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Noogleberry Users, be aware of Permanent Indentations!!!

(19-09-2014, 16:04)Beckiee Wrote:  
(19-09-2014, 14:20)hannah14 Wrote:  Beckie,t know what your problem is with Sara but as far as i can read she is completely right. Ofcourse not for calling teeny and Anastacia bad names. But when somebody is upset you have to read trough the lines. And i believe the point of their discussion was if it was Sara's own fault or not.
And i have a very clear opinion about that, No it is Lucy's fault.
Lucy is eating of the customers buying this device she can go on holiday's of the money she earn she can pay for her implants and go on. But Lucy chooses not to share her knowledge with others..She chooses to not inform her customers by neglecting the complaints of people with bad experiences. She does not help them plus she does NOT prevent future problems. If she would have listen to Sara i wouldnt have problems now.
Lucy could've made a manual description in the mean time. I bought this device 2 years after Sara's complaints and NOTHING happened.
This means Lucy is knowing and neglecting on purpose.
Its so easy to prevent women from making this mistake by just adding warnings but on purpose is not done by LUCY.
She does not care about other women she just sucks their money out like a parasite and that is it.

Then Sara is getting attacked because she is stating Lucy responsible. But she is.
Sara would not have make this mistake if she was informed, just like me. Lucy Dann rather likes to behold this information remove such information from her Noogleberry forum and therefore you get a coloured picture of the Nooglberry and that means more money for dirty Lucy.
Thats the story nothing more nothing less.

Jennifer Love: you said this stupid device is FDA Approved? Idid not read that anywhere, can you post a link?
All i read is that this device is manufacturers approved. And when something is approved by its own producer you can all understand how ridiculous that is.
Its like the butcher is ranking its own meat. A very coloured opinion.

I state that we(Teeny Tiny, Sara and other victims) have a very strong case.
I can be a one man army thats alright to.
But i am out for revenge, so the harder the better. It will teach her a lesson of how not to deal people. Because this is not a fair way of doing your bussiness. I have no respect for that at all.!

Hi there Hannah.
I did not comment on Sara's issue with noogleberry, rather I have my condolences to teeny and Anastasia regarding THE DELIVERANCE of Sara's message. Which in many posts is hateful and demeaning. These ladies were willing to help her deal with the standing issue, regardless of its cause, which in entirely is speculation (I don't mean to be offensive, or belittle the experience, rather I state that because things that occur together do not dictate causation, and you weren't followed by a doctor (nor Sara as far as I understand) during your noogleberry use, for the usage, you simply can't say affirmitively that nb caused this for you. Yes, okay, maybe noogleberry should state a warning that those with circulatory issues should consult their physician before using nb or to rule out circulation issues prior to nb's usage, but they aren't legally obligated to do so, as noogleberry itself is not legally a medical device (though there are fda tested and approved external tissue expanders such as Brava).
And no, I don't need to read through the lines. This forum is built for support. She ignored the help she was offered and continued to jump back and forth as to whether she respected Anastasia or made a mockery of her. She was straight up nasty and clouded with delusions of grandeur. I'm not her mother, as far as I know none of these ladies are her mother, so I don't know why anyone here should be expected to let her speak so disrespectfully and conceited. I refuse to enable her behaviour.

Finally I will state: Sara was notnattacked for blaming Lucy. Sara was spoken to in the same manner she began her deliverence. You reap what you sow.

When i go see a doctor he will deffinitely see maldeformation of my veins. I am 100% sure. Plus i have plenty of before pictures and online text which shows breast pumps can do this.

Brava is a different story, i mean look at the price. And more it is developed by a Spanish doctor Mr Brava. He knows what he does he is medical evidence they show it on their website. Noogleberry has nothing, plus it is manual so a way higher level of suction. Everyting about these 2 devices is very different. That is why you wear brava for at least 12 hours a day. Shouldnt try that out with NBE.


