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Raise or balance hormones for growth??


(13-10-2016, 23:37)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(13-10-2016, 22:40)hannah Wrote:  
(13-10-2016, 21:09)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(13-10-2016, 20:26)hannah Wrote:  I agree with balance for growth..certainly not to much androgens. And then in my personal case a little more estrogen then progesterone made me grow.. but i didnt had to raisemy estrogen on purpose throughtout the whole month...only cycled.

Thanks so much for the responses, Ella and Hannah! I agree that balance first makes the most sense. Ella, I tried taking a small daily dose of maca root and within two weeks my period started (about a week earlier than it should have) and my cramps were worse than usual. Tried it again the next month and same thing.  I wish I could take that because it seems to work for so many people but I guess I'm not one of them.

My program will definitely involve something for lowering androgens. I've already experimented with 150 - 300 mg of saw palmetto extract daily for a few months and noticed it helped clear up my skin and made it glow! But I didn't actually see any breast growth while taking it. Sad  Of course right now I've suspended taking SP until my hormone test is done. I did notice that my period came a few days earlier while taking the SP..  Have either of you experienced this when using an anti-androgen? Is that anything to be concerned about?

Like Hannah, I've toyed with the idea of possibly cycling a phytoestrogen. But I'd only attempt that if my test shows no estrogen dominance whatsoever.  Hannah, if you don't mind my asking, did you do anything else while achieving growth or was your success just strictly based on the increased hormone levels?

When I do get my test results back, would it be ok for me to ask either of you a few more quick questions about it if I have some? 

Thanks again!!

Well i came from a situation with a bad portion of underweight. I am still 5kgs to light but i was 10 kgs to light. It was bc i was really malnourished and i unconciously had depleted my body. So i first started paying attention to my diet(i only ate evening meals and desserts so for me there was a lot of work which habituation was a hard part of) I make sure my breakfast contains carbs and protein, i then took protein shakes Nd i should start again. Dont take more then 30 grams per 3 hours bc thats about all we can process. Flavanoids, good for circulation,found in fruits and vegatbles, fruits and veggies contain many good stuff in general. So good for nbe include them daily, very important. There are certain vegetables and fruits which ae real good for nbe like brocolli, kale, aspargus, carrots, tomatoes, garlic,black beans white beans, strawberries,berries,bananas,kiwi,lemons which to lower dht/androgens, passion fruit very rich in vitamin c. And many more just read around, nbe food list from Lotus is a good thread for this subject.
Nuts are also important part of my diet. Pistachios nuts, almonds, walnuts. They are like building blocks for your hormones. Good fatty acids are an imp. Thing in nbe, omega 3 krilloil is used often...i dont ake it bc i eat fish once or three times a week. People als use cocnutoil for other omega's dunno which omega is in c.oil but i get intestinal problems from it. So I prefer nuts or avocado's,olive oil and fish.
Further try to avoid sugar,caffeine,alcohol. Do massage with any oil you prefer.. or look into making herbal topicals.they worked wonders for me. 
And as anti androgen i really recomend astaxanthine..also an anti oxidant.
Further i personally would never try Saw Palmetto even though there are succes stories about it. I believe it lowers estrogen and can cause "cellulite "from what i've read.
Thanks for all the info, Hannah. I'm on a program to heal my gut (connected with Hashimoto's) so I'm eating lots of fruits, veggies, and I'm starting to incorporate some nuts back in slowly.  I keep hearing that krill oil is very good so I might try supplementing with that at some point. I never have caffeine or alcohol but I'm working right now on cutting out ALL sugars (not fruit though).. I haven't had processed sugar in a few years but I've been using natural sweeteners like coconut sugar semi-often, which I've recently discovered is not really the best either. Going to try Stevia.

So what kinds of herbal NBE topicals did you use?

I didn't know that astaxanthin is an anti-androgen. In your opinion, do you think it would work as effectively as SP?

Hi. What led you to addressing hypo by healing your gut? (although i know now EVERYTHING is tied up with the gut...) Im borderline hypothyroid as well. I eat alot of cruciferous veg so i sometimes wonder if thats complicating things, need to retest my values.

Yeh its weird i found SP would give me INSTANT pimples, big ones, and i never get pimples! Frm the first day id end up with one or two huge pimples. And yes maca can shorten your luteal phase in some, the WRONG type of maca did that to me too, thats when i first started having short cycles, but then i found "world botanicals peri menopuase" maca and it completely turned it around for me. So i think the types of maca might very well play a role. My cycle will be on time and only 3-4 days now too when i consistently take maca. 

But yes if your test indicated excess estrogen i wouldnt touch pm at all. Esp as theres always a degree of deceipt with PM and whether its actually come from the right region of thailand etc. 

Im not entirely sure i buy into the androgen thing unless you have real stand out symptons which would put you that way. With that said ive been told when i test for my hormones to test for E/P and testosterone, but my Dr NEVER told me that and just sent me off for random estrogen/progesterone bloods at any given time of the month which is soo wrong and doesnt show you the full picture. I've never in fact had the 3 of them done, its not easy to get in my country and of course Doctors have NO interest whatsoever in hormone health.

