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4 Months, 2 Cups and Still Growing...

Check page 18 to see my current program.

(06-10-2012, 06:43 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  It is a pretty nifty idea. I might have to steal it next month when I do my next update. Big Grin

Glad to hear of your progresses Doll! Wish I had a body like yours... I'll probably never even get close to where you already are, you know that right? At least in the waist to hip ratio. Not without getting SOMETHING injected into my hips or some skeleton breaking and realigning done. The latter of which no one's willing to do even if I was willing to subject myself to it. Blush

Lol You're welcome to the idea! I get so bored just seeing so many words. So I figured I'd try and spice things up. And it does turn out it's much easier this way, so people don't constantly ask what I'm taking. Wink And thank you...I'm sure eventually if you start waist training you'll definitely be able to achieve whatever you want! And if you want more hips, definitely look into exercises! I'll have to find some old pictures, I was pretty hip-less before starting any of this. (Here's a bad example) I had even less hips before I ever started working out a few years ago, doing mostly cardio.

djt-d Wrote:I rang a pharmasist up and they confirmed I can take red clover. Is PM only taken for breast enlargement? How widely known is this product? I am just wondering if my pharmasist knows of PM and would know if I could take it.
What does Maca come under; ie; is it a Phyto-estrogen, Phyto-progestin or Prolactin? What does the Progesterone cream actually do? Does it make your boobs grow or is it t ouse if you are are low in progesterone and to bring it back up to normal? And again is it a phyto-estrogen, phyto-progestin or prolactin?

PM is taken mainly for breast enlargement, but is also used for hormone imbalances, as HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for transgender males and for women in menopause. I'm not sure how known it is, but your pharmacist might know. I don't see why you shouldn't take it, as it's as far as I know still pretty similar to everything else we take in NBE. The only reason I can think for them to state that is that thyroid problems can actually prevent NBE from working (again, as always, it depends on the individual). So you may want to talk to your doctor about it. However, if you're taking medicines for your problem, and everything is under control, you should be good to do NBE. JUST KIDDING, PM MIGHT ACTUALLY SHRINK YOUR BREASTS IF YOU HAVE THYROID PROBLEMS. JUST READ THIS, DIDN'T MEAN TO SPEAK OUT OF MY ASS EARLIER.

Maca is what is known as an adaptogen. It helps balance your hormones by telling your body to create whatever hormone it may be lacking it. It causes your body to produce more of its own hormones rather than attaching plant hormones to your body's receptors, like most herbs. It's great for those with pre-existing imbalances, and is also a great addative to any NBE program, as it prevents your hormones from becoming too imbalanced during NBE (it helped me recover from estrogen dominance brought on by taking too many phyto-estrogens).

Progesterone cream is usually made from Wild Yam, and is used to help prevent estrogen dominance from too little progesterone, and is also very commonly used for women facing menopause. Not everyone needs it, and if you don't need it, don't use it. It's very strong and stays in your body a long time, so those who don't need it and use it often become progesterone dominant. Your hormones need to be balanced for the most part in order to grow actual breast tissue, so tipping the scale too far in either direction will actually hurt your progress. I originally began using this along with the maca to fix my imbalance, but since I will be starting PM, I will definitely need to continue using it to counteract such strong hormones.

Keep in mind, I developed estrogen dominance while using a very low dose of fairly weak herbs, so it's likely that my body is producing both of these hormones naturally at very low levels. I have seen many people with programs similar to mine who have taken twice the doses I do without needing to use progesterone cream. Everyone is different. So once you start on everything, give it time to see how your body reacts before trying progesterone cream. I just need to stress that point, since it's pretty important. Wink Also, if you end up taking maca (look up side effects before starting on it), that may be enough to keep you from developing an imbalance altogether, even at small doses like I'm on.

Aw, I started a new page, now all my pictures are gone. Sad

(06-10-2012, 08:02 PM)Doll Wrote:  I'm sure eventually if you start waist training you'll definitely be able to achieve whatever you want! And if you want more hips, definitely look into exercises! I'll have to find some old pictures, I was pretty hip-less before starting any of this. (Here's a bad example) I had even less hips before I ever started working out a few years ago, doing mostly cardio.

Wow. That is bad! I'm starting OUT with more hip than you did! Blush

I guess I just can't help but feel like I somehow can't really develop a truly curvy body since I'm not genetically female. And getting comments from people like my mom and older brother along the lines that "you'll never look female" and "when you finally really look female then and only then will I ever consider you one."

I doubt they even realize how much they're hurting me with words like that... Dodgy



I've said it before, and thyroid problems are, IMO, a whole nother set of problems that can lead to reductions in breast tissue if not dealt with properly.

My mom used to have better shaped breasts than she does now, not really any bigger though, but when her thyroid started to act up it all went to flab. Her breasts literally have absolutely no shape to them AT ALL anymore.

She never did anything and still refuses to do anything about them, she's just weird like that, but the point of the matter is that thyroid problems WILL cause breast problems, if nothing else, you WILL get saggy boobs.

You need to get your thyroid properly controlled first and foremost, and then you might want to stick to something more like Doll's older program. Or even leave phyto-estrogens out completely... I can't really say for sure how any specific combination might interact with your thyroid problem.

