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The Year-Long Massage and Diet Project (No Herbs)

Ella, I went to my brother and sister-in-law's, then a church camp and helped out in the office, then back to my brother and sister-in-law's.

Thanks, James and Missboobshirt. I really, really appreciate the kind words. Especially James saying I deserve a nice guy. Blush

Well, I'm back, and I can tell some of my progress is gone. Sad I couldn't massage like I thought I could. The last time I helped out at camp, I had a room to myself. This time, I had a (lovely) roommate, so I couldn't really massage in the room. I did the best I could in the shower, but it definitely wasn't the same. I suppose it doesn't help that I haven't been eating much, either. I've been eating about two meals a day. My waist and stomach still look really good, though.

I'm back to my massage routines, and, starting tomorrow, I'll get back to eating fatty foods.

Okay, I have stupid, non-NBE questions. Forgive me in advance for how horrifically juvenile this is going to be. But I don't have sisters or friends I can ask this stuff, and I'm completely, and I do mean completely clueless where guys are concerned.

How can you tell if a guy likes you? How do you show a guy that you're interested in him?

There was a guy at camp who I've met before, and we just shared a bit of banter back when we first met. At camp, we did it again, and I felt some chemistry. Also, when he first saw me at camp, my back was to him, and I overheard him whisper to someone, "Hey, do I know her? What's her name?" (We've never officially exchanged names.)

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out if he likes me, because there were a few things he did that made me suspicious. He teased me almost every time we were together, and when he wasn't, he'd do something that was clearly intended to make me laugh. Also, he did something that I just realized yesterday didn't seem normal. He kind of went out of his way to stay near me at one point? At least I think so, as the way I was going didn't seem like a place he needed to go to. Maybe I'm completely wrong and he really did need to go there, too. I don't know. UGH.

He also sat next to me at one point during and seemed super nervous the whole time and full of pent-up energy. He was fidgeting in this really intense way that looked very wrong. Imagine a guy sitting next to you with his legs spread super wide and his hands folded close to his groin, bouncing up and down. Please see in your head what that looks like. I don't think he fully realized what he was doing, but it was, ehm... interesting to see to say the least.

There were more moments, but I don't want to bore anyone. I know I sound like a silly teenage girl, but when it comes to romance and boys, I pretty much am as I have no experience. Am I being ridiculous? Maybe he was just being friendly. He probably felt sorry for me.

For my part, I am interested in him... he's so cute. Tall with brown hair and blue eyes... sigh. I wish I were more confident. Maybe I could have made something happen, I don't know. Now I can't stop thinking about him. What should I do?

Sorry. This probably comes off as really silly. Sad

My god, you sound like a perfect match in that you are both too shy to say what you really want to say. The guy is obviously nuts over you but can't get up the nerve to say so. Is there any possibility of a follow-up. Did you exchange names, phone numbers?

I s9o want to reply but can't type my fingers are dead lol bugger. IL reply tomorrow!

(12-07-2016, 06:10 AM)James98 Wrote:  My god, you sound like a perfect match in that you are both too shy to say what you really want to say. The guy is obviously nuts over you but can't get up the nerve to say so. Is there any possibility of a follow-up. Did you exchange names, phone numbers?

Seconded sounds like he likes you bb!

Yeh he is totally into you! Do you have any of his details, cell or email etc?
You should contact him "casually" and suggest he do something that you two have in common, like " hey I enjoyed hanging out the other week, you wana grab a bite to eat ". That kind of thing.
I know how nervous you get so that's real casual and implies just a "mate" ting to do but once you go out with him things can or ogres from there

That is adorable! I second Ella, did you get any contact info? maybe if you know his name you can look him up on FB. The fact alone that you heard him asking about you shows a great interest!

(12-07-2016, 07:28 AM)ellacraig Wrote:  "hey I enjoyed hanging out the other week, you wana grab a bite to eat ". That kind of thing.

that's great advice, I think you should defs go for it <3

Thanks for weighing in, you guys. It's such an alien thought that a cute, non-creepy guy could possibly like me.

We didn't exchange contact info... I was too shy to give him the "go ahead" signals to get close to me. *bangs head against a wall* I feel so dumb. Sad I've missed opportunities in the past because of "shutting guys down," as my brother put it. You'd think I'd learn, but I just can't get past feelings of "He'll find me disgusting and hideous if I let him get close and experience me enough."

I'll look him up on Facebook, but I'd be too shy to friend him. I don't really get on Facebook, anyway, so it's not a good way to keep in touch with me. I'm making plans to take a trip with my dad to his church this month, though. If I see him, I will try to be attentive toward him and give him "signals." Also, his cousin goes to my church and goes to activities where the young adults from his church hang out and do fun stuff. He'd be there, and I'm still young enough to go. Maybe I'll see if I can go with to some of them. It's funny, I've actually been wanting to move to his city since the end of last year, and just applied to a job there before I left for camp.

I'm so nervous! My knee-jerk reaction when a guy shows interest in me is to hide. I'm so bad at this. Sad

Thanks again for your comments, you guys. Any tips or tricks for dealing with guys are highly appreciated and welcomed, as I have no idea what I'm doing!

(12-07-2016, 04:44 PM)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Thanks for weighing in, you guys. It's such an alien thought that a cute, non-creepy guy could possibly like me.