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(14-10-2016, 15:19)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  EllaC
(13-10-2016, 23:37)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(13-10-2016, 22:40)hannah Wrote:  
(13-10-2016, 21:09)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(13-10-2016, 20:26)hannah Wrote:  I agree with balance for growth..certainly not to much androgens. And then in my personal case a little more estrogen then progesterone made me grow.. but i didnt had to raisemy estrogen on purpose throughtout the whole month...only cycled.

Thanks so much for the responses, Ella and Hannah! I agree that balance first makes the most sense. Ella, I tried taking a small daily dose of maca root and within two weeks my period started (about a week earlier than it should have) and my cramps were worse than usual. Tried it again the next month and same thing.  I wish I could take that because it seems to work for so many people but I guess I'm not one of them.

My program will definitely involve something for lowering androgens. I've already experimented with 150 - 300 mg of saw palmetto extract daily for a few months and noticed it helped clear up my skin and made it glow! But I didn't actually see any breast growth while taking it. Sad  Of course right now I've suspended taking SP until my hormone test is done. I did notice that my period came a few days earlier while taking the SP..  Have either of you experienced this when using an anti-androgen? Is that anything to be concerned about?

Like Hannah, I've toyed with the idea of possibly cycling a phytoestrogen. But I'd only attempt that if my test shows no estrogen dominance whatsoever.  Hannah, if you don't mind my asking, did you do anything else while achieving growth or was your success just strictly based on the increased hormone levels?

When I do get my test results back, would it be ok for me to ask either of you a few more quick questions about it if I have some? 

Thanks again!!

Well i came from a situation with a bad portion of underweight. I am still 5kgs to light but i was 10 kgs to light. It was bc i was really malnourished and i unconciously had depleted my body. So i first started paying attention to my diet(i only ate evening meals and desserts so for me there was a lot of work which habituation was a hard part of) I make sure my breakfast contains carbs and protein, i then took protein shakes Nd i should start again. Dont take more then 30 grams per 3 hours bc thats about all we can process. Flavanoids, good for circulation,found in fruits and vegatbles, fruits and veggies contain many good stuff in general. So good for nbe include them daily, very important. There are certain vegetables and fruits which ae real good for nbe like brocolli, kale, aspargus, carrots, tomatoes, garlic,black beans white beans, strawberries,berries,bananas,kiwi,lemons which to lower dht/androgens, passion fruit very rich in vitamin c. And many more just read around, nbe food list from Lotus is a good thread for this subject.
Nuts are also important part of my diet. Pistachios nuts, almonds, walnuts. They are like building blocks for your hormones. Good fatty acids are an imp. Thing in nbe, omega 3 krilloil is used often...i dont ake it bc i eat fish once or three times a week. People als use cocnutoil for other omega's dunno which omega is in c.oil but i get intestinal problems from it. So I prefer nuts or avocado's,olive oil and fish.
Further try to avoid sugar,caffeine,alcohol. Do massage with any oil you prefer.. or look into making herbal topicals.they worked wonders for me. 
And as anti androgen i really recomend astaxanthine..also an anti oxidant.
Further i personally would never try Saw Palmetto even though there are succes stories about it. I believe it lowers estrogen and can cause "cellulite "from what i've read.
Thanks for all the info, Hannah. I'm on a program to heal my gut (connected with Hashimoto's) so I'm eating lots of fruits, veggies, and I'm starting to incorporate some nuts back in slowly.  I keep hearing that krill oil is very good so I might try supplementing with that at some point. I never have caffeine or alcohol but I'm working right now on cutting out ALL sugars (not fruit though).. I haven't had processed sugar in a few years but I've been using natural sweeteners like coconut sugar semi-often, which I've recently discovered is not really the best either. Going to try Stevia.

So what kinds of herbal NBE topicals did you use?

I didn't know that astaxanthin is an anti-androgen. In your opinion, do you think it would work as effectively as SP?

Hi. What led you to addressing hypo by healing your gut? (although i know now EVERYTHING is tied up with the gut...) Im borderline hypothyroid as well. I eat alot of cruciferous veg so i sometimes wonder if thats complicating things, need to retest my values.

Yeh its weird i found SP would give me INSTANT pimples, big ones, and i never get pimples! Frm the first day id end up with one or two huge pimples. And yes maca can shorten your luteal phase in some, the WRONG type of maca did that to me too, thats when i first started having short cycles, but then i found "world botanicals peri menopuase" maca and it completely turned it around for me. So i think the types of maca might very well play a role. My cycle will be on time and only 3-4 days now too when i consistently take maca. 

But yes if your test indicated excess estrogen i wouldnt touch pm at all. Esp as theres always a degree of deceipt with PM and whether its actually come from the right region of thailand etc. 

Im not entirely sure i buy into the androgen thing unless you have real stand out symptons which would put you that way. With that said ive been told when i test for my hormones to test for E/P and testosterone, but my Dr NEVER told me that and just sent me off for random estrogen/progesterone bloods at any given time of the month which is soo wrong and doesnt show you the full picture. I've never in fact had the 3 of them done, its not easy to get in my country and of course Doctors have NO interest whatsoever in hormone health.


