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Purple shampoo


How long do they last?

Short story bleached my hair it’s a bit yellow so bught one. I have tried it today, love the result. How long will it last? I was thinking of using it once a week I don’t really want to use it any more than that. Will my locks go back to the way they were after one wash?

I decided to lighten my hair a bit for summer. Having had a bit of a bad experience with pre-lightener I decided to stay away from dies I cant control and decided to try sun-in.

I KNOW EVERYRONE SAYS IT’S AWFUL. It’s hated by stylists and so many orange nightmares and the damage. However I decided what the hell. I have been a red head for a year thanks to some henna experiments if it goes horribly wrong I will be strait down to the lush for a henna block no worries. I loved henna.

But I have to say; coming from a medium brown I haven’t gone orange and it’s turned out really nice. I have used it little by little and lightened up slowly. I’m not blond just a light golden brown. Only negative has been I’m little too golden, yellow would be more accurate.

So consult the Internet some more and purple shampoo and blue rinse seemed the way to go. I bout some touch of silver twice a week brightening shampoo with violet pigment. Wow fist application and what a difference!

(16-05-2011, 22:04)Maz Wrote:  How long do they last?

Short story bleached my hair it’s a bit yellow so bught one. I have tried it today, love the result. How long will it last? I was thinking of using it once a week I don’t really want to use it any more than that. Will my locks go back to the way they were after one wash?

I decided to lighten my hair a bit for summer. Having had a bit of a bad experience with pre-lightener I decided to stay away from dies I cant control and decided to try sun-in.

I KNOW EVERYRONE SAYS IT’S AWFUL. It’s hated by stylists and so many orange nightmares and the damage. However I decided what the hell. I have been a red head for a year thanks to some henna experiments if it goes horribly wrong I will be strait down to the lush for a henna block no worries. I loved henna.

But I have to say; coming from a medium brown I haven’t gone orange and it’s turned out really nice. I have used it little by little and lightened up slowly. I’m not blond just a light golden brown. Only negative has been I’m little too golden, yellow would be more accurate.

So consult the Internet some more and purple shampoo and blue rinse seemed the way to go. I bout some touch of silver twice a week brightening shampoo with violet pigment. Wow fist application and what a difference!

Good for you, I tried to lighten my hair and went a little auburn and it went more brown red.

The colour sounds nice even thought it’s not what you were aiming for. Maybe keep tiring. I have read that peroxide will go orange/red before making you blond maybe you need to keep going. But then again it might get worse before it gets better so your call. Huh

As I said I’m not stranger to the red side. I love the colour when I henna my hair I stopped because my hair got too long and it became such a chore to make the mix apply and wrap. It was messy and took a long time and I simply couldn’t be bothered anymore. Also when you use henna you can’t colour over it and I wanted to try blond/light highlights one more time. im going to keep going light. The way I see it, I have the rest of my life to be a deep brunette.

(16-05-2011, 22:23)Maz Wrote:  The colour sounds nice even thought it’s not what you were aiming for. Maybe keep tiring. I have read that peroxide will go orange/red before making you blond maybe you need to keep going. But then again it might get worse before it gets better so your call. Huh

As I said I’m not stranger to the red side. I love the colour when I henna my hair I stopped because my hair got too long and it became such a chore to make the mix apply and wrap. It was messy and took a long time and I simply couldn’t be bothered anymore. Also when you use henna you can’t colour over it and I wanted to try blond/light highlights one more time. im going to keep going light. The way I see it, I have the rest of my life to be a deep brunette.

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I clicked on you profile thing. I understand your question a bit better.

I thought you were being hostile about my question suggesting I am spamming henna or something odd.

No i'm not.

I am active on the rest of the pages and have tried a range of NBE methods most results have come from massage so I spend a lot of time there.

Its just I bleached my hair and wanted to know about purple shampoo so put it here in the other topic bit.

hi maz, why don't you try yourself to see how long it last between two regular shampoo ?

I've never tried this thing, I used to be a platinum blond, but only by bleaching my hair near to white so don't know... By the way, the fun thing with blond is to be able to dye in some crazy colors like pink and blue ! I'm blue now Big Grin

And I love lush products! Lucky you in england it's cheaper than in France and easy to find.

Well sorry I wasn't helpful, just glad to talk about hair

I did the sun-in lightening thing last summer too. I am naturally dark blonde; and it turned my hair more "yellow" golden than I would have liked. And it damaged my hair. Sad My hair is long, down to the middle of my back (where your bra band sits); and now I'm gonna have to chop it all off. *boo hoo!* I can't be bothered to spend 10 minutes combing out all the tangles anymore. It looks silly now anyway, with 6 inches of dark blonde roots, lol! If I had more time, I'd be more adventurous with shampoos and rinses, or oil therapy or something. Oh well.

I feel your disappointment! And I too was warned about the sun-in. Maybe if I had just done streaks or highlights, it wouldn't have been too bad, I don't know.

Out of curiosity, where do you find this special purple shampoo and rinse stuff? Do you have to go to a salon or beauty supply place, or can it be found at a drugstore or Walmart???

wow blue hair that’s awesome I’m a bit too shy to do something so bright. Good on you for doing it. Red was as out there as I am brave enough to do. Bought both the sun in light and sun in strong formulas and haven’t touched the strong I’m just to scared. I would love to have the balls to just full on bleach it.

I bought the purple shampoo from a largish Sainsbury’s supermarket. It was very easy to find.

I’m sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with it damaging your hair so much. And to chop it all off I feel you pain I really do. Before the sun in experiments my hair was also all the way down my back and I spent about 8 months growing out the red to bob length and when for the chop. I have had short hair for about a month now. I miss it long but I’m having fun with lightening. My hair also grows very fast so I feel like I have an opportunity to play about with it more than others who have slow growing hair such as my sister. I had it cut up to my ears and it’s already to of my shirts collar so grown about 2cm. It sounds like nothing but as its so short its noticeable.

To avoid my hair being completely wrecked I didn’t over saturate my hair with it and I haven’t used it day after day after day I have done about 2 applications a week for about 3 weeks. And used a super moisture mask after each.

Hey, there I would like to say that color of shampoo is not important, important is how that shampoo effects our hair. I am saying this I working in a hair saloon and our hair saloon is the best saloon in our area as it provides all the product which are necessary for the hair treatment. Before two weeks my boss ordered 5 packs of shampoo and color and along with it 2 racks, that show the samples of hairs of different colors.

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