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[RESULTS of taking PM all cycle on Birth Control]


Hey ladies! Remember that thread I made hereasking if cycling was necessary if you take birth control?

Well I decided to test it out by taking PM all cycle except stopping 2-3 before the week of my placebo pills began.

I posted an update this past Tuesday announcing that I am expecting my period this week and it should come on either Thursday or Friday.

Well now it's Thursday and... *drumroll*


So from this test run, I have learned that so long as you are on birth control,
  • You can take PM all cycle because you will not ovulate. You not ovulating will not delay anything and you will menstruate right on time thanks to your birth control regulating everything.
  • I have also learned that PM does not interfere with your birth control, as me not being pregnant after my partner and I making love and the fact that I menstruated right on time has proven.

This has been a lovely bump-free test run! My boobs are looking and feeling great, they are slowly growing bigger along with the help of the noogleberry, and whew, I just can't help but smile~!

Now.. time to do a milk thistle cleanse!! Tongue

WOOOT!!!!!Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

That's AWESOME!!!! What bc pills are you on? I'm on Apri Tongue. I wish I knew these results a long time ago lol, I'm going to start UB on Saturday...I guess if I do want to switch, I can. So if I wanted to go from UB to PM, how long/what would I need to cleanse with?

This may be the case for you. But it has affected others menstruation. I think it was also noted in the Japanese university study.

From my wife's experience. If she took it for 3 weeks straight. There was no delay. However it was delayed if she took it for the whole month.


True, true! This information isn't written in stone considering I'm the only current subject in this test!

Maybe the three week cycle is the key to extending dosage without delaying while on the pill. I did take PM most of the month but since I stopped for the placebo week, I guess I did take it for nearly three weeks straight.

I am currently taking Ocella birth control pills.

I hope this isn't only a case of me being lucky! If anyone does do this, I'd recommend stopping PM for the placebo week to let the body's estrogen levels naturally decrease! I decided I wasn't going to take PM in the placebo week just to prevent any possible interference.

EDIT: And I also still recommend using a secondary method of prevention and protection when engaging in intercourse! Nothing wrong with being safe. Big Grin

Thank you for trying this out! Big Grin
I want to add that I tried it to! Andddd I'm also not pregnant and I have my period! Big Grin So yay!
I also think it's a good idea using a secondary method of prevention, I did that! so thats imported to know for you all!
But I have seen grow with the PM and I'm just on it for a month sooo yeah Smile

I've been doing the 3 weeks straight of pm and then switching to fenugreek during my inactive pills for awhile and so far so good. I feel like PM makes me a lil moody at times but that's it. Ive been on PM for about 4 or 5 months and I haven't missed a period yet.

If you can take something that will increase progesterone in that week. It would be beneficial. As it would increase estrogen sensitivity for the next pm cycle.

I wish I could practice that in Australia but PC cream is illegal without doctors prescription. Trying chasteberry atm.

WOOHOO! Thank you so much for your input!! I'm so glad others have been doing this method, it makes me feel a lot more secure about it all!

hello lady FlashSmile
thanks for sharing the experiment with PM, i'm also on BC and consider using PM in my 2nd or 3rd cycle(but haven't started NBE just yet). First i want to prepare my body with milk thistle, which i would like to know what do you recommend as a daily dose?

there's a really cheap one on iherbs (it´s 4,96$): 21st Century Health Care, Milk Thistle Extract, 60 Veggie Caps which has per serving 175mg, and each serving consists of 2 tablets

I'm so happy to have found this post! I've recently decided to give NBE another go, and am on Sprintec (generic for Ortho Cyclen) and will be taking PM (Ainterol). I was just wondering how many mgs those of you who are following this program are taking daily? I know what's recommended, but I wasn't sure if you've altered the amount because you're also on BCPs? Also are you taking anything different during the time that you stop taking PM shortly before and during your period? I see that jiberish recommended taking something that could increase progesterone, but I'm on an estrogen+progesterone pill so I don't know if that's necessary or not?

Thanks so much and happy growing to you!

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