Hi Ella! I had hypothyroid symptoms for quite some years before I discovered that leaky gut is a main cause of autoimmune-related thyroid problems. I didn't really fool with too many doctors along the way because I've seen how they mess people up around here (don't even get me started on that!). For me I think it was definitely triggered by eating gluten and many stressful events in my life happening all at once. Anyway, I really believe that when my gut is completely healed, my thyroid symptoms will greatly improve. It's my understanding from the research I've done that Hashimoto's (and a large percentage of thyroid problems in general) don't originate with the thyroid but with the immune system. And since a lot of the immune system is based in the gut, it makes perfect sense to me that gut health holds the key to putting autoimmune conditions right. I just wish I had known that years ago BEFORE my gut was compromised!  I personally don't tend to think that cruciferous veggies should be a major factor in thyroid health unless you're consuming tons of them. Like I said, gut health is the biggie from what I understand.

How strange that SP would give you pimples! Weird.  That sounds like my body too.. it likes to react completely opposite of how it's supposed to! I think it's just being obstinate sometimes! Big Grin  I do feel that I have some pretty definite body signals of too many androgens and I've had those signals for quite a few years. So I will probably try to keep something in my NBE plan for that to begin with anyway. I'm really sorry that you can't get the testing done in your country! That stinks. Here's the link to where I ordered my saliva hormone panel from Maybe that lab ships internationally ??  I also just found this - http://www.natural-progesterone-advisory...ders-only/. I'm not sure if they still offer the female saliva hormone test, but maybe you could email them and find out.  I'm in complete agreement with you - one silly blood test does not show much of anything about a woman's hormonal balance.. please.. Rolleyes Our hormones can be all over the road map in one week's time, haha.

I didn't know that maca root effects could vary so much depending on the type. Hmm.. Good food for thought. Thanks, Ella!

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You sound really onto it. If you have any tips on leaky gut let me know, cause i have it too!

(14-10-2016, 19:13)EllaC Wrote:  
You sound really onto it. If you have any tips on leaky gut let me know, cause i have it too!

I hope I'm onto it anyway! I don't know how valuable my tips would be but I can definitely share them with you!

First, I'm sure you're already aware that leaky gut is perfectly fixable, it just takes some time, discipline, and patience (patience is something I'm working on, haha). From what I've been learning, here's some of the most effective ways of getting everything sealed back up:

1. Diet
This is probably the most important part I think. I've been on a very restrictive diet for quite some time now. I've been eating lots of cooked vegetables (cooked because it's easier on the digestion), lots of organic meats, some fatty fish (like tuna or salmon), some fruit (low-glycemic ones mainly), and lots of salad greens like romaine lettuce, spinach, arugula, etc.
Here's what I did NOT eat: Beans, nuts, seeds, peas, grains (not even rice), nothing packaged or processed, no white sugar or flour, nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplant, etc.), dairy, corn, and eggs (this is not for everyone... I just found out that I have an egg "allergy" until my gut heals again).   I know this is very restrictive and I by no means think that this is a healthy way to eat long-term. But I think it has really given my digestive system a break from anything that would be stressful on it.
So finally now I'm starting to add a few things back in here and there. I've experimented with walnuts, kidney beans, and tomatoes so far and am doing fine. I'll gradually keep adding things back in s l o w l y. But for the health of my gut, I don't think gluten or refined sugars are ever something to go back to. There's just too much risk with those.

2. Supplements
The ones I've been using are: Vitamin D (liquid in an MCT oil base), Vitamin C (in a buffered form, it's easy on the gut), Collagen (VERY important!) at 2-3 tbsp. daily between meals, Vitamin A (in a liquid form), Zinc/Copper, Slippery Elm powder made into a tea at bedtime , or marshmallow capsules. I also just started taking these enzymes with every meal Enzymes are really important because not only do they decline in production naturally as we pass our twenties, but they also are usually lacking when the mucosal gut lining is compromised. I've noticed a definite reduction in digestive symptoms since I started these. I'll probably keep taking them right on because anything that can help to assimilate nutrients even better is going to be helpful with any health issue. I also use liquid ginger extract pretty liberally for any inflammation or nausea.. works great.

Another biggie. I've actually just recently found out that my probiotic supp. might be lacking luster, so I'm looking at changing to this one It's soil-based which is supposed to restore the good bacteria that we used to naturally get generations ago from the healthy soil that our food was grown in.. It's also good to get 'prebiotics' along with the 'pro' ones because they feed and nourish the good bacteria even more. Organic sauerkraut or kimchi is also great for feeding good bacteria. I'm hearing a lot about using two probiotics simultaneously (one soil-based and one with basic strains in it like lactobacillus) so I'm trying to figure out how to do that without breaking the piggy bank in half! Smile

So that's what I've been doing. I've also heard wonderful things about L-Glutamine for healing the gut, in quite large daily doses. I've tried a couple of different brands of that and they don't seem to agree with me. ??  I might still keep trying to find one though. Jarrow is an excellent company so I may try one of theirs from iHerb.  iHerb is good about allowing refunds on products if they don't work for you. I love iHerb, lol. Bone broth is also a BIG healer for the gut. I make mine in the Crock Pot with an organic chicken. You can freeze it in ice trays for easy use later on in veggies or meats.