(06-10-2012, 08:52 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Wow. That is bad! I'm starting OUT with more hip than you did! Blush

I guess I just can't help but feel like I somehow can't really develop a truly curvy body since I'm not genetically female. And getting comments from people like my mom and older brother along the lines that "you'll never look female" and "when you finally really look female then and only then will I ever consider you one."

I doubt they even realize how much they're hurting me with words like that... Dodgy

Oh wow! xD You make it seem like you have no shape at all! I mean, in that picture, I'm kinda at an angle, so I look even more shapeless than I did...but still...I had no hips...I somehow still had butt, though. Looking back on even older pictures, though, when I had even less hips than that, I also had THE smallest waist somehow (before I developed all these problems), so I guess that's what made me look like I kind of had hips. >.<

It sucks that people are going to have that kind of attitude about that sort of thing, but it's something you're going to have to learn to deal with once you make such a big decision. My friend has been on HRT for the past two years or so, on and off (when she can afford it) and has lost many friends in the process. Not because they're not willing to still be friends with her, but because they refuse to accept her as female, and constantly refer to her as "him". And she wasn't willing to tolerate that anymore, and kicked those people out of her life. I think that's very strong of her, and it's what she needed to help herself feel better about herself. Unfortunately, her mom still has trouble accepting it, and, like you said, I just don't think she realizes what it's really doing to her when she does things like introduce her to people as "my son".

Have you really talked to them about it? I know some people will never fully understand no matter how many times you tell them, but in those situations, you still need to tell them over and over again that what they're doing is wrong, because maybe over time they'll really start to see things from your eyes.

And just because you may not be genetically female doesn't mean you can't develop the body. Honestly, it sounds like you've got the body already, so you can only make progress from here. Yes, it will take years, but eventually your body will become more and more accustomed to "being female" with NBE (I've got the same outlook on my body LOL). Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes, so if you already have bigger hips than I did starting out, that goes to show just how female your body already is. Smile Don't take no crap from no one!

Just realized I stated that my FG dose was 6 a day. It's actually 8. I'm getting so confused with all these changes I keep making. Blush

My breasts are SOOOO sore. I'm hoping they're creating new tissue. Also, even though the tape measure isn't changing, they're somehow becoming larger still and filling out my bra completely. They're finally to the point where I'm getting cleavage in this bra!!! Big Grin It's not cleavage like most people get, but it's exciting regardless. Can't wait to start PM. Smile And I wore my corset last night to sleep. It didn't really interrupt my sleep at all. It was actually quite comfortable. Woke up, took it off and measured at 25"! My first corsetting milestone! Can't wait til that number starts to stick after a few hours. ;P

Also forgot to post what else I'm taking. Only the B vitamins and Zinc are specifically for my NBE, but the others may help as well.

[Image: 0007874243585_180X180.jpg] [Image: 516eWKuejHL._SL500_AA300_.jpg] [Image: l_vs-1500.png] [Image: l_vs-1390.png]
Super B Complex and Zinc: 1 a day (AM)
MSM: 2-4 a day (AM & PM)
Glutamine: 2 a day (AM)

So, I'm on my third day of my 7-day cleanse. Still haven't lost any swelling yet, my breasts are still waaayyyyy too sore to massage, and I somehow still haven't gotten my monthly visitor yet. :/ I mean, I hope I DON'T lose any swelling! Lol But not seeing any change even during a CLEANSE (not just a break) makes me wonder if anything's even being really flushed out. =_=

I don't know how I measured at 37" before with swelling, when now I'm barely at 36" and they're probably about the same as they were before. I didn't think I was measuring wrong. Maybe it's just been so long since I saw that measurement I don't remember just how big it was.

I know I say I'm not reordering the Volufiline cream. But that's because everything else is working so well, I don't think I need to spend money I don't have each month or so to reorder this. It has PLENTY of great reviews, and my friend is so far seeing a slight difference with it already after just one month. So, I WOULD still recommend it to those with slower growth from herbs, as this will definitely help speed up the process. Wink
[Image: 41xit9z79mL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

So, I've officially ended this NBE regimen. I will be starting a new program thread.

My results with this program:
Start: February 2012
small 32C

End: October 2012
very full 32DD/almost 32DDD?

Other body results in this time:
Start: 5'4" tall
28" waist, size 3 jeans

End: 5'4 3/4" tall
25.5" waist, size 7 jeans

Feel free to continue to ask questions about this program here.

My results are NOT typical. I am a PCOS sufferer and NBE has been able to very successfully stabilize my hormones to normal levels and correct my PCOS. This is why in this time my body has been able to create so much permanent breast tissue. Please do not expect results like mine, even if you also suffer from PCOS. Before ever having hormone problems, I was a full 32C/D all the time, and had gone down to not fitting a 32C once the problems started. I feel like most of my growth so far was just my body getting to the point it had been at before.

Before, taken about a month into NBE, before growth started to show.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

After, taken today after a 5-day Milk Thistle cleanse.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

*whistles appreciatively*

You certainly can't deny THAT photographic evidence! Wow! Big Grin

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