You're missing my point Hannah.
I'm not to devalue your statements or your beliefs. I'm simply stating that objectively, at a legal stand point, because you did not use noogleberry alongside the careful evaluation of a physician specifically for your noogleberry usage (rule out factors not related to nb such as genetic and environmental health not related to nb ) you can not (at least at this point, being after the fact ) prove that noogleberry is the cause. Yes, some people experience circulation issues, I shared my sister's brief experience with nb and her direct comparison of the only other time she experienced the arm pain (swelling from her tongue piercing) so I'm not denying that it happens. Rather I'm telling you that you do not have substantial scientific evidence that proves that these are causative and not coincidence.
We can't even state that we know for certain that those who have experienced lessened quality of life alongside nb use are more than 1% of the population of those who have used or will use nb. I'm sorry you are experiencing adversity in your life. I'm sorry that you didnt know to contact your doctor and inquire about the device first, but those facts lead to the conclusion that their isn't much to objectively validate your points.:/ at least not in a legal manner.
The premise of Brava and noogleberry are the same. The instructions for nb are 15-30 minutes daily, anyone who goes beyond this and experiences adversity is shit out of luck, if at the least because those instructions are on the product website (I.e the main site, not just the forum.)
Now, May we move on from which product is or is not legit and why, towards how to improve your circulation and thus your quality of life? I think a discussion will serve way better purpose than this debate has.

(19-09-2014, 12:10)hannah14 Wrote:  
(19-09-2014, 10:58)isobasic Wrote:  
(18-09-2014, 17:17)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(17-09-2014, 14:27)hannah14 Wrote:  Dear Sara,

First of all are you alive or did you died of health problems NBE related?
I so know what you are going trough. I hope you'll read this and if please out the name off god respond to me. I would love to speak with you or with Teeny Tiny.
I've been having a terrible experience with the NB system too.
I only used it 2 times and i used for 30 minutes both times.
I think you(Sara) and I have very high pain level because i had no pain at al.
No purple or blue breasts nothing or agressive usage at all!

But even though I now have ruined breasts they look like man boobs and i have extreme big inner nipple and outsides are very puffy.
BUT that's not the worst problem.. I have serious health issues and i dont know if i will make it.
I am a young woman in the prime of my life. But my life is now filled with nerve pains bad blood circulation numb toes sleeping arms and all other kind of horrible maybe life tthreatening experiences.


I saw Lucy had some implants herself. So dont buy her marketing story's.
She just a bitch and she is getting away with this way too long.. Maybe i one day become a terrorist if my life does not improve..
She nothing but a dirty hustler, ruining the breasts of European women.

Everybody with health problems of the NB, come together here we might be able to pluck the chicken. If you now what i mean.

Said in previous posts: ''what goes around comes around''
I am referring to the director/ the nasty marketeer of NB.

I definitely believe there is truth to this. I have asymmetrical breasts and because of that have had to noogle my smaller breast alone often. At the beginning I would noogle for too long (not the pump and hold for 1 min. then release) I would hold for like 10-15 minutes. Sometimes I would lose all sensation in my arm and sometimes leg. I at first did not connect the two and it sincerely freaked me out. It took me awhile to realize that it was from holding too long. I thought I had a very serious health problem too.

So that is why I started my method of pumping for a couple minutes, then releasing and massaging then starting up again. I now have no problems and have big, plump boobs. No way is it just loose skin or false swelling because I take breaks all the time. You can feel a ton of tissue in there. They feel great.

Probably trapped a nerve!

Yea i could be a nerve.. but it could also be a vein i think.
That's what really freaks me out.
I think its a vein because i also have muscle cramps.. I think my muscles are cramping because of bad/reduced blood flow. And because my legs and feet are like pale white and i used to have a natural tan of myself.
Also, bruises that just wont go away. I have bruises from over 4 months old on my legs..
I also got acne on my jaws and shoulders which i never had plus i dont have the age to get acne.
I am so scared and afraid i dont dear to see a doctor and tell him this embarrising breast pump story.
Does anyone have solutions? Did anyone had this trouble and went too see a doctor?
I have like tons of problems so many that i cant even write them all down here. I will write them if someone has the need for it. But i seem to be the only one at the forum who talks about this problems. Thats why i so badly want contact with Sara and Teeny Tiny.