I don't know if any of that will help you at all but I hope you find something useful in there and if you have any other specific questions, I'd be happy to try to offer info!

I've read some of your threads, Ella, and I was wondering which things you found to be most effective for you regarding NBE growth?  I am starting with what (I think?) is a 34B. I'm not actually sure about my size but my measurements are 34.5 - 35 inches with a 29 inch under-bust.  I'm 5' 2" and weigh around 110 lbs. My dream goal would be to get to a 38 inch bust which I guess would be a small D??  Just typing that out sounds impossible but I hope I can find a healthy way to achieve it! If you have any helpful hints, I'm all ears. Smile

I wish you tremendous success with your gut and overall health, Ella!

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(15-10-2016, 16:08)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(14-10-2016, 19:13)EllaC Wrote:  
You sound really onto it. If you have any tips on leaky gut let me know, cause i have it too!

I hope I'm onto it anyway! I don't know how valuable my tips would be but I can definitely share them with you!

First, I'm sure you're already aware that leaky gut is perfectly fixable, it just takes some time, discipline, and patience (patience is something I'm working on, haha). From what I've been learning, here's some of the most effective ways of getting everything sealed back up:

1. Diet
This is probably the most important part I think. I've been on a very restrictive diet for quite some time now. I've been eating lots of cooked vegetables (cooked because it's easier on the digestion), lots of organic meats, some fatty fish (like tuna or salmon), some fruit (low-glycemic ones mainly), and lots of salad greens like romaine lettuce, spinach, arugula, etc.
Here's what I did NOT eat: Beans, nuts, seeds, peas, grains (not even rice), nothing packaged or processed, no white sugar or flour, nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplant, etc.), dairy, corn, and eggs (this is not for everyone... I just found out that I have an egg "allergy" until my gut heals again).   I know this is very restrictive and I by no means think that this is a healthy way to eat long-term. But I think it has really given my digestive system a break from anything that would be stressful on it.
So finally now I'm starting to add a few things back in here and there. I've experimented with walnuts, kidney beans, and tomatoes so far and am doing fine. I'll gradually keep adding things back in s l o w l y. But for the health of my gut, I don't think gluten or refined sugars are ever something to go back to. There's just too much risk with those.

2. Supplements
The ones I've been using are: Vitamin D (liquid in an MCT oil base), Vitamin C (in a buffered form, it's easy on the gut), Collagen (VERY important!) at 2-3 tbsp. daily between meals, Vitamin A (in a liquid form), Zinc/Copper, Slippery Elm powder made into a tea at bedtime , or marshmallow capsules. I also just started taking these enzymes with every meal Enzymes are really important because not only do they decline in production naturally as we pass our twenties, but they also are usually lacking when the mucosal gut lining is compromised. I've noticed a definite reduction in digestive symptoms since I started these. I'll probably keep taking them right on because anything that can help to assimilate nutrients even better is going to be helpful with any health issue. I also use liquid ginger extract pretty liberally for any inflammation or nausea.. works great.

Another biggie. I've actually just recently found out that my probiotic supp. might be lacking luster, so I'm looking at changing to this one It's soil-based which is supposed to restore the good bacteria that we used to naturally get generations ago from the healthy soil that our food was grown in.. It's also good to get 'prebiotics' along with the 'pro' ones because they feed and nourish the good bacteria even more. Organic sauerkraut or kimchi is also great for feeding good bacteria. I'm hearing a lot about using two probiotics simultaneously (one soil-based and one with basic strains in it like lactobacillus) so I'm trying to figure out how to do that without breaking the piggy bank in half! Smile

So that's what I've been doing. I've also heard wonderful things about L-Glutamine for healing the gut, in quite large daily doses. I've tried a couple of different brands of that and they don't seem to agree with me. ??  I might still keep trying to find one though. Jarrow is an excellent company so I may try one of theirs from iHerb.  iHerb is good about allowing refunds on products if they don't work for you. I love iHerb, lol.  Bone broth is also a BIG healer for the gut. I make mine in the Crock Pot with an organic chicken. You can freeze it in ice trays for easy use later on in veggies or meats.

I don't know if any of that will help you at all but I hope you find something useful in there and if you have any other specific questions, I'd be happy to try to offer info!

I've read some of your threads, Ella, and I was wondering which things you found to be most effective for you regarding NBE growth?  I am starting with what (I think?) is a 34B. I'm not actually sure about my size but my measurements are 34.5 - 35 inches with a 29 inch under-bust.  I'm 5' 2" and weigh around 110 lbs. My dream goal would be to get to a 38 inch bust which I guess would be a small D??  Just typing that out sounds impossible but I hope I can find a healthy way to achieve it! If you have any helpful hints, I'm all ears. Smile

I wish you tremendous success with your gut and overall health, Ella!


Well from reading what you just said you are essentially on the diet i am supposed to be on for my gut condition Sibo.
Even the supplements and probiotics, how funny, you are a lot more disclipined than i am though.
I will look into the collagen though, that might be key for me too to seal up the gut junctions.
My vice is coffee , having a read hard time with that one. 

