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The Year-Long Massage and Diet Project (No Herbs)

I have a question about bras.  What are the bras called that are like a sports bra (maybe thats what they are) that have a zipper up the front?  Are they comfortable?  I've seen them where they look comfortable, high quality, supporting, but still allow for a nice shape (not overly flattened).

Lol, Google is my friend. It looks like they are sports bras. I'll have to do some studying it looks like.

I wouldn't get worried about magnetic fields. The only thing I have read about them has to do with fertility, and that is lack of magnetic field reduces fertility. And that is not proven, only a theory, apparently the earth reverses its magnetic field every few million years and it is a slow process and when in the middle of the switch the earth's magnetic field goes to a minimum and many species die off and the suspected reason is low fertility.  No harmful effects ever mentioned.

Ella, I think I could definitely use one! When I lean forward to measure my breasts, they're a whole inch bigger than when I stand up straight. So I'm sure I have some displaced tissue.

peekaboobs, I've seen those on the Victoria's Secret website in their sports section. Never worn one, though.

Thanks, James. The idea of magnets that close to tissue so delicate still scares me, though! Now I wonder how effective magnet therapy is for NBE. It's not something you hear about much.

(04-12-2016, 07:09)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Thanks, James. The idea of magnets that close to tissue so delicate still scares me, though! Now I wonder how effective magnet therapy is for NBE. It's not something you hear about much.

Although I stand firm on my claim that a magnetic field will cause no harm, I also don't believe it will have any effect on breast growth. There is a section here on BreastNexus and no one there has claimed any growth from the magnets.

BTW there are other possibilities for species dying off during Earth's low magnetic field period, and that is the Earth's magnetic field shields us from harmful radiation from the Sun. I think the increased exposure is a more rational reason for species dying off.

(04-12-2016, 14:05)James98 Wrote:  
(04-12-2016, 07:09)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Thanks, James. The idea of magnets that close to tissue so delicate still scares me, though! Now I wonder how effective magnet therapy is for NBE. It's not something you hear about much.

Although I stand firm on my claim that a magnetic field will cause no harm, I also don't believe it will have any effect on breast growth. There is a section here on BreastNexus and no one there has claimed any growth from the magnets.

BTW there are other possibilities for species dying off during Earth's low magnetic field period, and that is the Earth's magnetic field shields us from harmful radiation from the Sun. I think the increased exposure is a more rational reason for species dying off.

That's what I figured. That section has always seemed pretty dead. But somebody must have had some sort of results with it at one point, right? Otherwise the whole thing never would have started. Unless it's just based on a theory or something. Hm...

I've always thought increased radiation was the reason for it all, too. Not just for species dying off, but other effects on Earth as well.

Oh I never thought to lean over and see if it's more. Good idea. I tried to buy the Etoschell last night but couldn't process it so not a bad thing. If I keep readjusting I still have plenty that seem to hold things in place. 
My literal has been long ND fierce this cycle. Girls jiggling all over the place. If only it would stick

(04-12-2016, 22:27)EllaC Wrote:  Oh I never thought to lean over and see if it's more. Good idea. I tried to buy the Etoschell last night but couldn't process it so not a bad thing. If I keep readjusting I still have plenty that seem to hold things in place. 
My literal has been long ND fierce this cycle. Girls jiggling all over the place. If only it would stick

Yeah, it's a bra fitting technique. Can't remember which site it's from, but it's one of the measurements they tell you to take to get your proper bra size.

Ugh I know, I have luteal swelling right now, too, and it's magnificent. I'll be so sad to see it go.

(04-12-2016, 07:09)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Ella, I think I could definitely use one! When I lean forward to measure my breasts, they're a whole inch bigger than when I stand up straight. So I'm sure I have some displaced tissue.

peekaboobs, I've seen those on the Victoria's Secret website in their sports section. Never worn one, though.

Thanks, James. The idea of magnets that close to tissue so delicate still scares me, though! Now I wonder how effective magnet therapy is for NBE. It's not something you hear about much.

Well I just measured 3 times, 34 over and 35.5 leaning !!! I guess this means I should benefit from a transfer bra! Oh well... Need to figure a way to get myself a Bradelis!

I was just about to buy the Etosell off Amazon at $25 shipping then found this , free international shipping on Ebay. Good feedback too!

Looks like a great deal, Ella. Did you go ahead and order it?

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