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MACA will grow you booty...


Okay so I've been trying this method of taking Maca. I'm taking NOW brand, it's 500mg per pill, I started with 2 per day the first week, 3 per day the 2nd week, 4 per day the 3rd week, I'm on week 4 now and taking 5 per day. So far don't see an increase on the butt measurement. But do see a MASSIVE improvement of my sex drive. I went from being in the mood maybe once to two times per month, to every 3 days! Lets just say hubby is very happy Smile so even if this doesn't increase the butt size, I'll be fine with the other side effect I'm getting Wink just thought I'd share haha.

after doing research on maca, i bought my first bottle and got the second one free on on Nov. 1, 2011. It is the 30th now and i see no results, my body structure is that i'm topheavy with a small waist and butt. im getting so frustrated because im reading other blogs and some women see results in weeks!! I understand maca works different for women but im soo impatient! Should i continue to use or give myself a break for a while and start back again? If anyone can answer these questions id be grateful!

I am wondering if it would be just as effective to simply take 3000mg of maca per day for 5 weeks then take a break on week 6? Or would you need to follow the schedule of slowly increases the dosage every week until week 6?

3000 mg of Maca is pretty high. I was seeing good results at half that dose (1500mg). When I did ramp up to 3000 mg I started having bad side effects (i.e. insomnia, diarrhea (sorry if that's TMI), etc.). For that reason if I decide to use Maca again I will definitely use smaller doses and ramp up.

I agree that that's a VERY high dose. Most women don't take more than 1,500mgs because of the cost, side effects and because taking too much won't make you grow faster than your body's willing to. It sounds like you have good genetics to respond to it so well.

I wish I could start taking maca again, but the acne it gave me was unbearable, even at the lowest doses. I may try it again once my acne is gone for good, but even then I'm sure it'll bring back my acne pretty bad. The maca personally didn't help me as much as working out did, but my testosterone is naturally high anyway, so I was able to gain about an inch a month when I was able to work out enough, and I believe I'd have gained just as much without it. Genetics really affect how you respond to maca, so those looking into it, just be warned that it may not give you the amazing effect it gives some women (it's actually pretty rare for it to work as well as it has for you).

I wish it didn't give me such bad side effects. Heck, for some people, it stabilized hormones and TOOK AWAY their acne! I wish I was one of those people. :/ With my nasty side effects, I can't take more than two a day. 1,500mgs a day made my entire body break out so bad I wanted to cry. Sad My friend took it with me, experienced the same side effects at the same doses and saw a lot LESS growth than me because her protein intake was so low.

Myself and my wife took maca for awhile in the form of it baked into cookies (the smell is too bad to shovel straight into the mouth). I didn't really notice anything and neither did my wife = /


I wish it didn't give me such bad side effects. Heck, for some people, it stabilized hormones and TOOK AWAY their acne! I wish I was one of those people. :/ With my nasty side effects, I can't take more than two a day. 1,500mgs a day made my entire body break out so bad I wanted to cry. Sad My friend took it with me, experienced the same side effects at the same doses and saw a lot LESS growth than me because her protein intake was so low.

Just wondering if you know why you reacted so badly with Maca. Should certain hormones types be taking it only, should ppl dominant in something avoid it? I'm just really torn in trying it. Some ppl have reported bad gas, gained tummy, bloating and the acne you mentioned.

(17-10-2011, 06:29)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Okay so I've been trying this method of taking Maca. I'm taking NOW brand, it's 500mg per pill, I started with 2 per day the first week, 3 per day the 2nd week, 4 per day the 3rd week, I'm on week 4 now and taking 5 per day. So far don't see an increase on the butt measurement. But do see a MASSIVE improvement of my sex drive. I went from being in the mood maybe once to two times per month, to every 3 days! Lets just say hubby is very happy Smile so even if this doesn't increase the butt size, I'll be fine with the other side effect I'm getting Wink just thought I'd share haha.

Um... *awkward cough* how soon did your sex drive start improving? The possible bottom growth sounds nice but I'm actually interested in the other... perk.

Does anyone have any updates? What're you currently doing to grow your booty? What worked for you?

I'm currently using this method and I'm on day 3 of week 1 using Nativas raw maca root capsules which are 500mg/capsule. Has anyone tried adding aguaje or would that be counterproductive?

Well for a while,hops,vitamin E and Maca were helping me grow my booty,I gained an inch when I actually was taking it regularly,but I fell off a little and gained weight and stop taking herbs,but my booty never changed,I kept my inch.However,I have a plan that I'm going to lose 30 lbs but Im going to do it in intervals.Like,I'm going to lose 10 lbs and gain 5 back while taking herbs and a gainer shake.I'm going to keep doing that until my measurements change,hopefully.

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