Well i did fairly well with NBE at one point, i was a comfy 32D but then i got sibo and leaky gut so i lost alot of weight and now im 32C.
Gaining weight and eating alot of organic dairy was key for me, however i can never go back to that now for obvious reasons.
The herbs did nothing but temporary swelling then subsequently stuffed up my hormones.

I read recently that breast are constantly changing and open to change, by way of what we feed them, body changes etc and ive witnessed girlfriends who were my slim size with smaller boobs just gain a few kgs and their boobs responded the best and they look really good now. So i maintain being a healthy weight and healing the gut is the gateway to all things health and boob wise too. My aim is to heal the gut then focus on gaining weight again and then at that point i will start fat brushing (currently no body fat to brush) and massages etc to boost me up. Oh and sort circulation too. Thats another thing behind gut issues etc too we need good circulation and mine for one is terrible!

Do you have any pics? I always do bra pics now

(15-10-2016, 20:19)EllaC Wrote:  
(15-10-2016, 16:08)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(14-10-2016, 19:13)EllaC Wrote:  
You sound really onto it. If you have any tips on leaky gut let me know, cause i have it too!

I hope I'm onto it anyway! I don't know how valuable my tips would be but I can definitely share them with you!

First, I'm sure you're already aware that leaky gut is perfectly fixable, it just takes some time, discipline, and patience (patience is something I'm working on, haha). From what I've been learning, here's some of the most effective ways of getting everything sealed back up:

1. Diet
This is probably the most important part I think. I've been on a very restrictive diet for quite some time now. I've been eating lots of cooked vegetables (cooked because it's easier on the digestion), lots of organic meats, some fatty fish (like tuna or salmon), some fruit (low-glycemic ones mainly), and lots of salad greens like romaine lettuce, spinach, arugula, etc.
Here's what I did NOT eat: Beans, nuts, seeds, peas, grains (not even rice), nothing packaged or processed, no white sugar or flour, nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplant, etc.), dairy, corn, and eggs (this is not for everyone... I just found out that I have an egg "allergy" until my gut heals again).   I know this is very restrictive and I by no means think that this is a healthy way to eat long-term. But I think it has really given my digestive system a break from anything that would be stressful on it.
So finally now I'm starting to add a few things back in here and there. I've experimented with walnuts, kidney beans, and tomatoes so far and am doing fine. I'll gradually keep adding things back in s l o w l y. But for the health of my gut, I don't think gluten or refined sugars are ever something to go back to. There's just too much risk with those.

2. Supplements
The ones I've been using are: Vitamin D (liquid in an MCT oil base), Vitamin C (in a buffered form, it's easy on the gut), Collagen (VERY important!) at 2-3 tbsp. daily between meals, Vitamin A (in a liquid form), Zinc/Copper, Slippery Elm powder made into a tea at bedtime , or marshmallow capsules. I also just started taking these enzymes with every meal Enzymes are really important because not only do they decline in production naturally as we pass our twenties, but they also are usually lacking when the mucosal gut lining is compromised. I've noticed a definite reduction in digestive symptoms since I started these. I'll probably keep taking them right on because anything that can help to assimilate nutrients even better is going to be helpful with any health issue. I also use liquid ginger extract pretty liberally for any inflammation or nausea.. works great.

Another biggie. I've actually just recently found out that my probiotic supp. might be lacking luster, so I'm looking at changing to this one It's soil-based which is supposed to restore the good bacteria that we used to naturally get generations ago from the healthy soil that our food was grown in.. It's also good to get 'prebiotics' along with the 'pro' ones because they feed and nourish the good bacteria even more. Organic sauerkraut or kimchi is also great for feeding good bacteria. I'm hearing a lot about using two probiotics simultaneously (one soil-based and one with basic strains in it like lactobacillus) so I'm trying to figure out how to do that without breaking the piggy bank in half! Smile

So that's what I've been doing. I've also heard wonderful things about L-Glutamine for healing the gut, in quite large daily doses. I've tried a couple of different brands of that and they don't seem to agree with me. ??  I might still keep trying to find one though. Jarrow is an excellent company so I may try one of theirs from iHerb.  iHerb is good about allowing refunds on products if they don't work for you. I love iHerb, lol.  Bone broth is also a BIG healer for the gut. I make mine in the Crock Pot with an organic chicken. You can freeze it in ice trays for easy use later on in veggies or meats.

I don't know if any of that will help you at all but I hope you find something useful in there and if you have any other specific questions, I'd be happy to try to offer info!

I've read some of your threads, Ella, and I was wondering which things you found to be most effective for you regarding NBE growth?  I am starting with what (I think?) is a 34B. I'm not actually sure about my size but my measurements are 34.5 - 35 inches with a 29 inch under-bust.  I'm 5' 2" and weigh around 110 lbs. My dream goal would be to get to a 38 inch bust which I guess would be a small D??  Just typing that out sounds impossible but I hope I can find a healthy way to achieve it! If you have any helpful hints, I'm all ears. Smile

I wish you tremendous success with your gut and overall health, Ella!


Well from reading what you just said you are essentially on the diet i am supposed to be on for my gut condition Sibo.
Even the supplements and probiotics, how funny, you are a lot more disclipined than i am though.
I will look into the collagen though, that might be key for me too to seal up the gut junctions.
My vice is coffee , having a read hard time with that one. 

