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Trying to NB with two CLs at once :/


Omg. My tubing been falling off when I noogle. Who would of though they get looser. Never thought about washing them. Maybe that would help.

I used to noogle with baby oil on and then my body just got irriated so I decieded to switch to Aveeno. I really love that stuff it stop the itching and made my skin really soft and I had used a lot of lotion in my time. It doesn't make the rims of the nb stick though just really soft skin.

Also, I notice when I push less pressure on the nb I get great swelling. Funny it's not red swelling but it you can see it a little bigger after noogling.

This is taking forever to grow though. Egh!

The thing about my wacky NB tube it that I've barely used that side for it to be like that Tongue It keeps slipping as if there's oil or something in it....It's pretty annoying, but at least I have the other one Big Grin

I thought the tubing would be super durable...I guess not lol!

That's great! I switched from the oils to the lotion because there's less mess with the lotion. After noogling with the oils, my boobs, hands, and torso are all oily lol! At least with the lotion, I don't have that problem and my skin is soft. The downside is that after noogling and I rub/massage them, the lotion kind of rubs off too (kind of like when you rub of dead skin in the shower). Its really strange considering I've used it before on my legs/arms and haven't had that problem...Maybe it's the result of the humidityin the noogle dome...?

Cool, so when you do that, do you press to get the dome on and leave it alone after that?

Guess what? I got red dots on my right boob yesterday and the other day Angry! I think they're gone now, but I have no idea why it happened. I've been pumping the same way I have before. I'm wondering if it's because I had to take a couple days off because I was out of town...Rolleyes

I'm getting swelling and they look bigger, but I can't tell if it's b/c my period is starting soon or if it's actual growth. (I'm pretty sure it's the first one though Dodgy)

When I noogle I stop just right before I feel the pressure or any at all.

Dang that sucks red dots on your boobs is really terrible. But I mean it goes away.

What I've been hearing is that people lose any growth or swelling when their period comes. So, you must be lucky to see yours on these time.

Thinking about taking Ainterol. What do you think and are you taking any supplements?


Huh, I never thought that would work...I always felt that if I don't feel an suction or pressure, that I wouldn't get swelling. I might try that soon, maybe it'll prevent those red dots!

That's good Smile I'm mainly hoping that I don't lose any growth once my period ends lol!

I've heard a lot about Ainterol and I think it would be pretty good. I read a lot of threads about people taking that brand along with NB and getting good growth. I also know of some people who are taking PM pills that come straight from Thailand. I think those are supposed to be really good but it slips my mind as to how good the results are lol. Have you read up on whether you'll need to cycle the PM or not? I just know a lot of girls get a strange menstrual cycle once they start the PM.

I am going to start UB pills sometime next week. I was also thinking about pairing it along with MSM but I'm not sure if it'll make me start spotting for not. I think that would be it for me because, when taking BO, you can't take any phytoestrogens because its supposed to decrease the effects of the BO supplement Tongue

I've haven't noggle for a couple of days and I just started up again not knowing how much pressure I put now I have red dots all over my boobs. I swear I didn't feel any pressure I don't know why I got the red dots again, oh well.

Yeah I've been reading about Anteriol. You need to stop when you menstrual start and when it's over to start your pills again. I also heard it was better for males than females.

Good to hear about your supplements. Hope to see great results.

I finally got some swelling. That huge boobs look when your done noogling. It only lasted about 15 mins though. Now I know what everyone is talking about when they like their swelling. Whatever I said was swelling before wasn't probably swelling. How am I suppose to get mines to last hours like some nooglers.

I wanted to always ask you what is your chest size across for you not to be able to hold on to two cups at once. My chest size is 34".

Also thank god I bought the CL domes cause I think if I bought the mediums I would have to buy the CL now. Just take patience.

That's interesting because there was a time when I left town and couldn't noogle for 2 days, when I did noogle again, I ended up getting the red dots that I hadn't gotten since I FIRST started noogling. That happened about two weeks ago, but now I'm not really seeing any dots.

I know that I had to skip NB last week because I had to study for a test that was yesterday, and I don't know if it was just me, or my boobs deflating due to my period ending, but they felt smaller...I'm able to pick up noogling again since I have more time though Big Grin

I'm glad to hear that you're getting swelling Big Grin. It's a good feeling, isn't it? I noogled for an hour using both cups at the same time, and I got swelling but using both cups at the same time made my boob look far apart. I think I'll just stick to my current method lol.

**side note: I got the tubing to fit on the other dome! All I did was wash was just oily lol XD

But anyway! I believe that your swelling will stick for hours after noogling for a few more weeks or months. I think with time, your boobs stay swollen a lot longer Smile

My underbust is about 28.5" and around the bust is about 34.5-35". I can get the cups to stay, but it's just really uncomfortable Tongue so now I prefer to just to one at a time, especially after my boobs looking like implant after using both lol!

That's great! I ordered on XL dome because I'm about an inch away from the top of the CL 30min into my NB session! I don't see a difference on the tape but something must be happening lol! Btw, if you decide to get an XL dome, Lucy told me that they now have a contoured one but they haven't put it on the site yet and to just tell Lucy to switch your order to the contoured after buying the XL Big Grin

Wow! Your almost ready for the XL domes. I not even half way with the CL. Great job.

How was it telling your mom or did you find another method to pay? I hope she is not freaked out by what your doing?

Thanks for the info about the CXL domes. I would really like that better than the Regular XL just because I know it would better fit me.


Lol, thanks! You'll probably fill them within a month or so assuming our chest sizes are pretty similar Smile

It's strange because sometime they look a little fuller and other times they look normal. I can't really tell if it is growth or just because I just took off my bra and it's all in my head lol Tongue

Welllll, I didn't even tell my mom lol! I figured that since the CXL was about $25 (discount), she shouldn't say much. She may not notice since it's not as big of a purchase as the whole NB system lol! Plus, I put some money from my own stash in my account, just in case she did ask Big Grin

I don't think she thought too much of it when I had to tell her about the NB a couple months ago, she probably forgot about it by now lol. I will say that she doesn't know about me taking Ultra Breast pill and she probably would worry a bit because doesn't know what it is...When she asked me about the Medplex purchase (that's how it showed up on my acct) I just told her they were vitamins Rolleyes

Yea, I was worried about the normal XLs too, considering I started out with contoureds...When my CXL finally gets here, I'll let you know how it turns out Smile

Notice I get better swelling when I pump for 30 mins, take 15 mins break then pump 30 mins again.

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