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Hello I'm new :)


Thank you Karren! I'm glad to meet you too! Through thread lurking (i'm a stalker lol) I found you're an engineer (me too although I never worked in the field).

I'm surprised at how many scientifically oriented people are here doing something about their boobs Smile I like your inventions but I have been unable to pump up anything other the the nb domes because the air leaks (around the hose) when I try to put in the hose and pump, then pull the hose out. Any suggestions? Did you get a smaller hose or something?

I think massage works on the same principle, getting more blood flow to the area, but suction seems to have a stronger effect I believe plus it pulls which promotes tissue growth so I'm hopeful I'm doing the right thing.

Yea for engineering! funny we always have to fix stuff even if it isn't broken! lol... I use the standard 4mm clear hose but if you can find thinner it will work better... I bought one of those food saver vacume pumps... the small hand held one.. Walmart under $20 and found a really small tube at the pet store.. It makes pumping a whole lot easier.... I even modified my car and put a vacume valve in where I can attach h hose and domes... so when I drive on business I can pump at the same time! lol

here the vacume pump... its rechargeable... I had to take an Xacto and modify the air inlet a little    

Thank you so much Karren! I'll have to check Walmart now. Lol I can't pump in the car my kids would notice! I'm doing this on the sly. If it works I'll let hubby in on it of course haha

If? lol. It will work!... Maybe your husband will want to help! you can get him to go to harbor freight and buy a vacume pump, install it in the garage and run air hoses into your bathroom?

Time for a mini update. I have been noggling on average 2-3 hours every day Mon-Friday and I'm on my fourth week right now.

When I first started I had 32" across the nipples, and that has gone up to 33"!! It doesn't really look bigger, just a bit fuller, they were kind of deflated from breastfeeding I think.

I will be making an official 1 month post when it's been a month.

When I first started my breasts would barely go to the 3 mark in the small cup size, but now I am almost completely filling the small cup and going to order the medium cup next week.

My swelling at the start was up to 33", now I swell to 34" and the size is 33" after the weekend of no noggling. The swell stays around for maybe 1-2 hours only though and it fades when the red rings fade (darn! I can't show it off without rings!!)

For pictures I did take a starting picture and am planning to take one once a month only. BUT I am super super shy!!! I don't know if I can post it here and I saw you guys make fun of someone who edited out her nipples lol. So I'm not sure if I'll have the courage to post it.. I don't know. What gave you all the courage to post? What if someone you know in RL finds this stuff? Lol. I might post if I can edit out my nips.

Sounds good but it might not be all real growth since part of it can be luteal swelling. Better measure every month on the same cycle day, e.g. after your period on cycle 6 or 7.

Since I do not post pics of my face, nobody can know that these boobs belong to me. Thats why I post them. Big Grin

I know Peggy, I'm afraid it might be something like that. I am planning on a real update once a month to make sure I'm in the same place in my cycle Smile

But the 33" were pretty consistent after the first week of noggling, I checked after each weekend of not noggling. Especially one of my boobs feels fuller, the more deflated one is a bit fuller but still behind my other one.

Good point with the face lol Smile But still your boobs are out there? I'm terrified!!

You can always delete the attachments in your profile in case you freak out. Tongue

Yeah lets hope its real growth. Keep us updated. Smile

Mini update, we moved so I've been too busy to post. I'm still at 33" and went up to medium noogle cups. About 1-2 hours of noogling a day.

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