Well i did fairly well with NBE at one point, i was a comfy 32D but then i got sibo and leaky gut so i lost alot of weight and now im 32C.
Gaining weight and eating alot of organic dairy was key for me, however i can never go back to that now for obvious reasons.
The herbs did nothing but temporary swelling then subsequently stuffed up my hormones.

I read recently that breast are constantly changing and open to change, by way of what we feed them, body changes etc and ive witnessed girlfriends who were my slim size with smaller boobs just gain a few kgs and their boobs responded the best and they look really good now. So i maintain being a healthy weight and healing the gut is the gateway to all things health and boob wise too. My aim is to heal the gut then focus on gaining weight again and then at that point i will start fat brushing (currently no body fat to brush) and massages etc to boost me up. Oh and sort circulation too. Thats another thing behind gut issues etc too we need good circulation and mine for one is terrible!

Do you have any pics? I always do bra pics now
Well, we all have our discipline issues.. Mine is fruit. I've recently decided that I should watch my intake of natural sugars (like coconut nectar) and limit my fruits a bit more since I'm adding other foods back in now. But I hope it's possible to heal fully without going completely off of fruit!

I think collagen could very likely be a help to you. It's literally the glue that helps seal it back together. Bone broth does the same thing also. The collagen hydrolysate form works well for a lot of people because it's easy to absorb. They also have a gelatin form that you can use to make 'jello' if you like that sort of thing.  

I agree that the gut is by far the biggest key to health in all areas. I really hope that I'm making progress with that, for my health and also so I'll be able to proceed with NBE! I'm not sure if I'd be considered underweight for my height or not.. I've always carried some extra fat in places like my abs and triceps but don't have much derriere to speak of, lol. I started out on this process at 34 inches with topical extracts and massage and gained a half-inch. The half-inch has pretty much stuck and it goes up to 35 inches during luteal, but that's about it. Sad I'm down to just massaging right now. I also have slightly sub-optimal circulation so I've been using a heating pad along with the massage sometimes. I did take some before pics but don't know if I could ever bring myself to post them.. I'm just not able to handle that! Is it possible to send a pic in a private message?  

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(15-10-2016, 22:53)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(15-10-2016, 20:19)EllaC Wrote:  
(15-10-2016, 16:08)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(14-10-2016, 19:13)EllaC Wrote:  
You sound really onto it. If you have any tips on leaky gut let me know, cause i have it too!

I hope I'm onto it anyway! I don't know how valuable my tips would be but I can definitely share them with you!

First, I'm sure you're already aware that leaky gut is perfectly fixable, it just takes some time, discipline, and patience (patience is something I'm working on, haha). From what I've been learning, here's some of the most effective ways of getting everything sealed back up:

1. Diet
This is probably the most important part I think. I've been on a very restrictive diet for quite some time now. I've been eating lots of cooked vegetables (cooked because it's easier on the digestion), lots of organic meats, some fatty fish (like tuna or salmon), some fruit (low-glycemic ones mainly), and lots of salad greens like romaine lettuce, spinach, arugula, etc.
Here's what I did NOT eat: Beans, nuts, seeds, peas, grains (not even rice), nothing packaged or processed, no white sugar or flour, nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplant, etc.), dairy, corn, and eggs (this is not for everyone... I just found out that I have an egg "allergy" until my gut heals again).   I know this is very restrictive and I by no means think that this is a healthy way to eat long-term. But I think it has really given my digestive system a break from anything that would be stressful on it.
So finally now I'm starting to add a few things back in here and there. I've experimented with walnuts, kidney beans, and tomatoes so far and am doing fine. I'll gradually keep adding things back in s l o w l y. But for the health of my gut, I don't think gluten or refined sugars are ever something to go back to. There's just too much risk with those.

2. Supplements
The ones I've been using are: Vitamin D (liquid in an MCT oil base), Vitamin C (in a buffered form, it's easy on the gut), Collagen (VERY important!) at 2-3 tbsp. daily between meals, Vitamin A (in a liquid form), Zinc/Copper, Slippery Elm powder made into a tea at bedtime , or marshmallow capsules. I also just started taking these enzymes with every meal Enzymes are really important because not only do they decline in production naturally as we pass our twenties, but they also are usually lacking when the mucosal gut lining is compromised. I've noticed a definite reduction in digestive symptoms since I started these. I'll probably keep taking them right on because anything that can help to assimilate nutrients even better is going to be helpful with any health issue. I also use liquid ginger extract pretty liberally for any inflammation or nausea.. works great.

Another biggie. I've actually just recently found out that my probiotic supp. might be lacking luster, so I'm looking at changing to this one It's soil-based which is supposed to restore the good bacteria that we used to naturally get generations ago from the healthy soil that our food was grown in.. It's also good to get 'prebiotics' along with the 'pro' ones because they feed and nourish the good bacteria even more. Organic sauerkraut or kimchi is also great for feeding good bacteria. I'm hearing a lot about using two probiotics simultaneously (one soil-based and one with basic strains in it like lactobacillus) so I'm trying to figure out how to do that without breaking the piggy bank in half! Smile

So that's what I've been doing. I've also heard wonderful things about L-Glutamine for healing the gut, in quite large daily doses. I've tried a couple of different brands of that and they don't seem to agree with me. ??  I might still keep trying to find one though. Jarrow is an excellent company so I may try one of theirs from iHerb.  iHerb is good about allowing refunds on products if they don't work for you. I love iHerb, lol.  Bone broth is also a BIG healer for the gut. I make mine in the Crock Pot with an organic chicken. You can freeze it in ice trays for easy use later on in veggies or meats.

