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Angel34"B Boob and body reshaping program


(05-12-2012, 05:23)angel34 Wrote:  Yeah, its crazy cause the first 2 months I didnt get anything but some little pains here and there because I think my dose was too low, then as soon as I upped it I started getting sore.

They might just be swollen though....I think when I take my bra off they look very much the same as before, but I think there is more fat on top of them now like in the skin (maybe from the Zhi mu, so when my bra gathers them up they look bigger. I can see a slight more fullness from the side though, they used to look more saggy and now they are more like rounded looking. I dont know how much of it is actually like breast tissue, like how chiyomilk got those big perky things lol. I guess I will find that out if they continue to grow and if my butt doesnt grow with them. Whats wierd though, is I think with my weight loss, I actually lost some of the armpit boob fat, and it actually hasnt come back which is great!

To be honest though, the reason they were so small on 10-26 was due to the fact that my body fat had gotten really low. Normally I weight more and fill out the 34C easily, so I am just not sure yet what is causing the size change.

My hubby says they dont look any different, and he's really getting me discouraged. He keeps saying that you cant grow maybe he just didnt notice how small they had gotten for a while. I think in his mind, he still thinks they should look like my big BF ing boobs and anything smaller than that to him looks small. The day that he says "wow, I think your boobs have grown" will be like the happiest day for me.

You definitely have more cleavage compare to your first picture, which is great! it's a lot better than nothing! Looking forward to your next update!

Just started a new cycle yesterday. I forget if it's #4 or #5...anyhow, I am on day 2 and I am skipping my period this month and taking my birth control and PM straight through due to me having a gyno appt. this week and don't want to be bleeing.
I am still taking 1 ladies and 2 siriporn and still nicely sore and inflated. I think maybe I have put on a few more lb's than i wanted so I am going to do 5 days of yohimine topical + coleus forskohlli on my lower waits and hips and try reducing calories a bit.

I am going to take 2 ladies these 5 days if my body is ok with it.

I will use topical robust and zhi mu when I wake up on my breasts, wait 1/2 hr and do the yominbine on my tummy...then wait an hour for it to soak in and then take the internal pueraria. Hopefully the yohimbine will have blocked some of the E2 receptors in my fat areas and keep the PM from activating those and maybe I can get some spot loss. I think I weight over 130 now, but I feel like I look good and I am pretty happy with the size of my boobs right now. I hope all the size I got isnt just from gaining weight. If I can keep my boobs larger a good (and still slim) weight for me is between 125-130.

I will take some pics of the 34D bra. I actually kind of fit into it now! it was like way huge on my when I bought it, but I had also gotten thinner than normal at that time.

Here's a pic from when I first got the 34D bra and then a couple from yesterday. Its the exact same bra as the 34C that I have so I can compare better. It kind of looks like it fits in the pic, I guess maybe because I am holding my shoulders back more, but I would say its still too big. It is adjusted about half way and has been since I bought it as I only use these bras for pics. When I put my arms forward it gaps a lot on the top still, so the 34C is just right. My left boob fits ok in it and the right is too small.

I took some naked pics yesterday too, and it doesnt look like much of a difference to me, but there is definately some. I cant see ANY difference from the front, but there is def. more roundness from the sides, and quite a good difference looking at a 3/4 angle. Hope I can keep growing boobs and not belly!


wow so jealousss! :x i still haven't grown any boobies yet, well obviously cuz i've only been on my program for 1 week. Haha keep it up! they look great!

How do you feel about the fat reduction creams you've been using? Are you still using the same ones? Has your waist gotten any smaller (or any other areas)?

(16-12-2012, 06:58)iamsorpor Wrote:  wow so jealousss! :x i still haven't grown any boobies yet, well obviously cuz i've only been on my program for 1 week. Haha keep it up! they look great!

Thank you!! Smile) Good luck!

(16-12-2012, 23:49)mochaccino Wrote:  How do you feel about the fat reduction creams you've been using? Are you still using the same ones? Has your waist gotten any smaller (or any other areas)?

I LOVE the yohimbine (lipo-derm) and coleus. Sometimes I use nettle root with coleus on the days I dont use the Yohimbine.

I think they work well combined with diet. I did lose some boobs with my weight loss at first though so IDK. My thighs got smaller for sure, You can see that in the pics I was posting. I think 1"? and my hips where I applied it did also. Its hard to say what the measurements would have been with just weight loss and not using it, but I like it.

Although I have put weight back on it didnt seem to go back on my thighs very much, more on my hips love handles and boobs and some on my lower belly. I have been slacking on it pretty bad the last 2-3 weeks though...and I have gained weight during that time. Not sure how much since I still have the broken scale..Running out of lipo-derm and amazon is out Sad.

I never really measure my lower belly, and my upper waist always seem to measure the same even when I can tell its fatter!

Wellll so much for trying to do some "lose" days. I had 2 people bring me plates of Cookies and junk food and yesterday we went to the movies and hubby got candy and popcorn and I have NO will power! Usually I am able to eat healthy simply by not keeping any junk food in the house. Maybe I will try again after Christmas lol.

Here's some body shots from today. Thanks to a nice tan and good lighting I actually almost look celullite free (which I promise I am NOT, I can totally see it in the pics I took without the flash, so I wont post those haha)

My broken home scale says 130lb today hmm I think I will buy a new one today. A few days ago it said 135 and I thought maybe it was right, I just felt heavy, and today I woke up feeling thin. I dont know how my body is able to change to much over night sometimes, but I swear its like I retain like 5-10 lbs of water!

I'm pretty happy with the way I look in these pics. I can still feel some rolls that I dont want to grow bigger if I decide to try and gain some weight (in my boobs) so those are the places I will spot treat on my lose days before I try an gain.

Measurements are:
waist at smallest - 28.5
waist at belly button @30.5
upper hips at widest 34.75-35"
lower hips @37" have a hard time getting this accurate!
thigh, @ 1/2" below crotch = 21.5"


I did 2 ladies PM for 1 day (2 days ago), and really didnt notice any symptoms, even to the next morning. Swelling and soreness had gone down. I dont know if it is due to the time of month as I do think my hormones still fluctuate, or if it was because I did the yohimbine that day and the next or down regulation or what. The last 2 days I have done 1 ladies and 2 siriporn. I'm really not feeling much of anything. Maybe it will pick up again toward the middle of the month. That seems to have been the pattern the last 2, but I was ramping up those months. This one I am starting out full does since I am not having a period this month.

Hi, what time of the month is it for you? folicular?
Because since I only apply topicals and control the amount of oestrogen in my body I noticed that after my periods it's harder to get growing pains. I know that by rising the amount of oestrogen I can get them back but I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do.
During what time of the month do you usually have less growing pains?

(17-12-2012, 20:15)Mono Wrote:  Hi, what time of the month is it for you? folicular?
Because since I only apply topicals and control the amount of oestrogen in my body I noticed that after my periods it's harder to get growing pains. I know that by rising the amount of oestrogen I can get them back but I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do.
During what time of the month do you usually have less growing pains?

I think I am on day 4 or 5 of my cycle right now. I got a little messed up because I think I might have accidentally took 2 birth control pills last night because I forgot to put the weekday label on them. since I am on birth control my cycle should be pretty steady all the way through, but the last 2 months I have noticed more pain/swelling in the last half. I dont do PM during my period, just dandelion. Then I start on day 7 or 8 with pm and slowly ramp up over the next week so I am at full dose by around day 13 or 14 and by that time I was getting sore/swollen. I actually do now feel a little swollen still today. not too sore though.

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