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melissa4u program


My BO order came in today! Along with the Pituitary, Kelp and L-Tyrosine. I might just place an order for MSM and Pueraria Mirifica. I read in a few posts that those help.
I was originally planning to start my NBE journey in September, but I just could not wait!!!!
I actually decided to start right away!!
Today, I took:
1 L-Tyrosine (500mg) and 1 Kelp (250mcg)
waited half an hour
took 2 BO (250mg each) and the Pituitary (80mg)
about 1 hour later, ate lunch,
took one-a-day multi vitamin for women and flaxseed oil (1,000mg)
then drank a protein shake (21grams of protein)
then a few hours later ate dinner,
then protein shake (21grams of proetin), and then took
1 L-Tyrosine (500mg) and 1 Kelp (250mcg)
and right before bed
took 2 BO (250mg each) and the 1 pituitary (80mg)

So in total I got about 1.000 mg of BO and 160mg of Pituitary. 42 grams of protein.
I will be adding MSM and PM soon to my routine.
I will try to update here frequently so I can look back at my progress and so I can help others as well.

It is highly recommended NOT to add PM with BO.
Read the forum and you will see why.
Good Luck with your program!!!

Thanks Eva!!!
I have read lots of posts here, but I guess I never came across that PM and BO do not mix.
Thank you for the heads up!!! I guess I'll just order the MSM then.
If BO doesn't work for me, I will switch either to PM or NB or both.
Ginie got me into trying PM from reading about her growth!
Can I mix EPO, Collagen with BO?

Collagen is o.k. to take with BO. I don't know what about EPO.
I recommend you to go slowly with all the pills.... I also was so excited that I bought so many supplements and now I have a lot left...
I also took BO for 9 months....and I didn't have such good results so I switched to PM. I just started taking it 15 days ago. I took it for 12 days of my cycle. I ovulate on the 14th day of my cycle.
Good Luck with your BO program!!!

I will be slowly increasing my BO to 1,800mg and see how that does for me, that is the minimum amount to take, if no growth, I will increase more.
I will add a noogleberry to my program soon.
Havent ordered it yet, but will in the next few days.
Just what Lucy from Noogleberry told me:
I will be starting with 2 sessions 20 minutes each
after 2 weeks
increase to 2 sessions 40 minutes each
if this proves to be not enough then
increase to 2 sessions 60 minutes each.

Hi Eva!
From what I have read BO alone doesn't really give great results. I have read a ton of posts on this forum who use BO, they combine it with a lot of things, and not just BO alone. For example, some are combining BO and NB and other supplements as well. I think even with herbs or even PM, you need to combine a few other things. For example, Ginie, she uses a ton of other supplements along with PM and she also uses a noogleberry. All these have definitley contributed to her growth. I have actually bought most of the supplements that she uses, I bought them from Swanson Vitamins. They should be here soon.

I will be adding to my program:
MSM 3 pills (1,500mg each) total= 4,500mg
Hyaluronic Acid: 1 pill 2x a day (100mg each)= 200mg
Collagen Capsules + Vitamin C: 3 pills 2x a day= total (6 grams)

I have to buy Vitamin C capsules to take with MSM so it can work better.

Ginie also uses placenta pills, I might buy Swiss Lamb Placenta soon!

I also ordered a Noogleberry....So Excited!!!
It should be here soon.

I also am adding Maca to my program to get a bigger booty, lol! And hopefully bigger hips.
I read in another forum that some say they have grown boobs also with Maca, I've also read of the spreading of the hips, I have to try it!
I will be adding:
Maca starting with 1 pill and then ramping up to 2 or 3 pills a day
(500mg each)

Hi everyone.
Just a few updates about my program:
I took BO about 3 days before my period, I should have waited for my period to start because my period was a week late, not a big deal. I have been on my program for about 2 weeks, no growth or swelling yet, but I just wanted to update what supplements I have been taking, what I have been eating and noogling.

I have been taking the following:
3 BO pills
1 Pituitary pill
Flaxseed Oil

About 30 minutes later:
3 pills Neocell Collagen+C
1 Hyaluronic Acid

A while after Breakfast:
2 pills MSM
Chewable Vitamin C

Protein Shake (1 cup milk mixed with 1 scoop protein)

After Lunch:
Multi Vitamin
Flaxseed Oil
2 pills Maca

A little later:
Calcium with Vitamin D
Vitamin B12

Protein Shake (1 cup milk mixed with 1 scoop protein)

After Dinner:
4 BO pills
1 Pituitary pill

About 30 minutes later:
3 pills Neocell Collagen+C
1 Hyaluronic Acid
1 DNA Lamb Placenta

I have also tried to eat more protein.
I have been having 2 eggs and a cup of milk for breakfast
Grilled chicken for lunch
Turkey sandwich or peanut butter sandwich for dinner.

I also have received my NB! YAY!
I have already noogled for 30 minutes.
I am noogling again as I type, hopefully I can do an hour this tinme.
I will try to be consistent with the NB.
I would love to do 2 sessions of 1 hour each every single day.

I haven't measured yet and I don't think I will, because I am just so bad at measuring. I have a 34A bra that fits me perfectly so I will see if I outgrow that bra. *Fingers Crossed*
My goal is a full C cup, but I would be happy to be a B cup.

Well if you're this diligent, it really should work. Do you feel something after the collagen?

Hi Isabelle,
I do not feel anything after the collagen. I read that some including Susan have had tingling senasations, but my body is not that sensitive.
I just took my NB domes off, did an hour, YES!
Feels good to take them off though!
Do you think my program is good?
Should I be adding something else?
I really hope this works for me.
I will give BO 3 months, I know that's not a lot of time, but if I don't see any changes whatsoever, I just can't continue! Am I wrong about this???
If BO proves to be unsuccessful, I will switch to PM, from what I have read, PM gives fast results!!
I will still continue taking my supplements and doing NB even if I do switch to PM.

Hi melissa,

Congratulations on losing your NB virginity Big Grin

Ginie made the same switch from BO to PM, and Anastasia would probably advise you to try longer. I think your program looks good, but you should run a few checks on your diet: make sure you get enough folate!

Maybe your multi has enough folic acid. You probably have enough zinc and vitamin B12 from the chicken. Check B6 on the label of your multi. You need it as an anti-androgen and for good mood. Recommended Dietary Allowance is 0.5 mg. If it's more than 10, it can have a sedative effect. Then you can move the multi to bedtime.

An easy and affordable supplement, if you can't keep up with the protein requirement for BO, is L-arginine, 10,000 mg. And please check your temperature and estrogen dominance symptoms. Most experienced BO girls have an emergency kit with DIM and PC, but Ginie can help you much better with that.

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