I don't know if any of that will help you at all but I hope you find something useful in there and if you have any other specific questions, I'd be happy to try to offer info!

I've read some of your threads, Ella, and I was wondering which things you found to be most effective for you regarding NBE growth?  I am starting with what (I think?) is a 34B. I'm not actually sure about my size but my measurements are 34.5 - 35 inches with a 29 inch under-bust.  I'm 5' 2" and weigh around 110 lbs. My dream goal would be to get to a 38 inch bust which I guess would be a small D??  Just typing that out sounds impossible but I hope I can find a healthy way to achieve it! If you have any helpful hints, I'm all ears. Smile

I wish you tremendous success with your gut and overall health, Ella!


Well from reading what you just said you are essentially on the diet i am supposed to be on for my gut condition Sibo.
Even the supplements and probiotics, how funny, you are a lot more disclipined than i am though.
I will look into the collagen though, that might be key for me too to seal up the gut junctions.
My vice is coffee , having a read hard time with that one. 

Well i did fairly well with NBE at one point, i was a comfy 32D but then i got sibo and leaky gut so i lost alot of weight and now im 32C.
Gaining weight and eating alot of organic dairy was key for me, however i can never go back to that now for obvious reasons.
The herbs did nothing but temporary swelling then subsequently stuffed up my hormones.

I read recently that breast are constantly changing and open to change, by way of what we feed them, body changes etc and ive witnessed girlfriends who were my slim size with smaller boobs just gain a few kgs and their boobs responded the best and they look really good now. So i maintain being a healthy weight and healing the gut is the gateway to all things health and boob wise too. My aim is to heal the gut then focus on gaining weight again and then at that point i will start fat brushing (currently no body fat to brush) and massages etc to boost me up. Oh and sort circulation too. Thats another thing behind gut issues etc too we need good circulation and mine for one is terrible!

Do you have any pics? I always do bra pics now
Well, we all have our discipline issues.. Mine is fruit. I've recently decided that I should watch my intake of natural sugars (like coconut nectar) and limit my fruits a bit more since I'm adding other foods back in now. But I hope it's possible to heal fully without going completely off of fruit!

I think collagen could very likely be a help to you. It's literally the glue that helps seal it back together. Bone broth does the same thing also. The collagen hydrolysate form works well for a lot of people because it's easy to absorb. They also have a gelatin form that you can use to make 'jello' if you like that sort of thing.  

I agree that the gut is by far the biggest key to health in all areas. I really hope that I'm making progress with that, for my health and also so I'll be able to proceed with NBE! I'm not sure if I'd be considered underweight for my height or not.. I've always carried some extra fat in places like my abs and triceps but don't have much derriere to speak of, lol. I started out on this process at 34 inches with topical extracts and massage and gained a half-inch. The half-inch has pretty much stuck and it goes up to 35 inches during luteal, but that's about it. Sad I'm down to just massaging right now. I also have slightly sub-optimal circulation so I've been using a heating pad along with the massage sometimes. I did take some before pics but don't know if I could ever bring myself to post them.. I'm just not able to handle that! Is it possible to send a pic in a private message?  


il pm you my email address

(16-10-2016, 08:13)EllaC Wrote:  
(15-10-2016, 22:53)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(15-10-2016, 20:19)EllaC Wrote:  
(15-10-2016, 16:08)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(14-10-2016, 19:13)EllaC Wrote:  
You sound really onto it. If you have any tips on leaky gut let me know, cause i have it too!

I hope I'm onto it anyway! I don't know how valuable my tips would be but I can definitely share them with you!

First, I'm sure you're already aware that leaky gut is perfectly fixable, it just takes some time, discipline, and patience (patience is something I'm working on, haha). From what I've been learning, here's some of the most effective ways of getting everything sealed back up:

1. Diet
This is probably the most important part I think. I've been on a very restrictive diet for quite some time now. I've been eating lots of cooked vegetables (cooked because it's easier on the digestion), lots of organic meats, some fatty fish (like tuna or salmon), some fruit (low-glycemic ones mainly), and lots of salad greens like romaine lettuce, spinach, arugula, etc.
Here's what I did NOT eat: Beans, nuts, seeds, peas, grains (not even rice), nothing packaged or processed, no white sugar or flour, nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplant, etc.), dairy, corn, and eggs (this is not for everyone... I just found out that I have an egg "allergy" until my gut heals again).   I know this is very restrictive and I by no means think that this is a healthy way to eat long-term. But I think it has really given my digestive system a break from anything that would be stressful on it.
So finally now I'm starting to add a few things back in here and there. I've experimented with walnuts, kidney beans, and tomatoes so far and am doing fine. I'll gradually keep adding things back in s l o w l y. But for the health of my gut, I don't think gluten or refined sugars are ever something to go back to. There's just too much risk with those.