We didn't exchange contact info... I was too shy to give him the "go ahead" signals to get close to me. *bangs head against a wall* I feel so dumb. Sad I've missed opportunities in the past because of "shutting guys down," as my brother put it. You'd think I'd learn, but I just can't get past feelings of "He'll find me disgusting and hideous if I let him get close and experience me enough."

I'll look him up on Facebook, but I'd be too shy to friend him. I don't really get on Facebook, anyway, so it's not a good way to keep in touch with me. I'm making plans to take a trip with my dad to his church this month, though. If I see him, I will try to be attentive toward him and give him "signals." Also, his cousin goes to my church and goes to activities where the young adults from his church hang out and do fun stuff. He'd be there, and I'm still young enough to go. Maybe I'll see if I can go with to some of them. It's funny, I've actually been wanting to move to his city since the end of last year, and just applied to a job there before I left for camp.

I'm so nervous! My knee-jerk reaction when a guy shows interest in me is to hide. I'm so bad at this. Sad

Thanks again for your comments, you guys. Any tips or tricks for dealing with guys are highly appreciated and welcomed, as I have no idea what I'm doing!

You already know this but THAT is whats holding you back, your self doubt. Ive said it before and i know its hard to do but SOMETIMES you have to pretend!!! Say to yourself "this is going to go one way or the other".. And take a big breath and barrel on up to him and start a conversation - find some common ground and suggest you guys do something.

To be fair MissB mentioning facebook, that is THE best way! You first send a friend request, make up a profile if you have to but make it private so he wont see any personal info (ps i still dont know how to do that) - and start by sending a friend request. If he accepts come back here and we talk you through the next step.

Just a story, i moved up to this town where i have no friends except befriending neighbours etc (but not being actual friends and doing stuff) and we joined a local club - one day i was like "bugger it i feel like a drink and not being on my own" so i went down to this club. There were all the locals there, this clicky goup, all men to i might add but i was like "how bad can this get, and do i really care what they think" so i ordered a drink and sat down on my own at a neighbouring table, after about an hour i sort of chipped in on their jokes and it wasnt long before i was asked up to their table and started chatting! That was huge for me, i felt like such a looser on my own going up there knowing nobody. But that started it, I PRETENEDED to be confident and not care what they thought of me being alone then started chattting and now i go down there all the time, my confidence is up and i see that MOST of them all started that way and had the same fears or new things and new people.

You gotta FAKE it at first because you need to meet a man, start that beautiful family you always wanted. You have to start now, you have us to guide you on how to do it if you need it. But dont hold back anymore BB, theres someone out there for everyone and if you are too shy its going to be alot harder. Men like confident women too, it doesnt matter if you are the most beautiful person or not, if you hold your head high, act confident (even if you dont feel it) people will be attracted to you!

Some of the men ive been with over the years, i wasnt attracted to them AT ALL but they had such beautiful personalities i put all superficial stuff behind me and gave it a shot.

Ok im all typed out! None of this is meant to be offensive, its just a pep talk because life is short, live it. Dont hide behind your insecurities, get out there and live it.

if you do find him on FB you can always send a msg and give him your digits! Smile I don't even have fb so I know how it is. Hopefully you'll run into him again soon/someone who knows him, esp with the church event.

I don't think this is very much your style but its an option--you can always ask his cousin to pass your number along to him, but I would say it would be nicer to have a more personal moment and ask him yourself. I would only use that tactic if you wont see him again for a long time and you don't want to miss your chance.

My advice for men is cliche but good nonetheless, just be yourself. When I was in high school and I liked someone I would be sooo upset if we didn't get along or weren't into the same things. I had a rough up bringing so I would hide a lot of things about myself too. If you don't find yourselves clicking, don't force it. Everyone has their own way of flirting, find yours and hone it Smile You said the chemistry is there so I am sure it will work itself in there on it's own. When there is something there between two people there is no way one can be friend-zoned. Tongue

(12-07-2016, 08:10 PM)missboobshirt Wrote:  if you do find him on FB you can always send a msg and give him your digits! Smile I don't even have fb so I know how it is. Hopefully you'll run into him again soon/someone who knows him, esp with the church event.

I don't think this is very much your style but its an option--you can always ask his cousin to pass your number along to him, but I would say it would be nicer to have a more personal moment and ask him yourself. I would only use that tactic if you wont see him again for a long time and you don't want to miss your chance.

My advice for men is cliche but good nonetheless, just be yourself. When I was in high school and I liked someone I would be sooo upset if we didn't get along or weren't into the same things. I had a rough up bringing so I would hide a lot of things about myself too. If you don't find yourselves clicking, don't force it. Everyone has their own way of flirting, find yours and hone it Smile You said the chemistry is there so I am sure it will work itself in there on it's own. When there is something there between two people there is no way one can be friend-zoned. Tongue

Well said and another great idea. If you want to get it out of the way then yeh ask the cousin pass on your number. But yeh thats also very true, the chemistry is there so if its meant to be its meant to be and it will work out.

I always as a kid dreamed of marrying a tall man with black hair and green eyes and very handsome - just a kids dreaming imagination.. In later life i forgot all about that, but then guess what - I met and married that very same man!

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