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searching's program, last shot.


So i measured again and my underbust size is 27 and not 28, i dont think i held the tape right when i did it last Huh
my bust size is 31.5 inches

Continuing my program as usual, on some nights i have a drink made out of whey protein after dinner but havent made it a regular habit yet. I did brink chicken feet and make a broth out of it. I even had my first dose of it today and I am consuming the feet with the broth and not discarding them after the cooking. It tastes fine, so I am happy about that. I do feel the tingles n slight itchiness in my boobs from time to time in the day, so that is one good thing, but no sharp shooting pains yet :s

ok so am freaking out a tiny bit.... nothing bad yet, but my periods hasnt come, and i keep thinking that the half inch of growth i have seen so far is only because of the monthly cycle and it will all deflate once my periods are over, so i am really praying that thats not the case.

Also I am thinking about using flaxseed oil instead of olive oil for my massage with FG and fennel. Thinking about using progesterone cream from time to time as well, although not too sure about that. the reason for progesterone is that all the herbs and stuff are estrogenic and progesterone will bring in a bit of balance.
Might include fennel capsules as well, not sure how the combo of FG, SP and fennel will be though.

Let me know wat you guys think

The biggest disadvantage with herbs is you get your menstrual cycle all messed up. It is normal.

Most of the people do herbs need a few months before the measurement will stick with you. I am doing BO and it is stronger than herbs and I need 3 months to get a measurable growth. I am a Asian too. Chinese to be precise.

Take more protein like soy milk then the chances of getting the measurement to stick will be higher.

Good luck!

(09-07-2010, 03:48)crystalelle Wrote:  The biggest disadvantage with herbs is you get your menstrual cycle all messed up. It is normal.

Most of the people do herbs need a few months before the measurement will stick with you. I am doing BO and it is stronger than herbs and I need 3 months to get a measurable growth. I am a Asian too. Chinese to be precise.

Take more protein like soy milk then the chances of getting the measurement to stick will be higher.

Good luck!
Thanks crystalelle,
You are right it does take time, so its too early to say anything, but my boobs do seem a lil smaller to me today.... hmmm.
as for the soy milk, my parents heard on the news a while back that soy is not good for health like it leads to cancer or something like that. I dont think its true, but ever since then anything soy has become a big no-no in my house lol. thats the reason why its not part of my routine yet.
How is your growth coming along? how does BO make you feel? like any side effects or other changes?

If you don't want to go into soy protein why not try pea protein. I have seen it being sell by the brand NOW. The herbs concept is to do it with plant base protein while if a person on BO they will do whey protein like me (is a cheese by products).

I honestly can tell that I would prefer BO than herbs. I don't get so much of side effect while on BO. My menstrual has been normal and my period has been short 3 days of heavy flow and that's it. With herbs last time I got my period late and the worst part of it the pain that comes together with it is beyond what I have before I started herbs. I have menses flow for at least 7 days before it dries up.

At first I have menses pain (bearable ones) while on BO, then I added DIM-plus a nutrition to help metabolize access and bad estrogen from my body and heck my menstrual pain was all gone. I recommended it to some of my friends it has apparently work for them too (getting rid of the menstrual pain). Unfortunately for people like Mel (one of our member) it quite work the opposite.

I have growth too 0.5 inch per month when I am really growing. Up to date I am having 1.5 inches of permanent growth. Last month my growth didn't stay cause I didn't take whey protein with me when I travel so is just BO alone and it just don't do the trick for me.

I think I better stop here I wrote too long. I hope it help you. Smile

hi crystalelle,

am so glad to know that you are finding success with your program, I dont know yet if herbs are messing with my menses yet, well my periods started a couple of days ago and my pain is at its usual level. I wasnt able to get any DIM-plus before it started so unfortunately i have to rely on my painkiller which is a blood thinner, thats why i have stopped my herbs for a couple of days until i stop taking the painkiller because i dont want the painkiller and herbs to interact. lol its funny that you mentioned travelling becuz am going travelling for a month, sudden plans, my mom just got up on sunday and said lets go to india, and she has finally managed to convince us, so going next week and I will try to take my herbs on the vacation, but massage will be difficult, no chance of heating after the massage and absolutely no chance of chicken feet soup Sad as it is the couple of days of my periods is stopping my routine and with this trip coming up i am not too hopeful about my program now....


Made a couple of changes to my program although i havent started them yet since my periods have started.

I have added wild yam, one in the morning with FG, and one at night with my usual FG, SP borage and EPO pills. they are 485 mg capsules.
I have also bought fennel tea bags. I plan on taking them in the afternoons. my afternoon dose stays unchanged, one FG and one SP.

Massage: I have bought flax seed oil, added a little fennel, lots of FG powder and a tiny bit of WY powder from the capsules, and some borage extract, couldnt get borage oil, i got this thing called borage extract which came in a small tincture, i added it but i dont know wat its effects will be, they are getting steeped right now.

I am going on vacation for a month so i dont know how much i will be able to stick to my program but i shall do my best. Shy

hey guys,
so i just got back from my month long trip yesterday.
so i thought i will stick to my routine on the trip, but i literally had no privacy watsoever so i couldnt. i had only been on the program for a couple of weeks n i had seen good results (an inch)
but after being on the trip for a week i discovered to my horror that i had lost the inch's growth i had achieved. i was back to 31 inches. in the duration of the trip i gained a couple of pounds, which almost all of it went to my belly, lost weight on my hips, ass and boobs.
so now i need to find a way to gain back my breast growth and at the same time i need to cut down or tone the belly fat. Yikes!
i have always been a skinny person, never exercised, so this whole exercise thing is very new to me.

I am thinking to reduce my SP intake in the routine as that may lead to overall weight gain.
If anyone can suggest any herbs for weightloss or exercise that i can include into my routine that would be great!

Starting a new modified routine from tomorrow.
1 FG
1 Kelp
1 Vitamin B6 & B12
Massage with boobie oil (Flaxseed with FG, fennel, and some borage extract) n then heating pad for half hr.
Soy milk 1 cup after the massage.

1 FG
1 WY
1 borage oil
1 cup fennel tea (the other pills are an hr before lunch and the tea is some time after the lunch)

1 FG
1 SP
1 WY
1 Borage oil
massage with boobie oil and then heating pad for half hr

1 bowl of chicken feet soup.

will update on how its going after a couple of days Smile

ok guys made a change to the program, I have now added fennel to my routine, so i take one fennel with the usual stuff in the morning and one with the usual stuff at night.

measured my bust size yesterday it was 32 inches, and underbust was 27. however my periods are coming up in a week so it might have something to do with tht. hope i have something positive to update next time Smile

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