2. Supplements
The ones I've been using are: Vitamin D (liquid in an MCT oil base), Vitamin C (in a buffered form, it's easy on the gut), Collagen (VERY important!) at 2-3 tbsp. daily between meals, Vitamin A (in a liquid form), Zinc/Copper, Slippery Elm powder made into a tea at bedtime , or marshmallow capsules. I also just started taking these enzymes with every meal Enzymes are really important because not only do they decline in production naturally as we pass our twenties, but they also are usually lacking when the mucosal gut lining is compromised. I've noticed a definite reduction in digestive symptoms since I started these. I'll probably keep taking them right on because anything that can help to assimilate nutrients even better is going to be helpful with any health issue. I also use liquid ginger extract pretty liberally for any inflammation or nausea.. works great.

Another biggie. I've actually just recently found out that my probiotic supp. might be lacking luster, so I'm looking at changing to this one It's soil-based which is supposed to restore the good bacteria that we used to naturally get generations ago from the healthy soil that our food was grown in.. It's also good to get 'prebiotics' along with the 'pro' ones because they feed and nourish the good bacteria even more. Organic sauerkraut or kimchi is also great for feeding good bacteria. I'm hearing a lot about using two probiotics simultaneously (one soil-based and one with basic strains in it like lactobacillus) so I'm trying to figure out how to do that without breaking the piggy bank in half! Smile

So that's what I've been doing. I've also heard wonderful things about L-Glutamine for healing the gut, in quite large daily doses. I've tried a couple of different brands of that and they don't seem to agree with me. ??  I might still keep trying to find one though. Jarrow is an excellent company so I may try one of theirs from iHerb.  iHerb is good about allowing refunds on products if they don't work for you. I love iHerb, lol.  Bone broth is also a BIG healer for the gut. I make mine in the Crock Pot with an organic chicken. You can freeze it in ice trays for easy use later on in veggies or meats.

I don't know if any of that will help you at all but I hope you find something useful in there and if you have any other specific questions, I'd be happy to try to offer info!

I've read some of your threads, Ella, and I was wondering which things you found to be most effective for you regarding NBE growth?  I am starting with what (I think?) is a 34B. I'm not actually sure about my size but my measurements are 34.5 - 35 inches with a 29 inch under-bust.  I'm 5' 2" and weigh around 110 lbs. My dream goal would be to get to a 38 inch bust which I guess would be a small D??  Just typing that out sounds impossible but I hope I can find a healthy way to achieve it! If you have any helpful hints, I'm all ears. Smile

I wish you tremendous success with your gut and overall health, Ella!


Well from reading what you just said you are essentially on the diet i am supposed to be on for my gut condition Sibo.
Even the supplements and probiotics, how funny, you are a lot more disclipined than i am though.
I will look into the collagen though, that might be key for me too to seal up the gut junctions.
My vice is coffee , having a read hard time with that one. 

Well i did fairly well with NBE at one point, i was a comfy 32D but then i got sibo and leaky gut so i lost alot of weight and now im 32C.
Gaining weight and eating alot of organic dairy was key for me, however i can never go back to that now for obvious reasons.
The herbs did nothing but temporary swelling then subsequently stuffed up my hormones.

I read recently that breast are constantly changing and open to change, by way of what we feed them, body changes etc and ive witnessed girlfriends who were my slim size with smaller boobs just gain a few kgs and their boobs responded the best and they look really good now. So i maintain being a healthy weight and healing the gut is the gateway to all things health and boob wise too. My aim is to heal the gut then focus on gaining weight again and then at that point i will start fat brushing (currently no body fat to brush) and massages etc to boost me up. Oh and sort circulation too. Thats another thing behind gut issues etc too we need good circulation and mine for one is terrible!

Do you have any pics? I always do bra pics now
Well, we all have our discipline issues.. Mine is fruit. I've recently decided that I should watch my intake of natural sugars (like coconut nectar) and limit my fruits a bit more since I'm adding other foods back in now. But I hope it's possible to heal fully without going completely off of fruit!

I think collagen could very likely be a help to you. It's literally the glue that helps seal it back together. Bone broth does the same thing also. The collagen hydrolysate form works well for a lot of people because it's easy to absorb. They also have a gelatin form that you can use to make 'jello' if you like that sort of thing.  

I agree that the gut is by far the biggest key to health in all areas. I really hope that I'm making progress with that, for my health and also so I'll be able to proceed with NBE! I'm not sure if I'd be considered underweight for my height or not.. I've always carried some extra fat in places like my abs and triceps but don't have much derriere to speak of, lol. I started out on this process at 34 inches with topical extracts and massage and gained a half-inch. The half-inch has pretty much stuck and it goes up to 35 inches during luteal, but that's about it. Sad I'm down to just massaging right now. I also have slightly sub-optimal circulation so I've been using a heating pad along with the massage sometimes. I did take some before pics but don't know if I could ever bring myself to post them.. I'm just not able to handle that! Is it possible to send a pic in a private message?  


il pm you my email address

Ok thanks, Ella.
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