That's another positive thing about it.

Nell Gwynne
(Login nell.gwynne)
EVE MEMBERS Re: HOPS February 4 2009, 8:52 PM

I doubt that drinking beer can be considered an efficient way of taking hops. It would have to be the right beer anyway, because some beers contain very little hops.

(Login itchy_panda)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: HOPS February 5 2009, 12:01 AM

That would probably explain why I've had very little growth even though I drink a lot of beer! haha
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