And at Jennifer: I did not got that signal during pumping. My problems occured months after usage..

And at Beckie please dont demonize people like you did in that dr Phil post.. you dont know me and you cant say such things like borderline and stuff. Really weird, please argue with things that matter because i really have the need to that.
I want to come to a solution to get back my life so i can take care of things again. Instead of being tired and sick all the time.
Especially since my posts are valuable for you since after reading this you decided to change your NB routine. Be thankful to me instead of pointing with your dr Phil finger to me..
Guess you dont know what it is to have a serious problem.

Oh I also read somebody else about having a weird body smell. I have that too since this NB.. Maybe its tissue death..?
I have skin problems that reach the sky since NB.

I really don't think that can be due to noogleberry, the only way you'd lose blood flow would be if you ruptured/trapped and artery, and if you did that...well, you'd die almost straight away. I remember bruising a nerve in my elbow once though and it did make my hand feel strangely cold and different in colour, so maybe it's that - in which case, it'll go away in a few weeks. The skin problems could possibly be due to increased prolactin with noogleberry? which again would subside soon after stopping using it. and it's a long shot. I really don't see much of a reason that putting your breast under suction would cause such problems. To be honest, most of your problems are probably caused by stress by worrying about this - in which case, you should go to the doctors to get help for anxiety and make sure you have no other underlying problems causing this.

(19-09-2014, 19:00)isobasic Wrote:  
(19-09-2014, 12:10)hannah14 Wrote:  
(19-09-2014, 10:58)isobasic Wrote:  
(18-09-2014, 17:17)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(17-09-2014, 14:27)hannah14 Wrote:  Dear Sara,

First of all are you alive or did you died of health problems NBE related?
I so know what you are going trough. I hope you'll read this and if please out the name off god respond to me. I would love to speak with you or with Teeny Tiny.
I've been having a terrible experience with the NB system too.
I only used it 2 times and i used for 30 minutes both times.
I think you(Sara) and I have very high pain level because i had no pain at al.
No purple or blue breasts nothing or agressive usage at all!

But even though I now have ruined breasts they look like man boobs and i have extreme big inner nipple and outsides are very puffy.
BUT that's not the worst problem.. I have serious health issues and i dont know if i will make it.
I am a young woman in the prime of my life. But my life is now filled with nerve pains bad blood circulation numb toes sleeping arms and all other kind of horrible maybe life tthreatening experiences.


I saw Lucy had some implants herself. So dont buy her marketing story's.
She just a bitch and she is getting away with this way too long.. Maybe i one day become a terrorist if my life does not improve..
She nothing but a dirty hustler, ruining the breasts of European women.

Everybody with health problems of the NB, come together here we might be able to pluck the chicken. If you now what i mean.

Said in previous posts: ''what goes around comes around''
I am referring to the director/ the nasty marketeer of NB.

I definitely believe there is truth to this. I have asymmetrical breasts and because of that have had to noogle my smaller breast alone often. At the beginning I would noogle for too long (not the pump and hold for 1 min. then release) I would hold for like 10-15 minutes. Sometimes I would lose all sensation in my arm and sometimes leg. I at first did not connect the two and it sincerely freaked me out. It took me awhile to realize that it was from holding too long. I thought I had a very serious health problem too.

So that is why I started my method of pumping for a couple minutes, then releasing and massaging then starting up again. I now have no problems and have big, plump boobs. No way is it just loose skin or false swelling because I take breaks all the time. You can feel a ton of tissue in there. They feel great.

Probably trapped a nerve!

Yea i could be a nerve.. but it could also be a vein i think.
That's what really freaks me out.
I think its a vein because i also have muscle cramps.. I think my muscles are cramping because of bad/reduced blood flow. And because my legs and feet are like pale white and i used to have a natural tan of myself.
Also, bruises that just wont go away. I have bruises from over 4 months old on my legs..
I also got acne on my jaws and shoulders which i never had plus i dont have the age to get acne.
I am so scared and afraid i dont dear to see a doctor and tell him this embarrising breast pump story.
Does anyone have solutions? Did anyone had this trouble and went too see a doctor?
I have like tons of problems so many that i cant even write them all down here. I will write them if someone has the need for it. But i seem to be the only one at the forum who talks about this problems. Thats why i so badly want contact with Sara and Teeny Tiny.

