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Let's get boobified!

My luteal swelling has always hung on until after the last day of my period. Don't know why. It starts to slowly deflate with my first day and then by the day after my last day of bleeding it's all gone. I keep most of it throughout my period, though.

Oh my gosh, Ella! What a horror story! That's so awful, ugh, I can't imagine actually feeling them. Yuck yuck yuck! What can you do to get rid of them?

But to answer your question...

...yes. Especially chocolate. I will eat chocolate. It takes a lot to gross me out, ha ha ha.


(22-03-2014, 19:03)blessedbreasts Wrote:  My luteal swelling has always hung on until after the last day of my period. Don't know why. It starts to slowly deflate with my first day and then by the day after my last day of bleeding it's all gone. I keep most of it throughout my period, though.

Oh my gosh, Ella! What a horror story! That's so awful, ugh, I can't imagine actually feeling them. Yuck yuck yuck! What can you do to get rid of them?

But to answer your question...

...yes. Especially chocolate. I will eat chocolate. It takes a lot to gross me out, ha ha ha.

But wow that's cool you hang onto your luteal soo long!!! I wish I did lol

And yes BB its the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced in my life. I have learnt a lot about internal parasites since this happened and the worst bit is they are HIGHLY contagious, the eggs get airborne for crying out loud!!!
'To get rid of them long term you need to adopt an environment within your body that's not friendly to them, so pribiotics, alkaline, starve them of sugar, eat garlic etc. I mean all in all its like a cleanse really, you can buy over the counter chemical pills but I read they can cause liver damage and all sorts plus theres a chance they wont work I chose the longer harder natural route of elimination :s

ACK! That's so so so terrifying. You've got to have a lot of willpower to get rid of them long-term. I'd probably wimp out and get the pills.

Hope you can rid yourself of them permanently.

(01-03-2014, 19:01)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Hi all! I've been keeping a pretty good personal NBE journal in a Word document on my computer, but I love the feedback and sense of community on this forum. So I figured I'd put myself out there and join in the fun!

I've been a member since 2009. I did try for a bit and was able to get an inch of growth with eating the right foods, drinking soymilk regularly, and taking Evening Primrose Oil and massaging twice a day every day. But I stopped getting results and decided to put my efforts and energy elsewhere (and lost the inch in the process *grumbles* Dodgy ). I decided to get serious again last year.

My breasts are 33'' at the fullest part, 29.5'' underbust. According to the fitter at Victoria's Secret and an online calculator, I'm a 32D! I fit C cups better, though. The left breast is bigger, and is kind of going "LOL okay right breast it's been fun but I'm needed elsewhere bye!" and has embarked on a failed journey slightly down and to the left. Rude.

Massage routine:

- Twice a day

- I use pure flaxseed oil in the shower or bath, hair conditioner when I shower at the gym, or if I'm not about to shower or bathe I use muscle rub or a mixture I made of flaxseed oil, sweet almond oil, and lavender and cinnamon essential oils

- 100 deer massages

- 20 of these massages where you start out with your hands pointing downwards pressed against the sides of your breasts near your armpits, then you move downward, under your breasts, up the center, and back (that's the best I can describe it; if you're really curious, I'll track down a video with it being demonstrated)

- 50 fat brushes on either side from back to underarms into upper breasts

- 50 more deer massages

- Bust roller massager on upper breasts only, upward rolls, then inward rolls, finishing with kneading it into areas near my collarbone that feel tense or like there might be blockages there

- 5 minutes with heating pad before massages, 20 minutes with it afterward (if I'm not doing it in the shower or bath)

- I also do 100 deer massages with whatever lotion or oil I have handy every time I change my bra


- Alive! Women's Energy Multivitamin once a day

- A dash of flaxseed oil

- MSM 1000 mg 3 times a day

- Fish oil twice a day

- Ground flaxseeds 2 teaspoons a day

- B-complex once a day

- Vitamin D once a day

- Vitamin C once a day

Odds and ends:

- I wear a Japanese sleep bra to bed and around the house

- I wear bras constantly; I'm terrified of sag

- I try to scoop my breasts into a higher position in my bra whenever I can (including in public bathroom stalls when I'm out and about)

- I try to give my breasts several fond squeezes every now and then when I'm by myself to keep the circulation in them going constantly

- I try to get plenty of sleep

Future plans:

- Diet is going to be something I'm constantly working on, so I'll be perfecting and tweaking that a lot along the way. I'm wary of herbs since I'm very acne-prone (like I could almost literally just read the word "pimple" and I'd break out), so I'll have to use food instead.

- That being said, I do want to start spearmint eventually since I'm clearly testosterone dominant (I have chin and jaw stubble that would be the envy of any pubescent teenage boy; can't say as I'm proud). If it helps me with skin and body hair growth, that alone would make it worth taking for life!

- Going to start using the rockmelon ringtone and binaural beats next month.

- I want to order these and use them like noogleberry (thanks peggy for putting that idea in my head!):

- I plan on using Asian shaping bras as well

Well that was long-winded. And riveting, no doubt.

Looking forward to growing with everyone! Smile

Wow BB, I love the program!,

I'm a firm believer that a structured program is a recipe for success!, and your program is just that!, we will watch with great anticipation!. Big Grin

I totally agree with Mistress, amazing program! Heh, program + success = progress! And I hardly see how this couldn't happen that way! I m all with you for that, good luck BB Smile

About bras, since I am french, I want to share with you that study, not to convince you in any way but to broaden your views of the saggissue:

As far as my personnal opinion is concerned, I truly believe bra can be a great help in shaping, supporting and reducing back pains and effort for the biggest of us all. BUUUT I do also think that bra tend to make your tissues a little bit lazy and to me the most important factor to sagginess is genetic, knowing that after all everything can be corrected with the proper product and routine, from firmness to ... size! Big Grin

Hugs and good luck! Keep us tuned!

Wow, thank you very much, Mistress~Lotus! Between my program and all of you wonderful people's support and suggestions, I'd like to think I can't fail!

Thank you, DianaSaturna. Such a fascinating study! I would like to know the average breast size in that study, though. I don't know, I guess I'm stubborn. I still plan on wearing my bras regularly, but perhaps I'll start just going braless when I'm around the house. I still can't stand the thought of my super sensitive nipples free to roam against the surface of the inside of my shirt, though. *cringes*

Good luck to you, too! Thank you again. Smile

(23-03-2014, 02:32)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Wow, thank you very much, Mistress~Lotus! Between my program and all of you wonderful people's support and suggestions, I'd like to think I can't fail!

Thank you, DianaSaturna. Such a fascinating study! I would like to know the average breast size in that study, though. I don't know, I guess I'm stubborn. I still plan on wearing my bras regularly, but perhaps I'll start just going braless when I'm around the house. I still can't stand the thought of my super sensitive nipples free to roam against the surface of the inside of my shirt, though. *cringes*

Good luck to you, too! Thank you again. Smile

Hi BB, Smile

I'd be interested in that poll too! Smile, and Diana or LadyD, Big Grin I'm with ya on the restrictive tissue growth! BB, how bout nipple covers?

Mistress~Lotus, did you read my mind? I was seriously just thinking about nipple covers!

Or maybe I just need to toughen up and learn to deal with the feeling of the fabric against my nubs. Shy

(23-03-2014, 03:19)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Mistress~Lotus, did you read my mind? I was seriously just thinking about nipple covers!

Or maybe I just need to toughen up and learn to deal with the feeling of the fabric against my nubs. Shy

Well I can't blame ya for wanting relief, so your super sensitivity is causing the problem, I really lack that kind if sensitivity, not sure why?


I've noticed a lot of people do! I told one of my friends about it, and she said she can't imagine. I remember reading that most women feel almost nothing in their nipples. I think it's genetic.

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