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Siriporn Journey


Aww you are lucky sunnydayz; do not have to cycle it. I have been experiencing aches today (have been on PM for 3 days out of the 14 for this cycle). This is my second cycle. I will be measuring three days after the last day of my period; that will mark the first 2 cycles on PM Big Grin For this cycle, I am taking two PM pills a day; one at AM and one at PM. I am taking them with dairy milk since I read that soy milk is not recommended while on PM. Soy has a weak estrogen-like effect on the body, when taking it with the strong estronic effect of PM, it competes with it for the receptors. Having these two substances compete with one another, affects the effectiveness of PM. SO...cow milk it is Wink

My period is supposed to start this coming Friday but we shall see what happens since I decided not to cycle. I have noticed that I seem very emotional this last week. Not sure if that's all the extra estrogen from the PM? This is my first month on it.

I did read about the soy milk but it seems like a lot of people on here are still using it. I still use it but I'm not a big milk drinker so I'm probably having less than a cup four times a week or so in my protein drink.

sunnydayz: Well, I would not be surprised if it is the PM causing that emotional distress. How many days do you have taking it?

PM and Maca question:
I am aware that these two herbs taken together can enhance the effectiveness of PM. However, can I take them together at the same time? Like, swallow them together. Huh

I have been using PM for 24 days straight because I'm not cycling.


Are you on birth control?

If you are not, are your cycles regular without cycling? I am looking into not cycling, so I am curious how it works out for the women who don't cycle!

Hi Notsobusty,

No, I'm not on birth control. I had my tubes tied many, many years ago.

Since this is my first month on PM I will let you know if/when my period shows up. It's supposed to start this Friday.

Something to note, though, is that I haven't had regular periods for the last two years. For months I may only get one every other month, then for the rest of the year I will be right on schedule. Last year this time I didn't have a period from Feb until May, then the rest of the year I was on schedule.

That was my reason for not cycling. If I would've been having regular periods I would've cycled so not to screw with my body chemistry.

The last two cycles, prior to starting PM, were 7 weeks and 5 weeks.

I guess I'm trying to say that if my period doesn't come on time I can't say that it has anything to do with the PM, but will let you know.

I am at about the last day of my period for this month. I just wanted to let you all know that I have not experienced any negative side effects while taking PM on my period. I did seem to get cramps when I peed during the first two days of my period, they felt like little pinches, but have not experienced that since then. I did see a heavier period but that could be due to me not taking enough FG, WY, and SP as I used to before my period; I also have an IUD. Initially having periods of usually 7 days long with heavy bleeding, five days with slight heavy bleeding is not bad at all Wink Liking this PM routine. Might bring down the dose from 2 pills a day to 1 pill a day when I hit day 12. I have decided to take PM for 13 days on this cycle; last cycle was 12 days long. I have 4 days out of the 13 and am experiencing aches. I feel great too, no really bad headaches like I usually experience on my period (headaches that last the whole day without taking anything to stop them). I had a little headache during the beginning of the cycle, but it did not last long and it occurred only once.

Dear Sunnydaz

That is a bad bad idea! I have used Siriporn capsules for a long time.
They are very a script. The right way to do this is to take
2 caps........if you have not had period for a while fine...but you might want to start when your period typically appeared. If your period was all over the place simply start taking 2 pills a day for 15 days and stop! The following month do the same thing until your period starts....after this start the ist day of your period for 15 days. The directions are on the bottle. siriporn.

This is important: if you do it your way one of two thing will happen. You period may come back for a short time then go away again or it will not reappear.

The reason being is the following if you take 2 caps /day all through the month may be too much for you because you are still pre-menopausal.
This stuff is potent if this is too much for you it can act like birth control and you will not have periods. Trust me on this I am speaking from experience. The reason the label says do not use with prescription birth control is that the scrip are designed for that purpose ...maybe 95 per cent effective. Pueraria Mirifica may be 80 per cent effective or 85 per cent or no one knows the right does to make it effective. So the thinking it can dilute a script. Pueraia Mirifica has been studied in dogs at high does it was 100 per cent effective. I also contacted Siripon. Once your period comes back and is regular you can slowly ramp up. If your prementrual I would encouage you to follow their directions you will be far better off. Because of your age you can be extra-sensitive to these caps.

good luck



Hi Jennifer5519pm,

Do you think it really matters if my period shows up or not? Sometimes I don't get it for months at a time as it is. I am 44.

I'm sure that I've seen other people on here who don't cycle. I think they just break for a month after 3 months.

Hmmm. Now you have me thinking


People who do not cycle seem to be the ones that do not have periods. They do not cycle because they do not see a need to; this is because PM affects one's cycle.

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