And at Jennifer: I did not got that signal during pumping. My problems occured months after usage..

And at Beckie please dont demonize people like you did in that dr Phil post.. you dont know me and you cant say such things like borderline and stuff. Really weird, please argue with things that matter because i really have the need to that.
I want to come to a solution to get back my life so i can take care of things again. Instead of being tired and sick all the time.
Especially since my posts are valuable for you since after reading this you decided to change your NB routine. Be thankful to me instead of pointing with your dr Phil finger to me..
Guess you dont know what it is to have a serious problem.

Oh I also read somebody else about having a weird body smell. I have that too since this NB.. Maybe its tissue death..?
I have skin problems that reach the sky since NB.

I really don't think that can be due to noogleberry, the only way you'd lose blood flow would be if you ruptured/trapped and artery, and if you did that...well, you'd die almost straight away. I remember bruising a nerve in my elbow once though and it did make my hand feel strangely cold and different in colour, so maybe it's that - in which case, it'll go away in a few weeks. The skin problems could possibly be due to increased prolactin with noogleberry? which again would subside soon after stopping using it. and it's a long shot. I really don't see much of a reason that putting your breast under suction would cause such problems. To be honest, most of your problems are probably caused by stress by worrying about this - in which case, you should go to the doctors to get help for anxiety and make sure you have no other underlying problems causing this.

pff I just don't know it anymore i have this problems for 15 months.. the first 6 i could deal with the pains but its getting worse and worse to a point its ruining my life. Lost my job, and my relationship is getting ruined by it. I even have pain with the sex, i feel veins clopping like boom boom in my vagina. It is so awful. I cry while writing this down. At night I wake up and go sit straight with my hands in my hair, thinking where my life has gone. I know i have to see a doctor, but what can i say? I mean i know my doctor and she's gonna laugh out loud when i tell about this pump. Maybe she will make jokes about it. And then in the hospital the doctors might do the same.. I mean i can go play dummy and make up some kind of story which will make them research my breasts but eh.. I am a control freak i want to know before i go there what i can expect you know..
How much money will this cost me i am so hopeless and scared that Í just cant seem to go there, I have my pride.

Wizziness did you used the NBE system too?
I've been searching info about what happens if a vein ruptures..
Your body will fix it with blood clogs but if the artery wall is not egally '' blood clogged fixed'' you get relief in your vein which disturbs blood flow and can even block an entire vein. Your body will then find new paths which can ultimately lead to maldeformation..
Plus this vein will always be a weak spot..

I wonder if this is my problem and if so what the solution will be..
I'm just so scared to die..I'm just running in circles and not coming out of this while my life is getting ruined.Its just unrealistic but i am not in a nightmare this is reality..

* What i tried to do myself: I've been taking all kind of supplements not at the same time so it want harm my system. I take/took:
-High vitamin supplemnts which cost me hundreds of euros but alright its to safe my life(take this daily)
-Fish oil supplements
-Creatin supplements
-protein shakes

And very healthy food like mango's, walnuts, bananas, paprika, orange juice good meat plenty of water so dont smell like ''pussy'' anymore. You might be wondering why i write pussy but my body really seems to smell like that..very weird.

I also did infra red radiation, which really seemed to relieve all of my complains. But there is a very big con thats why i quit it, you get hairy out of it not only your hair becomes super long in no time. You also get hairy at places you've never been hairy like your butt. So not an option anymore.
But since IR-radiation is good for your blood flow i really think i have a vein problem..

If you haven't had one this year or past,
Have a full body exam. Ignorantly explain the symptoms you have been having as if you have no idea why.
Let the doctors use their PhD education to figure it out without bias. Once they have tried everything with no avail,
Then and only then explain the tissue expansion you have attempted. This way, you dont look paranoid and they won't make jokes. If you are worried for your reason to use the pump, tell them you were considering aft fat grafts as an alternative to implants and read that the fats survival rate increases by using it. This will show that you are educated in making decisions , making this a scientific statement rather than one based in perceived insecurity (I don't think you are insecure, I'm just 'covering your bases')
The smell issue is a cause for concern that may not be related at all to nb. That sounds to me like you may have had a dormant bacterial infection that has become active and is affecting multiple organs / regions.
This happened to me recently. (Random unexplained issues that an even more random routine exam discovered) they gave me antibiotics and I've been fine since.
I hope that this advice helps you.
Keep us posted. With an open mind, you will find support.

(20-09-2014, 15:38)Beckiee Wrote:  Hannah,
If you haven't had one this year or past,
Have a full body exam. Ignorantly explain the symptoms you have been having as if you have no idea why.
Let the doctors use their PhD education to figure it out without bias. Once they have tried everything with no avail,
Then and only then explain the tissue expansion you have attempted. This way, you dont look paranoid and they won't make jokes. If you are worried for your reason to use the pump, tell them you were considering aft fat grafts as an alternative to implants and read that the fats survival rate increases by using it. This will show that you are educated in making decisions , making this a scientific statement rather than one based in perceived insecurity (I don't think you are insecure, I'm just 'covering your bases')
The smell issue is a cause for concern that may not be related at all to nb. That sounds to me like you may have had a dormant bacterial infection that has become active and is affecting multiple organs / regions.
This happened to me recently. (Random unexplained issues that an even more random routine exam discovered) they gave me antibiotics and I've been fine since.
I hope that this advice helps you.
Keep us posted. With an open mind, you will find support.

yes i do use NB, have had no problems but don't use it heavily.

I agree with this. doctors probably won't laugh but they may not take you seriously if you try and self-diagnose. they've seen it all before so don't worry about eventually telling them about pumping (i know, easier said than done).

If your body smells funny it could also be a kidney problem, so defo get that seen to.

Beckie and isobasic

Thanks a lot for the help and support, so sweet.
I come back here when I went to the doctor. Hope this will clarify everything.Which will probably take me a while to get the courage together.
Since people seem to know a lot about supplements out here, do you know anything for damaged veins, for if this is the case. And something for stretched skin..?
Get back here tomorrow to find out if the things you say might be my problem. Will do researsch on that and give better answer as i have the time tomorrow..

I would take MSM for both issues, since it works to enhance and maintain the integrity of connective tissue and collagen. Veins are comprised of a thick outer layer of connective tissue, middle layer of smooth muscle, and endothelial tissue. Taking MSM would also help with stretched skin. You can also look at collagen supplements, or eat good old fashioned high collagen meals.

Is MSM a herbal thing? And is it permanent?
Because I've been on fenugreek(for other goals) and the results of this where great but temporarily..

Oh and if you take collagen supps dont you increase the risk of blood cloggs?(if you know)
Because i feel weird bubbly feelings in my veins at different places in my body.

My understanding of MSM is that it contributes towards cell regeneration. What gains you receive will remain, but once you stop, cell regeneration will depend on the quality of your dietary intake. Essentially you are what you eat.

I'm not aware of collagen supplements increasing the risk for blood clots. If anything it should strengthen the inner walls of the veins if they are weakened for any reason. If you have any concerns of embolisms or thrombosis, speak with your doctor. I haven't hears of anything regarding bubbling in veins before unless it is to do with embolisms or clots, the symptoms of which are accompanied by sharp pain and swelling. And if you are worried about clots, contact your doctor immediately with your concerns. This may be the result of a hereditary problem.

I should mention that we all have our personal health issues. I too occasionally experience bubbling sensations through my body at times. These are muscles spasms, and then I also get the occasional cramp. The human body is not without its flaws.

Once again, I must reiterate that you should go and visit a medical doctor about your health complaints. Hereditary issues arise at any age and for your peace of mind as well as overall all well being, go get checked out by a physician. Self diagnosis and uninformed self treatments can make your health worse, or aggregate a pre-existing condition.

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